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So that was a morning bath. Both males had a quite private time in the showers, and believe it nothing happened other than kissing and leaning into each other's warmth.

Taehyun was now done with his robe and notice that beomgyu isn't done yet, and so he grab the older by the wait and tie it's robe gently.

"Just like before, I'm in charge of tying and untying this" Taehyun earned a small chuckle from the older and continue to secure that the robe is properly wrap around beomgyu's body.

next, he grab the towel on beomgyu's hands, spread it and pat it to the older's hair to dry.

" I can do that you know " Beomgyu protest but as his ears and neck are already tinted red from the feeling.

That's a lie Taehyun know. He knows that Beomgyu wants every single action or care he made. "I like doing this, and i should be the only one doing this hmm?" Taehyun lean for a peck and Beomgyu gladly accept.

"Of course, you're my only one" Beomgyu smiled as the room ambiance turns sweet and lovingly warm.

Soon the two excited the bathroom in robes, giggling and smiling at each other, until they saw a figure of a man leaning on the table with his warm morning caffeine.

"Good morning " Soobin greeted sipping the cup and visibly teasing raised eye brows. Beomgyu got quickly embarrassed and excuse himself off to dress.

"So.." Before even Soobin could start a conversation, Taehyun immediately cut him off
"Oh shut up hyung we just went to shower"

Soobin laugh and just continue on his coffee "And few snogs in each other's faces"

Then Soobin choke out the coffee from his mouth, as he didn't expect that choice of word came from his brother's lips.

"oh god that hurts my throat" Soobin complain and push his brother away to also get dressed.

slowly, Taehyun walked back to his room, and found beomgyu standing on the middle of the window, "Can you help me?"

Taehyun smile and starts to roam his hands on Beomgyu's waist. Beomgyu also smile on the warmth and feel delicate fingers place on his outfit's zipper.

Gently, Taehyun zips it up and whisper beautiful things in Beomgyu's ear " Aren't you tired of loving me hyun? "

Taehyun finish zipping up Beomgyu's outfit  and slowly spin him enable for their eyes to meet. " I will never get tired of loving you, only you"

their lips was connected once again, and it feels like the world is finally giving their rightful fate. Taehyun was beyond happy, after all sleepless nights of longings finally the only person who'd he wanted to sleep and wake up with is already on his arms.

Beomgyu on the other hand, felt so delighted. All of his life, he had been waiting for a purpose, and gladly Taehyun show him that. They maybe just starting to build their relationship but god knows how much he wanted to be with Taehyun.

Fate given up for once and let the love to fill in, but there's still a possibility of chaos. They're aware of it, Not now but soon for sure, their lives will be full of sorrows and pain one again, doubled of the smiles and kisses they create.

connected once again, for one reason. Both has far to go.

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