The party

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We didn't talk. Not a single word when we headed to the party, since I need help from Julia. We hold hands, but it was more an anchor as it was for us being a couple.
„...We can still say no..."
„No, was yours and I guess Sunny's wish to..."
„It still will take years till it's finished, so we thought we could tell you about this after a few years..."
„And than surprise me with it? I know you both are daycare attendant's, but this? Isn't that to much? We surely can find another way to ease Sunny's anxiety of being alone."
„But-...we're sorry..."
„You don't have to apologize for this. It was a matter of time till you...asked for this. Especially after we got into a relationship."

We arrived at the already started party, yet only Roxy and Monty stood outside the Rest must be inside the kitchen making pizza.
„There comes the trouble couple."
„At least I have someone."
„I still can't believe that I wouldn't be your first choice! I'm the best after all!"
„Sometimes you don't want Someone perfect. I think it benefits the relationship if you help each other out! Where are the others?"
Just as I was about to open the kitchen doors, tugged me Moon on my sleeve back.
„Will you leave...?"
„I don't know...I enjoy staying beside you guys, but I still have a family."

Moon looked away, his red eyes loose on color.
„But aren't we a family too?"
„If course we are! Which is why you have to understand that I want to see both sides equally."
„We think we understand that..."
„Good. Now let's fix these arms and face of yours."
I opened and saw a burning oven right in front of me. Chica panicked all over while Julia tried to calm down everyone else. Freddy tried to extinct the fire, but made it only worse. Chris came running at the fire with a fire extinguisher and the fire was out the moment it happened. Julia came towards us, scratching her head.
„We really need to upgrade Chicas cooking skills..."
„Before that, could you help me fix Moon? He hurt himself a bit."
„Of course!"

Moon wouldn't want to power off in P&S, so we just chained him to the table and begun.
„We would usually just fuse it back, but since he is awake and this should hurt like hell, we need to change both arms and faceplate."
„Doesn't that also hurt?"
Well...yes. But It's better than burning something in your body."
„Moon please power off! I don't want to hurt you!"
„But what if you wouldn't be there when we wake up?"
„I promise I'll be right here. Will you power off now?"
„...I want a kiss after it's finished."
„Okay you big teddy."
Moon sighed, but finally powered off. I took the welding apparatus and began to mend him together again.

Just after I finished his arms, Julia came towards me and looked worried to Moon.
„So...what happened?"
„He thought if the body is hurt all the time, I couldn't go away anymore."
„Does that mean he-„
„Yes...I have two questions also...first...I feel like Sun and Moons character is kinda changing? Sunny seems more violent and Moon way softer as one month ago."
„Oh! Yes! I forgot to tell you this detail see, whenever a solar eclipse is coming, Sunny's personality takes over both A.I's. While on a lunar eclipse, Moon comes more on an acting role."
„But it seems their personality switches and not that it gets stronger. The next eclipse is also in a few years."

Julia looked to Moon and than back to me.
„ could be also a stellar constellation that activates it. The creator of their A.I's was a real freak with astrology."
„So it isn't because the virus is wandering off on its own?"
„...Fuck. This is also a thoughtful way. If that would be the case, it would mean bad things."
„We would have to restart their A.I's, meaning program deleting. They wouldn't remember anything at all."
„But that is the worst case scenario! Let's just see what time brings. If it's really the virus, than there would be no other way..."

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