Fallen Angel - Loki

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A/N: Hello! I had the sudden urge to write a oneshot again. Yes, this is not a Moon Knight oneshot... but I had no where to put it so I decided here would be alright. I've been going through a shit ton recently so no, I will not be making much more yet. I hope you all enjoy this little bit I wrote!


People only ever see one side of the story. The side that only shows the monster and all the pain he's caused. But no one is ever truly a monster, because for someone... that monster is an angel. An angel full of love, happiness, and grace. We normally call them fallen angels, the ones who turned to the wrong side. Yet every so often, you'll hear the story of a girl who fell in love with a fallen angel.

That is where this story leads us, the girl who fell in love with the person who never could be loved.

Hundreds of years ago, on another planet within another universe, there was a prince. Usually forgotten as his brother was more popular, more outgoing and loud. Every girl in the land wanted the boastful brother... except for one. Now to most of the kingdom, the forgotten brother was a burden to the royal family. He was always with his nose stuck in a book, never quite caring for loud parties or gatherings. He never had any friends, never had anyone to turn to.

Until he met her.

She was unlike the rest, it was nothing that could just be pointed out by anyone. But to the forgotten prince, she was different than anyone he had ever seen. Wherever she went an ethereal glow followed. Her hair fell in chocolate curls that touched her waist, eyes the color of the deep unknown ocean, and bronzed skin that was touched by the sun itself. And her title? The goddess of true purity.

It was ironic really... the god of lies being head over heels for the goddess of purity. No one would ever assume them as a pair, but it just worked. As the two got closer and closer, the kingdom was finally starting to pay more attention to the forgotten prince. His ways of shutting people out were starting to disappear. Opposed to his boastful brother, the god of lies was starting to be considered for the throne. He had himself a soulmate who made him a better person, more rational and less moody. Everyone started to assume he would make a fine king, and her a fine queen.

They had gotten married after five years of courting. Living a very happy and small life until they would be rushed into taking the throne once the time came. Yes, there were many times where the now not so forgotten prince's brother was jealous. Many others would be jealous too if their younger sibling had figured out their lives first, but he was also very happy for his brother. He had to be honest to himself, he was a warrior... not one for sitting in a court setting all day long. The god of thunder soon came to agreement with the fact that his younger brother would be the one to take the throne.

This didn't mean that the god of lies had everything figured out for himself either. His title alone worried him, who would want a god of lies sitting on the throne of the most powerful kingdom in the nine realms? Every time he had one of these thoughts, though, his wife was there to reassure him. Being around him alone just brought him comfort.

Four years later and the goddess of true purity had given birth to two baby boys. Their family was complete, living in a cottage in the forest rather than the golden castle. Truth be told, they never wanted to be incharge of the kingdom... They wanted a quiet life. A life that held only what would fill their home with laughter and love.

But no matter how hard we try, we can never get everything we want.

The very day the god of lies and the goddess of purity were to ascend to their thrones, an accident struck. On their way to the palace from their cottage in the woods, the family of four was attacked by frost giants. The giants only attacked because they wanted the twin sons as the heirs to their throne. Half jotun through their father, the god of lies, they would've made fine royalty for the frost giants. Only the god of lies would survive that tragic day.

Not a single soul in the kingdom was not devastated at the loss of their soon to be queen and princes, worst of all the god of lies. He would never be the same since that day. Forever out seeking revenge, but revenge won't bring back what he lost.

After many years, there would not be a single being who had any memory of the past god of lies. They only knew the monster they now saw, the monster mothers would tell their children about so they would behave. The goddess of true purity was long forgotten, just as the quiet prince once was. There were days where the god of lies wished he would never have been remembered, but if he had never been remembered then would he have ever been loved? It is a great price to pay, to be hated by everyone just to be loved by one.

No one will ever understand why the god of lies became a monster, why he's done all the horrible things he's done... but that is just because they only ever see one side of the story.

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