Ennards help

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It was early in the morning when I went back to the shack in the woods. Sunny said that he feels better, especially after we talked our hearts out a bit, so it was fine when I came later in for the children. When I walked down the streets, I saw my house and stopped for a while. What are they doing, I wonder? Maybe fun trips to the sea or excitement parks. Is it really a good idea to be against my only family for love? I wish I could just block my thoughts out.
„Ennard? Where are you?"
I don't want to search the whole forest for him! Maybe he is in the shack? I knocked and opened it. Nothing seemed to change the last time I was here. Maybe there are clues where Ennard is mostly. Is he even still here? Maybe Michael took him also.

„Trying to steal something?"
„No, I was searching for clues to find you. It is kinda hard you know?"
Ennard huffed behind me and looked at a picture in the living room. It must be Michael and his family, since I only can recognize him.
„What for?"
„Helping to get the parts from the Pizzaplex here."
„You do realize that my skin suit is gone?"
„We got a plan to cover you. The only thing that important is that you say yes to this. I can't carry this heavy box."
„So you're telling me I have to help you in case I wanna see the street live?"
„You could say that like this, sure. But it would really help."

Even if his mask can't move for facial expression, it was seeable that he dislikes the idea.
„It's not like I have a choice right?"
„You have, but-„
„Yeah Yeah, when should I come?"
„Tomorrow Night. I will pick you with the costume up."
„Costume? You didn't have to kill just for me you know?"
„Cause I didn't. You will see what I mean."
I left with a little wave and went back to the daycare. That went faster as expected, but Ennard seemed in a better mood? Guess Michael said something encouraging. But It's not my concern. It's their problem to deal with and I got already a lot on my shoulders.

The daycare wasn't that busy when I came back. Sunny was just drawing with a few kids in the fingerpaint area, as he saw me and came sprinting towards me. He looked a little nervous and suspiciousness risen inside me.
„Sunshine! We didn't know you would come back so soon?"
„Why Are you nervous?"
„M-me?! Nervous?!! I don't know what your talking about!"
„You have a habit with those wristbands of yours. Is something wrong?"
„Everything is tipedy Top! You don't have to worry about a thing!"
There is definitely something wrong. What could it be? Maybe a parent was mean? No he would tell me that...

The weird thing was all day that Sunny insisted that I can't go to the drawing area. Both of them must be planning something and I don't like how oblivious I am to what it is. Maybe a picture? Though it's nearly closing time. Maybe I'm paranoid? Especially after yesterday...mmm...or are they...upset about what happened last night? Or still mad at me for shouting out of dumb reasons? What if they hate me now? Did this stupid mistake destroyed our relationship?! No, nonono... have to keep calm. Surely there is another reason for them to cross me out today...after a fight...
„Y/N? Can you make for us a puppet show?"
„Oh! Sure!"
I set up the stage and started a random fantasy story. The kids seem to enjoy it really much and it also helped me to not think about Sunny and Moon so much.

I rubbed my eyes after the last kid got picked up. Thinking and acting happy is so much more tiring as to get a normal day over.
„Sunshine? Is something wrong?"
I turned to Sunny, who's rays were little inside his head.
„Just tired. Do you want to tell me what you did the whole day drawing?"
„N-not yet...We will tell you once Eclipse has his own body."
„...Is it something bad?"
„Oh no! W-We hope so at least..."
This doesn't sound comforting. But I guess I will know what it is tomorrow. If there is even time to tell me it. We will be so busy with the whole transportation and staying hidden that I might get the answer in two days. Or in a week since I don't think that Michael can build this together within a day, helping or not.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now