Another Reality - Marc Spector

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a little a/n:
hi my darlings! it's been a while... i'm not officially back yet but i came up with this one shot and really wanted to post it, so here it is! i am planning some things currently. i may continue this book or i might just start an avatar book, let me know which one you guys would prefer!


Pairing: MarcxReader

Short Description: Y/n and Marc have been married for a while, but she is starting to realize that he's not really the man she fell in love with.


"I can't keep doing this..." The torn woman mumbled as she walked a few steps away.

The man behind her sighed, "You can't keep doing what?"

"This! Us! I can't take it anymore Marc!" She broke down, her walls slowly crumbling as she cried to her husband, "I can't pretend to be happy when I'm really dying inside."

"You're really going to throw away everything we've been through after one argument? I mean come on Y/n, it wasn't that serious." Marc yelled at the woman he thought he adored so dearly.

"It's not just that Marc. Everytime I think we're happy again you go off and do something so unbelievably stupid!" The wind started to pick up around the couple as Y/n continued to cry.

"Oh like you have never made a single mistake in your entire life! Remember that time in Spain? Where you had to do you little magic thing to find that gang? Yeah you ruined that didn't you, almost got us killed!" He brought up.

"You're not at all the man I married..." She said lowly as she sobbed, "You're not that man I fell in love with. I don't know who you are anymore."

Marc sighed once again, "Y/n..."

"No!" She interrupted him, letting out another cry, "How could you let me love you? How could I have been so naive to think it was a good idea to ever love you?"

The pair stayed silent, the leftovers of their previous battle burning around them. Marc stepped towards her while she took a step back, shaking her head.

And that's when they knew.

They could never truly love each other, it just wasn't in the cards for them. It was like they were a dying candle, no matter how hard the flame tried to stay alive... it will always go out in the end.

"I wish I could continue to love you, Marc Spector. I really do... but I can't." Y/n whispered to the man she used to love like it was the only thing she could ever do.

He started crying, longing for the woman that stood in front of him. As much as he wanted to go run over there and shower her with all the love he held in his heart... his feet just wouldn't move.

"Maybe in another reality we are happy... but not this one."

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