Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy Part 3 - Steven Grant

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loves! Lxvenderwrites just wrote part 3 to "everybody wants to be my enemy"!


Woah - part 3

Y/n closed her suitcase and opened her phone once again, dialing Stephen's number into the keypad. It rang for a few minutes, then a groggy voice spoke from the other side.


"Oh thank god," Y/n sighed, "Stephen I need your help. Like now."

"Um... I'm sorry but do you realize it's 7 am where I am? I woke up early to answer this call. Huh? She texted you didn't she." He was talking to his wife, Lavender, and as you know, Y/n's best friend.

"Yes, I know I'm sorry, but it's about Steven. I know how to bring him back." There was a long pause, the two (Well, three) seemed to be holding their breath.

"You what?" Lavender's faint voice answered from the other side of the line.

"I have an idea, but I need to come to New York and talk with you guys at the Sanctum." Y/n sounded near-desperate by now.

"Ok fine...be here by twelve, me and Lavender are going back to bed."

"Thank you so much!" Y/n hung up and threw on a pair of jeans and her favorite hoodie. She grabbed her travel mug and keys and headed out the door.

As the saying goes, better three hours too soon than a minute too late.  

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