Just a normal day

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I didn't know when I got back up here in our room, but it definitely wasn't me. The screams of children woke me slowly up. Probably someone who lost their toy or other stuff. I yawned and stretched myself while going down the line. Just as I thought. Sunny tried to calm a kid down that is crying.
„A-ah! Don't cry! D-do you like glitter glue? Or puppet shows?"
„I want Moon!"
„Moon is still feeling unwell! M-maybe in a month o-or another day-„
„We want Moon!"
Other kids started to join in and it was clear that Sunny was feeling pressured by the children. Eclipse just watched at the arts and crafts area. I sighed and walked next to Sunny.

„How about I will read a story for you all and get a Moondrop each?"
„That's not Moon than!"
„But Moon is feeling very ill! He doesn't want you to get sick, so he rests for now."
A quiet child walked to me and took my hand, looking nearly with tears up to me.
„But when will Moon be better?"
I looked to Sunny which shrunk his rays in his head.
„I heard from the doctor that Moon will be better next week!"
„Yes. He can gladly sing you lullabies or tell you good night stories. So could you maybe wait a week longer?"

The children calmed down, but Sunny definitely didn't. He walked with me to the quiet area and bowed down to my height.
„We can't tell children lies!"
„It wasn't a lie Sunny, Moon can perform again."
„But the virus-!"
He looked firstly happy, than immediately shook his head and was near on tears.
„T-Tell me please that they won't reset us!"
Shit! Was it to obvious with the children now?!
„What are you talking about Sunny-„
„T-the only for the virus to get to be destroyed is to get these wires out of us!"
„We don't want to loose you! We don't wanna be scrapped!"

I took his crying face in my hands and leaned my head against his.
„You and Moon will perform. It might be not next week, but you both will be performing..."
„S-so we won't get a reset?"
I had to close my eyes, because the hopeful eyes of Sunny were to much for me. I can't lie. I would never. Not in this matter or any other. I smiled, but also cried like he does.
„We will watch over the kids, do Naptime together...you wanted to teach me how to knit, right?"
„Yes...but we will also cuddle right?"
„If you ask me, than anytime."
„Can we cuddle now?"
„Let me get the kids to sleep and than we can cuddle all you want."

My heart hurt so much as I took the kids to sleep. Eclipse was with me in the room, making the kids laugh at his terrible singing voice. When the last one was asleep, he walked up to me and sit down.
„When will you tell them?"
„They will piece it together sooner or later..."
„...It's not good for your health."
„What is good anyways..."
„Do you think you can take it?"
„I don't know..."
He took my hand and smiled at me.
„I will be here to get you through it, remember that please."
„Thanks...can you watch the children?"
„Sure, it's my job now after all."
I walked thankfully out and got immediately hugged by Sunny.

We made ourselves comfy and cuddled up. I rest my head on Sunny's chest as he put his arms around me. The warmth made my heart jump, finally not of something bad.
„Sunshine? I'm scared I will loose you..."
„You will never loose me Sunny. As long as you want me to stay, I will. I promise you that."
His grip got stronger around me, which reassured me. We just have to strengthen our relationship again! Yeah! Not like they would be any different...because they don't remember...the accidents...
„How were you and Moon...before all this virus thing happened?"
„I practically stayed the same! Maybe I was a little calmer. Moon however was so nice and never got angry! We never worried about a thing too..."

So their personality wouldn't change that much...I would miss Moons arguments though...maybe not as much as our cuddles, but definitely a bit. Which reminds me...
„Hey Sunny? I wanna see on my birthday memories of us together...good memories. Do you think you guys could make that my present?"
„You mean we should put our memories on a data?"
„I mean, just like we did in Court...maybe something like that?"
„If that's your wish than we will happily do it!"
He rubbed his face against my head as his rays finally circle a bit. Good, he doesn't suspect anything...hopefully it will be nice. We will just cuddle and watch our memories pass by while we enjoy the moment.
„M-m-Moon asked if we c-could kiss you..."

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now