You Need It More Than I Do - Marc Spector

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Pairing: Marc Spector x Reader (Jake and Steven are probably going to be in this as well but Marc is the main one in here)

Requested by: oliver-reed

Description: The bus stop is one of the only places where Y/n can find relaxation... funny enough. The same time, every night, after her shift at the office, she goes to the bus stop. Waits about 10-15 minutes then goes home and cooks dinner for herself. Tonight was different though. It was raining... which isn't the unusual part but what made it worse was that she forgot an umbrella. Not only that... but the bus was 10 minutes late. So now she was standing in the rain, in her pantsuit desperately trying to wipe the drops off of her glasses. After a while, she notices someone next to her... Marc Spector. Y/n has seen him there almost everyday and thought he was quite cute. They've talked before but she's always been a nervous mess... who knows though, maybe tonight would be different.


"Stupid glasses..." Y/n mumbled as she wiped the droplets off of her glasses for what seemed like the 50th time tonight.

"You alright there?" A gravelly voice asked from beside her.

It was Marc Spector.

She hadn't seen him around the bus stop for a while... they had talked on multiple occasions before but she has always ended up a mess. Ok so she had a slight crush on him...

"Y-yeah! I'm fine... totally ok." She silently cursed at herself for stuttering.

"That's good... How have you been?" Marc asked the woman.

"I've been alright!" Y/n responded, looking over at Marc, "What about you? Haven't seen you here in awhile."

"Eh, I've been better... Just got back from a trip to Egypt, Steven really wanted to go and I've been there before so I just decided to take us there for a week." He explained.

Y/n knew about Marc having DID, she was actually very fond of Steven and had met him multiple times. There was another alter too, Jake... she's only met him once. We'll just say he was... interesting.

"That's nice, I assume Steven was overjoyed to go to Egypt?" Y/n asked out of curiosity.

"Oh he was ecstatic. Wouldn't stop going on about Ancient Egypt..." Marc rolled his eyes slightly.

She laughed softly and a moment of silence fell over them. Y/n shivered and Marc noted that.

He took off his jacket and handed it to her, "Here, you need it more than I do."

"Really? Are you sure?" Y/n asked, not wanting him to be cold.

"Yes... just take it." He chuckled and noticed that slight blush on her face.

"The buses seem to be running a bit late huh?" She observed.

"Yeah, might be because of the rain." Marc explained.

"Oh that makes sense," Y/n adjusted the tote bag on her shoulder and laughed at herself a bit, "I'm a bit stupid at times."

"Don't say that... you're a very smart woman." He complimented.

"T-thank you..." She blushed harder.

Marc smirked at himself, he found Y/n very attractive and liked the effect he had on her. It was no secret that his two other alters also found her attractive, Steven was always too shy to make a move and Jake had only ever met her once. That's why today he decided to leave something in the pocket of his jacket for her.

Finally, Marc's bus had made it to the stop. The pair had made conversation while they were waiting for their buses. Y/n had become a complete blushing mess throughout the time.

"Well my bus is here..." Marc said as he grabbed his things, "Nice seeing you again Y/n."

"You too..." She replied as Marc boarded the bus.

"Wait your!... jacket..." It was too late, the bus had already started driving away.

Y/n was in distraught as she tried to find a way to let Marc know she still had his jacket. She put her hands in the pockets and found a small piece of paper in one.

'3072596002,   Call me and we can go get coffee together sometime...'

Is what the sliver of paper read.

Y/n was overjoyed as a smile appeared on her face.

Eventually, her bus showed up and she got dropped off at her stop. When she entered her apartment she took off her shoes and set down her things.

She put the jacket on the coat rack and got her phone out to call Marc.

"Hi! Marc, It's Y/n... I saw the piece of paper... I'd love to go get coffee sometime... Yeah tomorrow works!..." 

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