Sunnys problems

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They didn't talk to us at all the past four days...
I know that! W-were we to harsh?
No. It's their time to apologize, not yours.
Sunny looked guilty to you, which was playing with the children at the doll house.
M-maybe they would tell us now?
Do you really believe that? They didn't even gave us something as an apology...
But they are in the right...we do keep hurting them over and over again...
Sun. We both know that these were accidents...most of them were. They love us, so they will come back to us anytime.
But tomorrow is their birthday! W-what if we won't have our promised date?
Moon sighed, wishing that wouldn't be so complicated.

They tried to talk to you, but you always run off or rather talked with Eclipse, which made them even more madder as they are right now. Why do you talk to him and not them? Why couldn't you even apologize?
That's it. Turn off the lights, I want to strangle this machine!
Moon! The children are still here!
As if you wouldn't want him to disappear!
No! You know as much as I do that Y/N wants him here in the daycare-
Sun and Moons fight got interrupted by a child who hold up a paper.
„I found this under a table! I can't read what it says."
„Why thank you little sun! I will look at it immediately."
His eyes widened and a tear of oil run down his face.

‚I'm sorry. I know this isn't enough for what I've said, but I don't want your forgiveness. Maybe only that we could spent the rest of the week like we used to? That we forget the fight only this time? It was never my intention to say that...I'm just scared of what would have happened if I wasn't the first. Would you still have loved me?
Please talk with me once your ready to accept my apology. I will stay out of your way till than, I will say it again: I'm sorry...'

He gulped and looked for you, but not finding even a glimpse of you.
M-Moon? Y-You wouldn't think that we never would have developed these feelings for them if...the virus never happened?
They are right Sun...nothing would be between us three if Y/N wasn't the first...
N-no! I'm sure we would have learned to love after time!
And when exactly?! Weeks? Months?! YEARS?!
I don't know!
The thought hit Sunny more than the last words he heard from you. Moon heard it and denied it immediately.
No, don't think like that.
But what if it's the reason?! We have to find them Moon! What if they leave after Sunday because of our stupid fight?!

Sunny started to panic, his thoughts weren't in a right order anymore. Moon tried to get him down and think for it again, but he wasn't calming down. Not till he finds you and has 100% reassuring that you won't leave.
Sundrop! You know that they won't do that! They promised us to stay.
B-but what if it was a lie?!
Have they been lying even once? Sure, Y/N dodged your questions and mine...but never lied. Trust them more and talk while it's Naptime.
W-what if they try to go away?
Pin them down so they have to listen.
What? It's the only way to stop them from going away.
Sunny hated how Moon was right.

So they waited till you got out of the nap time room and pulled you with them up to their tower. You looked confused, not knowing what's going to happen, but you didn't even have time to think, since Sunny pinned you down at the mattress.
Moon I'm to scared and confused to talk!!!
Than tell them at least to turn the lights off.
I don't want you to apologize for my mistake...
Than say it, Starlight is getting nervous and uncomfortable.
He blinked and concentrated on your red face. His scanner noticed your raising heart and pulse.
They must be sick and avoided us because of this!
No...wait...for Freddy's sake, look how you are on top of them!
His eyes wandered over your position and his rays started to spin.

Their mind went fighting while you could only stare up with mixed emotions. What was happening? Sunny's face went from nervous to anger and than back to nervousness. So there was only one thing you could do in that moment.
„I'm sorry for saying that you shouldn't care..and that your one of the reasons I got hurt..."
It was only a whisper, but it stopped the raging storm inside Sun and Moons mind. His rays stopped, his nervousness disappeared.
T-they weren't supposed to apologize! What do we do Moon?!

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now