You Are Our Only Hope Pt.2 - Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley

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Pairing: Steven / Marc / Jake x Reader 

Description: Y/n is the avatar of Artemis and has been for 8 years now. She has grown a good connection with the goddess and they have a good relationship, which is... odd to say the least for an avatar and their god. Since Y/n's time being an avatar, she's gained some of the same mindsets, personality traits, and skill sets as Artemis that seem to come in handy quite a bit. Artemis had asked Y/n to go to London, apparently there was another avatar there, one to an Egyptian god. Steven Grant and Marc Spector seem to have things under control for now... but what if a third, more violent alter decided to show up after Y/n had finally found them? Y/n needs help with a little situation involving Zeus' avatar. He wants to kill all of the other avatars around the world and gain their power. 


"We need you though! If you don't help all of the avatars, including us, will die. He will take our power and all of humanity will be doomed." Y/n yelled at the man.

"I suggest you leave before Jake gets mad." Marc said sternly.

"You are our only hope."

Marc just stared at Y/n. He didn't want to drag Steven into another situation like the one with Ammit. 

"I've already lost my sister and my best friend to him... I can't lose anymore people I care about." She had a few tears in her eyes, "He killed them before my eyes, he took their power. We were just trying to stop him before he could get to anyone else... Please, none of the other avatars I've talked to will help me."

"Marc... she could be telling the truth." Steven said to Marc through the mirror.

He felt sympathy for the woman, "...Alright, fine, where do we need to go?"


"So this guy... what's his name again?" Marc asked as the two of them walked through the streets of Greece.

"Clayton... Clayton L/n." Y/n said shamefully.

"Isn't that... you're last name." He stopped walking and looked at her confused.

"Yeah, it is. He's my younger brother." The woman looked at him, "My whole family kinda got trapped in the whole avatar thing. My sister was the avatar to Hermes, my mother was the avatar of Hera, and my father was the avatar of Apollo."

"Wow... That's a lot." Marc started with a sigh.

Y/n chuckled slightly as they continued walking, "Yup, and one of my best friends was the avatar of Athena. She was powerful, a real badass."

"Any other people I should know about?" Marc asked looking to Y/n.

"Oh, my friend Rowan who is the avatar of Hades but he's been missing for years. Artemis sent out to find Hades or Persephone so we could maybe get their avatars to help as well, but I don't know how that's working for her." She explained.

"Marc, hate to break it to ya but I think we are going to be the least useful here..." Steven mumbled through the reflection in a puddle. 

"So... are all of their avatars here in Greece?" Marc asked, ignoring Steven.

"Yeah, the gods like to stay local when it comes to avatars." Y/n responded, "Here we are!"

They finally stood in front of a small cottage with sheep outside of it.

"What's this?" He asked pointing towards the small building.

"My safehouse and where Rowan is supposed to meet us." Y/n said as she walked to the door.

They walked inside and Y/n took off her shoes, "Take your shoes off, you're not tracking in footprints."

Marc rolled his eyes but did it anyway.

"Now, may I speak to Jake for a moment. It's a private conversation and all the mirrors are covered anyways so you and Steven won't be able to see or hear it." Y/n explained walking to the small kitchen to make two cups of coffee.

"...Sure, but he's dangerous so be careful." Marc warned.

"Oh, I'm sure he won't hurt me." She smiled to herself.

"Finally..." Jake groaned blinking slowly, taking in his surroundings, "Hey hun."

Jake walked over to Y/n and hugged her from behind, putting his face in her neck.

"Hello my love."

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