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I couldn't even speak when we arrived in the security room. Moon sit at the chair and looked up to us. His worried face made me scared a bit.
„Tell them."
„...Sunny has...well there was burglar and as I caught him, the lights suddenly turn back on."
He looked angry to Eclipse, which looked to the side.
„Sunny saw him in his protocol as a threat and...killed him."
I gulped, looking puzzled to Eclipse.
„But he is...gone shouldn't the problem be gone now too?"
This gave me a little hope. A little flame, a believe that they don't have to get their memories set to the beginning again.
„ would erase a lot of trouble."
„Sun doesn't say anything back."

I walked to the light switch and turned it on, looking at Sunny. His eyes were looking to me, his grin widened. It isn't him.
„Y/N, don't give yourself hopes...turn off the lights again."
I did what he said, stopping Sunny from coming closer to me. Moon sighed and sat back down in the chair.
„Give me a warning next time."
„Sorry...I thought that now after this killer is gone..."
I couldn't look up in their pitiful faces. Why are they feeling bad for me? I'm not the one who suffers through this virus. I'm not the one who...won't remember anything anymore. It seems as if Eclipse red my thoughts and put a hand on my shoulder.
„Don't be so sad...everything is going to be okay."

Moon looked questioning to him and me back and forth.
„Why would you need to say that? Is there something we don't know yet?"
It didn't sounded as a question. It was statement. Yet I could t just look up to him and say that he is right. My heart couldn't take it.
„You don't need to know everything."
„I do if Y/N seems sad and it definitely has something to do with me or Sun. Why else would they avoid this question?"
„Maybe because you push them to much."
„Shut up. I don't need to hear it from someone who never cared about how others feel."
It seem to hurt Eclipse as he turned his hands into fists, trying not to get angry. And so did I.

I walked up to Moon and slapped him across the face. He red eyes were lighten up.
„You have NO RIGHT to say that! He CARES so much for the spirits, so much for your absurd jealousy and you toss him around as if he is a machine!"
„Don't 'Starlight' me Moon! Apologize to him or I will go."
He looked at me as if I was joking, but as he realized that I didn't, he walked past me and went out of the room. My hand still tingles as the metal probably hurt my hand more as it did to his face.
„You shouldn't fight with them on your last days..."
„I hope he will be more friendly after the reset at least."
„You don't mean that."

I sighed and rubbed my hand, looking up to Eclipse who smiled sad.
„Your right...I wish everything would be easier and not so much filled with problems..."
„Things will get easier after the virus disappears fully of their bodies."
„But so do their memories of me."
„ could make a memory card with their memories and show them?"
„Wouldn't that make them even more doubtful?"
„Would you rather want them to not remember you at all? To not have nothing with them you can remember?"
„...Can you watch the security room? I will try to find Moon and...apologize for slapping. Even though I was totally in the right-„
„Just Go."

Easier said than done. Somehow knowing that I'm alone now is scarier than the thought of a killer inside this Pizzaplex. Now everything seems more quiet than usual. Even the cleaning bots don't seem to make a noise...huh? Is there a person? I walked towards the stranger and noticed in the dimmed darkness that this person was a burglar. Was this person maybe the partner of the one who Sunny killed? I only got a taser...not sure if I have the advantage of this. I tapped on my wrist watch for Moon, but obviously he didn't answer. So I just wrote a quick Mail to his program that there is a second burglar. Hopefully he will read it...Just gotta put this person to sleep with my biggie! Maybe if I sneak enough they won't notice me so I can surprise attack them?

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now