You're Too Stressed, Love - Marc Spector

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Pairing: Marc Spector x Reader

Requested by: dedicatedfanperson

Short description: Marc has been very stressed out lately... between Khonshu and Steven both wanting different things at the same time. Y/n decided that it would be a good idea to help him destress and pamper him.


Marc pushed the door closed with his foot as he walked through the front door, locking it as well. He groaned in frustration... he just wanted to have no problems in the world right now... and cuddle his girlfriend.

"You're home!" Y/n shouted as she ran out from the kitchen, "I made some cookies if you want some."

"He chuckled at her enthusiasm as the shared a hug and a quick kiss, "Those sound amazing right now."

"What's the matter? You seem out of it." Y/n observed... she knew when her boyfriend wasn't feeling his best.

"Nothing... just a lot going on with Khonshu and Steven both trying to talk to me at the same time, that's all." Marc rubbed his temples.

"You're too stressed, love." She explained, "How about you get some cookies then meet me in the bathroom in... 10 minutes?"

"Alright, babe..." He laughed softly.


10 minutes had passes and Marc walked into their master bathroom. There were facemasks, face rollers, and just skin care galore covering the counters.

"Woah... what's all this for?" Marc asked as he looked at his girlfriend.

"I'm going to pamper you!" She exclaimed.

Marc laughed a little, "Alright darling... whatever you say..."

"Yay! Ok... wash your face with water real quick them we'll start." Y/n ordered.

Marc rinsed his face off real quick and started rubbing the towel on his face.

"No, no, no! We pat! No rubbing, thats bad!" She yelled at him.

"Alright, alright..." Marc chuckled.

"You think he'd listen to the bloody woman after she told him this 50 times..." Steven scoffed at Marc.

"Shut up, Steven." Marc looked into the mirror.

"Hey, be nice." Y/n told him as he continued to stare into the mirror, "Marc."

"Fine." He finally put his attention back on Y/n, "What next?"

"Facemasks!" She exclaimed as she sat down on the counter.

"Stand between my legs..." She said innocently.

"Oh we've been in this position many times before..." Marc chukled.

"Marc! Get your head out of the gutter!" She yelled, "Now let's put this headband on you to get your hair out of the way." 

Marc laughed even louder but put the headband on, "There..."

"Ok, which facemask do you want to do?" Y/n asked.

"That one." Marc pointed to the peel off charcoal face mask... the painful one, "It looks cool."

Of course Y/n wasn't going to tell him it was the one that made you feel like you were peeling off your own skin... she'd let him figure that out by himself.

"It's cold..." He remarked as Y/n started putting the mask on him.


The mask had finally finished drying so they moved back into the bathroom to peel it off. Y/n, being the smart one, didn't put on a facemask... just so she could witness all of Marc's pain.

"Ok start peeling it off." Y/n told him.

"Ow! It hurts!" Marc yelped when he tried to peel it off.

Y/n just laughed wickedly, "I thought you knew that was the painful one!"

"How would I know?!?!" Marc yelled playfully.

"I don't know!"

"Now what?"

"I guess you're stuck in the face mask forever, Spector."

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