A little secret

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It's so soft...I wish I could just lay here forever...
„Mmmm...five more minutes please..."
„At least you're conscious again."
What does she mean? Conscious? I opened my eyes a bit and adjusted them to the surroundings. It looks like a hospital room, but the difference is that I lie on a couch and not a bed. I looked to my arm and my memories came back. Right Moon did this...wait.
„Are the Upgrades finished?! Did the blood came off?! I-is Sunny alright or Moon?!"
„Slow down! You just woke up after a while."
„...How much is a while? My stomach says it's a lot."
„You nearly slept a whole day through."
„Is...is Sunny mad?"

Julia looked at me and flipped her finger against my forehead.
„Stupid question. He was in so much panic and worry after finding you stitched up and unconscious."
„Oh...so hiding it is out of question."
„I'm still surprised you survived that! And even more that Moon out of everyone helped you."
I run my hand over the bandage and hold my stomach.
„We don't have soup or anything in the Pizzaplex?"
„I can make you one. Let me just tell Sun real quick that you are awake again."
„But isn't the daycare open?"
„It's already closing time."
She went out of the room and left me alone, but only for a minute or two.

Sunny stormed in and immediately hugged me, but carefully, to make sure not to get in contact with my injury.
„Sunny it's fine! I knew the risk. I'm sorry I couldn't be by your side when you were finished."
„...fine...can I see your whole design before you crush me to death though?"
„Oh I'm so so sorry Y/N! Of course!"
I knew about the parts that cover his endoskeleton, but not his clothing. He had now star-stripped pants that were red and orange. His shoes were a slight yellow brown color with little bells on the end. He also has now a button down shirt with little suns and moons on it. The colors were orange and yellow, while his sleeves were red and puffy. On his wrists were still the red wristlets with the bells.

His facial expression changes also now, which is kinda weird to see after all this time we spent together. His eyes finally got colors and eyelids too!
„You look wonderful Sunny. There are no malfunctions or errors?"
„No! I'm tipedy top!"
His rays started spinning in a circle and I laughed a little. Glad he likes it so much.
„You won't...Quit, right?"
„Please! I-I'll be good! The lights will stay on! I promise! Please don't leave!"
„Sunny I won't quit."
„You won't?"
„Of course not. We are friends so why should I leave?"
I jumped out of bed when he started crying oil.

Of course my balance didn't do well and I was catchend by Sunny.
„Did I say something wrong?!"
„No! I'm just so happyyyy..."
And he started sobbing. I hugged him softly and patted his back.
„There there. Calm down big guy. Everything is fine."
„You treat me like a kid!"
„What? No! Of course not! Where did you get that idea?"
My sarcasm was stared down by Sunny. At least he stopped crying. He really is twice my height. I couldn't even reach his head when I tried jumping. It's unfair that he is so big. I sulked too and stretched my tongue out to him.

But when he also stretched out one, I gasped.
„You also got a tongue?"
„Why yes! Miss Rist gave me one so I can do funny faces with the kids!"
„Woah...how long is it?"
„I don't know? The furthest I came was my forehead."
„Why is everything just taller for you? I also want to be big."
He chuckled and lifted me carefully up.
„Better Sunshine?"
„Because you brighten up my mood!"
His head bumped into mine soft and still smiled so brightly. I however tried to calm down my stomach. I must be really hungry.

„I got your soup! Hope you...am I interrupting something?"
„Huh? Ah, No! Sunny just showed me how it is being tall- can you let me down again?"
„R-Right! Of course!"
Julia smirked at me, but I couldn't understand this gesture.
„Is the soup fantastic or why do you make that face?"
„I wish you just luck."
„For what???"
„Anyways, I have to go home now, my daughter keeps causing trouble to my man."
„Oh! Thank you for keeping an eye out. I should however go see a doctor, right?"
„Definitely. Please do that before work though. I don't know how much blood you lost, but it was a pain to wipe Sunny clean."

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now