A weak point

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Even after one week of the party, Sun and Moon still didn't tell me where they put Vanessa. Or if she is still alive. My only option is to search for her, but where should I even start to look? This place is enormous. It would take a whole month! Maybe I can say different places and look for their reaction? Sunny is way easier to read, so I should wait after Naptime. It would be also mean to interrupt Moons singing. His voice is so calming...There is no way I would ever interrupt this peace.
„Mr. Moon? Can you sing with Y/N?"
He stopped and looked happily to me.
„If they want to."
„I don't think that I know the song that Moon is singing..."
Some children started to beg too, what made others wake up again.

„Are you ready?"
„Not really. Don't raise your hopes to high."
„Don't worry. We're sure you'll do amazing."
Moon started to sing a lullaby that I knew, so after a few seconds, I sang along. He stopped for a second, but got himself together quickly. All the kids went back to their sleeping position and soon after, started to snore. I wanted to stay up and walk to Moon, but the virus came into my head, so I waited at the light switch. We can't be to careless. Just because nothing happened doesn't mean it won't happen.
„Your Voice is beautiful Starlight."
„Pff- what's with the nickname?"
„Sunny does it too. Besides, it isn't the first time I call you that."

I blinked and tilted my head.
„Really? I haven't noticed."
„And you say we are the gullible once."
„Because it's true! You wouldn't even get the differences between sarcasm and normal talking."
„I do can tell the differences."
„Oh really?"
„Yes didn't I just say-...you and your evil tricks."
He rolled his eyes, yet smiled a bit. But not that friendly and kind one. It was that kind of grin were you should keep your eyes out.
„May I sit beside you?"
„Nah, you know- safety, right?"
He still stood up and sat down beside me, not letting me move an inch. His arms hold me close to him so I couldn't even stretch my arm to get to the light switch.

„You know that's against the protocol?"
„I don't think hugging you is against it."
„But hindering me to reach the switch is."
My struggling only let him hold me closer to him, which made my heart jump. Why must he do this all the time?
„Is this my punishment for saying your oblivious?"
„Yes. You cannot escape my grasp of stubbornness."
„I can tell. Guess you have to keep me forever."
„Maybe I will."
He smiled down on me and lifted me between his legs. My stomach and heart made little weird things in me as I started to get nervous. Moon is really touch starved, but why me all the time? Can't he get to sleep a child next to him?

He blew in my neck, what I responded with a suppressed scream. Yet it didn't sound like a scream.
„Your Voice really is amazing..."
It hit me just as much as my embarrassment when I put two and two together. He planned me to do this?! Why and how?! He shouldn't know about reactions like this! I wanted to scream at him, but kept my voice low.
„D-don't do This! Why did you-?"
Moon leaned his head in my neck and my heartbeat increased. Why is he like that?! He usually wouldn't be so clingy!
„Really, Really amazing..."
I know this tone of his voice...Fuck. I knew I shouldn't have been careless! He can break my ribs with just one squeeze! 

I tried to think on how to get out of this situation, but nothing came in my mind that wouldn't hurt the children. What will happen if one of them wakes up?
„...Moon? You're kinda squeezing me to near death here..."
„I know...but I have to protect you..."
„What do you mean? I am perfectly safe!"
He put one of his hands over my cheek and caress over the band aid. Maybe only his protection system started acting up?
Someone hurts you. This Someone must be punished!"
Nope, it's the virus. Of course I'm out of luck. At least he is not trying to attack me this time.
„...I know someone who hurts me."

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now