Bad ending

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It's so warm...I don't want to wake up at all...
„Sunshine! You have to wake up now!"
Why does it feel like I'm getting carried? I slowly opened my eyes and saw at first only Sunny's worried face. Why is he so worried? The second thing I noticed was the smell. It reeks of smoke and burned metals...
„Oh no, oh no...where to go?! I don't know?!"
I looked in front of us and my eyes widened. Fire...!
„Oh you're finally awake! Moon should have never gave you this drink! I'm so sorry! You will die if we can't get out! It's our fault! His fault! My fault!"
„Calm down! If the doors on the opening are closed I'll just open them!"

And it seems we are already in the main area! We can do that!
„It's still not 6 am yet..."
„Than we kick the door open! Destroy the wall, something!"
Sunny wouldn't put me down even if I would struggle. The fire around us is way to fast with its spreading. I coughed multiple times and hold my hands in front of my nose and face. If we don't burn first, I'm pretty sure I'll die by lack of oxygen.
„I'm not sure if we can wait up this long for the exit. The walls are way to thick to break through."
„We should at least go near the exit! Away from the fire- *cough *cough*"
„Yes, You're right! Away from the painful smoke. Away from the burning."

We were just in front of the still closed doors. What is the time? I'm sure not enough for us to get out. I guess this is over...if this will be my last minutes with the two, I might as well say anything that has been troubling me for days.
„Sunny? If we will die today, I want you to know something..."
„No, keep your air in your lungs! You need this air!"
„It's important Sunny...and Moon..."
He looked scared and worried to me and the fire back and forth. It is coming way to fast to us.
„You can tell us when we are out!"
„No, I can't...Sunny...Moon...I-I-„
I had to cough multiple times, the smoke filling my lungs and eyes. It burns and hurts so much...
„Y/N, please! Don't speak!"

If he really wants me to keep the air in my lungs, than I just have to show it...I pulled my hands around his head and made him come closer to mine. His rays weren't whirling like always, but I'm sure it's the stress.
„You whispering won't change the outcome!"
I also raised my head and hold eye contact. Sunny got nervous and tried looking away, but I didn't let him. If we will die right here, I won't think over my choices anymore.
„S-sunshine you are a bit c-close! I-is it better for humans to be closer to one an- mmm!"
I kissed him on his mouth and saw how surprised he was. I already felt the push from him, but I didn't want that feeling to end at all. My last few minutes should be like this.

Weirdly enough, I breathed normal. I know he has stored a bit of oxygen in his head for emergencies in the daycare, but I didn't know it was connected to his mouth. Sure, it would be logical, but how did they not kissed me yet? Maybe they don't like me the way I like them? Did I mess our friendship up?! I wanted to let go of him, yet he grabbed my head and pressed me even harder on his face. His rays rotated in such a speed that I thought he might get hurt if he continues. He also has his eyes open now, looking embarrassed in mine. Never would I want this moment to end. The time should stop, leaving me and them to be the only one who could move. My heart was pounding louder and louder every second that has passed. Even with the fire around, Sunny felt even hotter as usual. The crackling noise was dimmed by the blood rushing through my ears and veins.

I don't know how long we've been like this, kissing each other to keep me alive, but there was a clicking noise behind us. I broke the kiss, panting from the feeling and excitement.
„The exit...hah..."
The blind got lifted, letting Sunlight in. I quickly got down from Sunny and opening the doors.
„Let's Go Sunny!"
Yet he stayed there, not moving an inch.
I walked back and shook him. As if he was hypnotized he blinked a few times, before turning to me, stuttering complete nonsense. I dragged him by his hand out of this flaming hellhole and tried to find a reasonable explanation for kissing him. Yet a click was heard and before I could do something, the blind fell down in a massive speed.

Sunny couldn't dodge it in time, causing him to fall and get stuck between the blinder. His upper part is outside, yet up to his torso, he was still in this fire spreading Pizzaplex. I rushed down to him and tried to lift him out, but he is to heavy. I can't do this alone! Why isn't he trying to get out too?!
„Sunny move! Move dammit! Try at least!"
„Y/N, leave us here and go somewhere safer! The doors might explode!"
„I'm not leaving you here! I can't loose the ones I love!"
„Yes, LOVE! I love you both! So please just move!"
„Sunshine...we can't get out. And even if you disconnect our torso, you can't carry us."
„Yes I can! You will see! Just move already!"

Tears of panic run down my face when Sunny closed his eyes and screamed in pain.
„Is this love romantically?"
„Yes you idiot! Just try to move! Please! I beg you!"
„So this is love on a romantic behalf?"
„We can talk about this later! Just- please!"
„Our cables burn already. There is nothing you can do to save us."
I looked in to the direction were Sunny watched and felt a second later immense pain in my stomach area. Vanny smiled crazy behind me with multiple burn marks. She thrusted a knife out of my stomach and backed away. Sunny tried now for the first time to get out, only to break his body. He crawled with his upper part to me, trying to reach me. His hands clinging into my shaking ones.

„Y/N!...stay strong...!"
He lied next to me trying to stop my blood from spreading across the ground. I saw how his lower part still was burning and began to cry even more.
„You will die..."
„I can get fixed! You will be the one who-„
I put my hand on his and smiled through the pain.
„I love you...both of you so much..."
„ can't die..."
The pain slowly decreased while my vision went blurry. Is this the end? Are we both gonna die? I don't want to die yet...
His voice sounds so damaged...why is nature so cruel to us? If only the fire never happened...
Yet it happened. The fire continued to burn both of them. Melting the chips of Sun and Moon, but also burning your corpse. Gregory escaped safely, continued to live without a home and with constant fear of dying. Michael couldn't get his soul out of Freddy like he planned and had to feel his body burning till the end of time. Just like him, all the other animatronics burned to its core. Nothing was an exception. When Julia arrived at the morning to a burned down establishment, she firstly searched for you, because she received a message that you need help fixing Freddy. It was to late, because after hours of fighting the police to get inside the now extinguished fire, she saw yours and Suns body.

You were lying next to each other, your fingers intertwined. Facial reactions were not readable, but Julia knew with tears in her eyes that you told each other your feelings and that no regret was in your minds before taking the step to the afterlife. Your siblings came running after hearing the news this morning. Chris was devastated. He knew it wasn't a good idea to let you stay at this place and look where it brought you. Laura and Hailey both cried in front of your corpse, screaming their sorrow and pain in to the sky. No one could tell them how it happen. No one could tell them why it happen. And no one saw or could say for sure that you had a stab wound in the back. They all thought you died by the near explosion or that robot who hugged you deeply. Your brother was in rage and swore to himself that he will take down every Freddy branch Restaurant or establishment that they ever build or will build.

Oh...and Eclipse? Let's just say a little animatronic freed him out of his prison and now, he accompanies this little one, guiding him through life. Of course, no one knew about that. Not even the child itself. But maybe someday, with the help of Eclipse, he will finally find destiny...The end.

Okay to begin with, the chapter isn't called „Bad ending" for nothing. Cause who said I only do one? You all expected a fire ending, don't lie to me with your teary eyes! (If that was even emotional, I mean Idk .-.)

That was one of the two endings. My first idea was to make it were you flee with Sunny's and Moons A.I's, but that wouldn't be a bad ending. You would learn from Michael how to make an animatronic and Bam! You got two boyfriends. That would be to emotional for a bad ending, don't you agree with me? And don't worry, your suggestions will be in the good ending, which I write till next week ^^

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