The rescue

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It seems that I did fall asleep while we were driving. Eclipse told me that nothing really happened, except that the drunk man didn't wanted to leave and was surprised that I didn't wake up from it. We arrived at the burned down location after a bit of walking. Luckily it doesn't rain or is that unbearable with the heat. Yet my flashbacks are ringing in my head.
„So here we are..."
„If you can't do that, I can go alone, you know that right?"
„I know...but let's try going in together first."
„Are you sure you can manage? I've seen your panic attacks through Sun..."
I didn't answer and just went straight into the burned down Horror attraction. Old memories came repeating in my head, the children voices rang in my ears. My steps were echoing in the dusty halls.

Eclipse followed me through, making my fear slowly dimming out of my vision. I'm not alone. Nothing will happen. No murder will happen, it's the past. Not my future. Nothing bad will happen in here.
„Eclipse? Can you search the rooms?"
„What about you?"
„I wanna find them as soon as possible."
He patted my shoulder, smiling reassuring before disappearing in one of the rooms. Okay...If I would be a kidnapper, where would I hide my victims? no! Your safe, no one is here except humans and ONE animatronic. Not two. It's alright. I can sadly not go into the locked rooms, but I can knock so my siblings know that I'm here? Or that at least someone is gonna save them? Eclipse hopefully won't use brute force to open the-


...doors...fuck. I ran towards the noise and found Eclipse fighting against a man, yet the fight was already over as I stepped inside. He threw the person on the ground, blood stained his hand while he smiled back to me.
„He told me where your siblings are stationed."
„And you had to beat him up for that?"
Eclipse checked the pulse, before walking out of the room, dragging me with him.
„Yes! I'm very impressed of myself that I didn't hurt him more than just punching him unconscious!"
„So he is still alive?"
„I promised I wouldn't kill and I keep my promises."
It would be a whole other problem if we had to inform the police about a kidnapping later and a murder.

We walked to a door that seemed like all the others.
„Are you sure it's this door?"
Eclipse didn't hesitate and slicked the door open, revealing nothing.
„Tsk. This human lied to me."
„Hopefully they won't hurt my siblings..."
„We will get them safely back, I promise you this."
I feel a little better now...if he thinks that they are safe than they are.
„We should probably just hear inside the rooms and not randomly open them."
„Why Not? I want to scare them out."
„It's not good to loose the surprise of an attack."
„Well we don't need to worry about that."
I just hope he is right with that...I don't want my siblings to be hurt when I find them...

We opened half of the doors where nothing was inside, except some scrap parts. I took a metal pipe with me, just in case someone tries to attack. But when we both heard a screaming voice, we dashed to that door and bursted it open. My siblings where tied up on chairs, looking with tired eyes up to me. Oh god...they look so devastated and hopeless...Why didn't I think of this sooner that they were in danger? Why did It take my so long to realize?
„Y/N! Look out!"
Eclipse stopped one of the five men of attacking me, breaking his arm with a loud crack. The person whined and screamed in pain, getting backed up by the others.
I glanced back at my siblings who seemed now with more hope and determination.

The remaining ones came slowly with bats and knifes to us, grinning and smiling, not letting Eclipse and my weapon out of sight.
„So? What now?"
„Let me handle them."
The men laughed, but screamed after seconds when he took them down. I ran quickly to my siblings and pulled the coverings of their mouth. My younger sisters immediately cried happy tears, while my brother smiles slowly.
„So you did came alone. You dumbass..."
„Your Welcome for saving your ass. Are you guys hurt somewhere?"
„No, but Hailey and Laura's wrists hurt due to the ropes."
I looked around for a knife and found one on a table, exactly where Eclipse fights off the three guys that are still standing. The fourth one lies unconscious on the ground.

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