The arrangement

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Out of breath I opened the door to my home and closed it quietly. I got the bus just in time thankfully. Seems like no one is awake yet. That was a close call- shit my clothes! I forgot to change them! I have to go into my room and hide them. Sunny had me so confused that I completely forgot to change. Just as I choose different clothes and wanted to change, my mother bursted in. Oh fuck...
„Oh so you come back to home? What are you even wearing?!"
„Mother I can explain! Just calm down and-„
I got slapped on the cheek. My pulse is circulating around the area where it hurts. Why the cheek side where nothing was? How the hell am I supposed to cover that up? Sunny won't believe my clumsiness again, especially since I'm feeling fine again.

My mother looked furios at me and slapped me again.
„It's just a costume..."
She tried grabbing my uniform, but I dodged. Therefore, she scratched my face with her nails. I took a short breath and hold my hands where it hurts. A little blood strain runs over my fingers. Chris bursted into my room and took me a few steps away from her.
„Mother you can leave. I will talk to them."
„Fine. Teach it a lesson."
Without another word, she slammed my door. Blood stains covered the place where she held the doorframe.
„Are you alright?"

I smiled softly and nodded.
„Don't worry, that's just a scratch. I'm happy she didn't throw anything."
„Are you sure? That looks pretty deep..."
I slide my fingers on it again and more blood came out.
„No...can you get me Band aids? And some disinfection spray with little tissues?"
„Sure thing."
I sat down on the bed and cussed loud in my head. How much I hate this woman. She doesn't deserve Chris as a son. Or my little sisters. Or me. Now it burns too? What did this donkey put on her nails? Acid? Cause her nails definitely look wrong...Insulting her in my head won't solve a thing.
„I'm back. Please don't move so much."
„I can also do that!"

He shushed me and dapped my cheek with the tissues.
„Let me take care of you for once. Don't act so tough when you want to cry."
„I don't need to cry...OW! Don't just spray it without a warning! Ow ow ow!!!"
I felt my blood pulsing through my veins just as it was with the arm. I hold my breath and tears when he placed the band aids.
„We don't have bigger ones?"
„Nope. Guess you have to explain your coworker friend what here happens."
„Y/N, if he is truly a friend he won't-„
I hold my hand in front of my mouth and tried to wish away the tears that slowly start falling.

He put the band aids away and tried to hug me, but I stood up.
„I'm sorry...I'm so sorry brother..."
„No it's fine. I know how much you hated that...incident."
„I'm just scared that it would happen again. I know they won't JUDGE, but they would definitely react badly..."
„Do you know that for sure?"
„Whatever your decision will be: one day, he WILL find out. No matter if you choose it or not."
„I know...just...give me more time. I don't want them to find out yet."
„Uh- I meant him. Yeah. Since Sunny is only one- yeah."

Chris definitely knows that something is fishy, but his response was only to pat my shoulder and going outside.
„Change your clothes and come downstairs for breakfast."
„Yes Brother. Thank you, again."
„Don't mention it."
He closes the door behind him and I could finally change. The stitch around my arm was blue and red, which shouldn't be. Probably didn't notice it, since only by pressure is my brain giving me signals of pain. And because of the length of my uniform.
I sighed and changed fully in to a pullover and a long trouser. Hopefully the time will pass fast. As I went down, all of them were already sitting on the table. Chris was still busy cooking, which is why I helped him finishing the eggs.

„Y/N, where do you think you're going?"
My parents stopped me at the door, not letting me go one step.
„Uh, go for a walk. It's nice weather outside."
„You should study and become a lawyer! Look at your brother, he had a perfect score and is more successful than we already were in his young age!"
„Don't be a burden to your siblings and find a proper job already. You're only still here, because Chris pays your rent."
„I know...I'll go look than."
„And come home when you found something at least!"
They pushed me out of the house and left me with my bag on the front door. Seems like they are in a great mood again. I rolled my eyes and walked to the Megaplex. It's a bit inconvenient with this burning feeling on the cheek. How could I change the excuse into somewhat the truth without spilling?

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now