First day with Eclipse in the daycare

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I couldn't say anything to that. There is no point in saying anything to that. Cause there is no answer. Which is why Moon took me silently up to our room and slept clinging next to me, not letting Eclipse near me. He understood and slept next to the charger, that surprisingly fit. I thought it would be easier to bring peace for the three, but it seems another problem piled up on the mountain of past issues. I just hope that we can come to an agreement for all of this. And somehow we have to get a cable for the arcade machine that will fit into Eclipse. Hopefully Julia won't mind me 'burrowing' one of them from P&S.
„Are you still awake?"
„We Are sorry..."

I looked up to Moon, who's eyes were looking straight to Eclipse.
„...You could have told me sooner that this was a problem between you three."
„And what would have changed? You have enough to deal with right now."
„And you don't? We are all under pressure right now."
„I don't want to fight with you about this right now."
„Because you would loose this argument? I know that letting me know that someone likes me is not that important as the rescue for my siblings, but this is mentionable!"
„And what would have changed?! You having more on your mind than you already do!"
„We go trough this together! I thought it would all go better, that the constant fighting would stop, but no!"

Moon finally looked to me, but instead to be mad, he was calm, no anger in his eye lights.
„We Are sorry Y/N..."
I turned around, facing my back to them. Normally he would fight and scream back at me for being the dumb one...maybe I'm really in the right this time.
„Goodnight Starlight..."

The next morning, I woke up, both of the animatronics not in sight. Shouldn't Eclipse stay up here till we fixed the issue with getting his program? I rubbed sleepily my eyes, walking to the edge of their platform and saw that already the kids were there. Sunny played with them quietly while Eclipse got questioned in a corner. I slid down the line and walked firstly to Sunny. He was with his back towards me, showing the kids how to draw a car.
„And here are the windows! Oh yours are very beautiful!"
He jolted and stumbled, screaming for a short time and looked surprised to me.
„AHHH! S-Sunshine! I thought you would still be asleep!"

The children giggled, embarrassing Sunny and me.
„Why didn't you wake me up?"
„I thought it would be wiser to let you sleep! You haven't gotten a restful night for so long!
„Than please explain me how no other Staff member came inside here yet."
„Why should they?"
„Asking if we know anyone who broke the cameras last night? They can't possibly think that Moon, as the Nightguard, wouldn't know anything about that."
„The cameras got broken?"
„...What is the first thing you remember?"
„I woke up today and found you sleeping in my arms...which I was really happy about! But than I saw Eclipse and Moon explained me what happened..."

His nervous fiddling with his wristbands was answer enough.
„...Do you like him?"
„What? It's a reasonable question! And we want to know!"
„I can't concentrate on relationships right now, ESPECIALLY when you all don't get along. I knew that Eclipse was inside you before we started dating, so...I'm to confused to think about that."
„I'm sorry Sunshine...o-of course your siblings are more important than this!"
„Not only my siblings Sunny...also the thing with the green rabbit...I'm still scared that this door will open one day and...whatever. We shouldn't discuss this when children are around."

He looked sad, but understood. We are working right now, not trying to think of solutions for our problems. So I walked to Eclipse, which is really shy, considering his rays are in his head.
„Do the kids make you uncomfortable?"
„Y/N! I'm sorry, did we wake you?"
„No, don't worry! I was surprised to see you down however..."
„Well me and Sun fought a little since Moon didn't have enough time to tell him about me, so he threw me in the ball pit and I don't have a hook like the others."
„Oh...he WHAT?!"
„Please calm down Sunflower! I can understand why."
„Eclipse, please no nicknames...a-about last night, can we...act as this never happened?"

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