Something unexpected

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„Sunshine! You have to wake up!"
I blinked tiredly and saw Sunny all happy and giddy in front of me.
„Yes! The children are coming soon! And you still have to change your clothing!"
„Alright, alright...huh?"
Next to me was a plate with fresh scrambled eggs and toast. It smells really delicious, but how did Sunny get this in one peace out of the kitchen? Since when DO we even have eggs in a pizzeria?
„Did you make this?"
„Chica was so kind to help me! Try it, try it!"
„Slow down! I just woke up haha."
This looks goes nothing! I put the fork in my mouth and immediately regretted it. This looks edible, but definitely isn't!!!

Sunny looked with so much happiness in his eyes that I couldn't help but to get this food down my throat. Chica needs tastebuds. With no doubt.
„Is it delicious?"
„As Long as you are happy I'm am too."
I don't want to lie to him, but telling him the truth is just as hurtful...aha! I stood up and kissed the crouched Sunny on the mouth.
„Thank you for the food."
His rays whirled like crazy and he run in a corner where he cowered down. Guess he is even more nervous as I could ever be.
„I'm gonna go change now, can you open the doors?"
Maybe that was to much for and Sun couldn't really talk about it yet.

We just ignored that little kiss and did our job. At least we tried. But every time we got to close or looking each other into the eyes for too long, embarrassment showed in our faces. Moon is way better at handling this...
„Y/N? Do you have a minute?"
„Julia! Sure, what's wrong?"
She looked to the children and back to me.
We walked outside and sat down at one of the tables. She never looks that serious.
„Is this about yesterday? It was you who told them, not me!"
„Well- that too, but no. Your uh...parents called in and asked for you."

My blood froze in my veins. For a moment I thought the time stood still, but Julia said more.
„They want you to come home or they would sue the Plex."
„But they can't do that! For what?!"
„Low paid job applicants, child kidnapping, search one."
„So...if I don't go back, all the others would get fired and decommissioned...?"
„Seems so...I know that you all don't have a happy history, but could you maybe...go back?"
I clenched my fists together and looked down. This should be easier to decide. Sunny and Moon would get decommissioned if I stayed, but going back to that...treatment is something I never want to relive again.

Maybe Chris could help defending! Speaking of...
„How did they even find out?"
„I don't know. What I know is that you and the boys get really close with each other. And that you surely had an interesting conversation."
„Don't change the topic yet. How much time do I have left?"
„The end of the week. Will you be-„
„It's fine. It can't be helped, heh...but I'm not sure if Sunny or Moon will let me go back."
„They really love you."
„Yes, it seems so...could you...maybe...?"
„Don't worry, I'll tell them on your lunch break."
„Thank you."
„No, thank you. For staying strong."
We both knew that after this week, nothing would be the same anymore.

Just when I took the children in and finished reading, Julia opened the daycare door.
„OHHOHO! Miss Rist is back so soon?!"
„Shhh! The kids Sunny!"
„Oh! I'm so so sorry!"
We closed the naptime and I looked uncomfortable to Julia. Hopefully they will take it in better than I did.
„Hey Sunny? I'll go to lunch."
„Uh? Don't you wanna talk with us together?"
„N-no! I'm sure she wants to talk to you both alone."
„Come Sunny! Let's talk in your fingerpaint corner. That's your favorite place right?"
„A-alright...enjoy your meal Y/N!"
„Yeah...see you later."

I feel so guilty...they will be so mad at me or extremely worried. I just hope he won't wake up the children. Or will storm out the Pizzaplex. I can't even bring myself to eat something. The Glamrocks were performing in front of me and other people. Singing, playing music, enjoying their life's...if I would be an animatronic, there wouldn't be a reason for the donkeys to want me back. Faking my death won't bring anything. It's not like we tried that already and it backfired just doesn't want to see me happy. This night will be a tough one...and the rest of the day. The rest of the week. Our embarrassed mood is now replaced with sorrow. Why can't it be different? After months of freedom I have to go back into this dark hole of hopelessness? There isn't even a guarantee that I can still work here...

I opened the daycare door slowly and saw Julia and Sunny still talking in the corner I left them. It was seeable that Sunny cried oil. Stains of the liquid were smeared all over his face. He looked in my direction and stood up. His mouth moved, but no words came out. Julia walked towards me and patted my shoulder.
„I told him the situation. He isn't calm yet, so try to be careful."
„I can see well-„
„Not good as you could tell. He was crying a few minutes ago."
She looked back to me one last time, before closing the door. Silence filled the daycare, no one wanted to talk. There isn't anything to talk about. The only answer lies directly in front of us. I walked towards Sunny and hugged him dearly.

His hands were piercing my back, probably leaving scratches. Both of us were crying in silent, not wanting to let the other know about the crying, even though we both noticed.
„Is there no other way...? I don't want you to go back...We don't want you to leave us alone..."
„I wish we had a choice...I wish I could stay, but all of you would get killed...I can't risk that..."
I hugged him stronger, my nails remind me of the limit they can grab on fabric. Life will never be fair...
„We can't stand seeing you injured again, not being able to help! We hate that! So SO much!"
„I'm sorry...there might a be chance we see each other still..."
He let go of me and looked panicked into my eyes.
„W-what do you mean?! You would come back right?! You wouldn't leave us- s-sunshine?"

I cried more and more, letting out quiet sobbing. This feeling...I imagined going back so many times in my head, but why does this hurt so much today? Because I finally were happy? Because I finally accepted love?
„I don't want to go home...I don't want to leave! I want to stay so much!"
„We can figure out something! Anything! We still got time to think! You don't have to leave!"
„I have to...for your sake and for the others...could we enjoy this last week of happiness...?"
„It won't be the last...we will not let that happen!"
„We will stay forever with you together! We promise! We won't leave your side!"

Even if that are just words of encouragement, I wanted to fully believe in it. Maybe there is another way out of this, we just have to find it! Just like Moons virus. If there is no way, we will make our own path.
„Moon also wants to speak out his mind. Can we...?"
„Yes, Let's go to into your room."
Sunny calmed down a bit, just like me. Right...we have options. We have choices. We are a trio. Nothing should break us apart, not even my parents threats.
„Lights off."
I closed my eyes for a while to see my surroundings faster. Moon also let a few oil drops fall down.
„They won't take you. And if we have to hide you somewhere, so be it."

I hugged Moon softly, which he replied. His fingers also clinched inside my back heavily and pain was moving all over my back.
„If these people dare to step a foot inside this daycare, I will-„
„No killing Moon! You would get decommissioned! We also don't know if that effects the virus!"
„They want to take you away from us! I'm not letting this happening. Letting you go back into this hell is way more hurtful than getting scrapped!"
I wanted to let go, but he was to strong to do something against it.
„I know you are angry! I am too! But you can't let the rage fill you up. Let's think like Sunny, okay? There is a way! There must be one..."
„And what if not? You are to important for us to let you go..."

I shivered, the pain numbing the places his fingers stir into my skin.
„Could you loosen your grip a bit? It starts to hurt really bad."
His fingers finally loosed on strength.
„I'm sorry...I'm just so afraid to loose you already..."
„You won't. There must be a way for us and we will find it. By the end of the week, we will be happy."
„I admire yours and Sunny's positive nature."
„No, Sunny encouraged me too. It's hard to believe into something so little, but that is our only choice we can make, to make it better."
I smiled in tears up to Moon, who couldn't get up a smile. Only the pain in his eyes softened and the tears fall down more and more. We must find a way. Cause there is no telling in what might happen if we part our ways...

*Gasp* Please, did you cry? I cried while making this :')
It could be the music I'm listening to, but nah!

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now