The second day of court

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I am so tired. Moon kept growling through the night and Sunny nearly squeezed me to death this morning. Why did they even fight? The more important question: what was the reason?
„You don't look quite well."
„Likewise. Are the blankets to short for you?"
„Very funny."
Chris rubbed his neck and I heard a loud cracking noise.
„Cant I sleep next to you?"
„There is no space."
„But for your 'friends' there is?"
„No, they have to sleep on the wooden planks."
Partly. Last night, his body was only a little on the floor...meaning everything past his knees.

Even though it was expected, we weren't prepared for what our parents got with them today. A full photo album, many tapes and usb sticks and most likely videos too. Guess they searched movies up with abusive scenes and remade it to look it was like me hitting them. Laura and Hailey were sitting right behind us in the witness stand. Hopefully Sunny will handle the naptime somehow...
„-now begin. Mr. ****, please play your evidence."
„Yes your honor."
A video is shown at the computer, the projection at the wall. That was the fight with my mother were she kicked me...
„Mr. ****, May you put on the tone?"
The argument got louder, echoing in the whole room.

„I would never do that!"
„...Did you just raise your voice at me?"
I looked away and hold instinctively my ribs and stomach, remembering the night. The audience hold their breath, mumbling between each other at the scene before us all.
„As you can see, this my client, my sibling got kicked and hit during one of the fights. We can view all the other videos I have with us."
„I would be pleased."
„Objection your honor! These are fake! The quality is-„
„Is quality worth the truth? No, I don't think so. I had to save up money and couldn't afford some quality stuff."

It took one whole hour of more audios, videos and pictures that Chris took all these years to switch it with the ones from my parents.
„Your honor, we will now show you real evidence of my child abusing us."
They put on a video that didn't even look like me. It had my voice in and my mother who looks bruised up, but nothing more than that. Even the judge herself raised an eyebrow. Did we really loose against them years ago? This is no real evidence or good for hiding it.
„Objection, best evidence rule."
„You all can clearly see these fake videos. You even dare to think that looks like them? You were better in the past."
My parents really tried their best to hide their anger, but it didn't matter.

From this point on, no one was on the side of my parents. I'm glad that we don't have to use Sunny's and Moons memories for this. Some scenes would really mention that we knew about the kidnapping. I tried cutting most of it out, but Sunny was so excited for today that I couldn't finish all of it. My father seemed like he was in big trouble, till he smiled suddenly and whispered something to my mother. Both of them had such a wide grin hidden behind their hands, that it made me uncomfortable. What are they planning?
„Your honor, I would like to state something else."
„You may."
„My child, Y/N, was or still is in a relationship with one robot."
„Objection your honor! It's Irrelevant!"

Chris looked to me and shook his head slowly in disbelief. They couldn't know about me and them! ...unless...they also had cameras around the house...
„This robot was in our house while we were on a business trip! It made out with our child in their room! Isn't that disgusting?"
„Objection Irrelevant!"
„Sustain. Y/N ****, is this true that you had private business with a robot?"
Chris looked to me, pleading with his eyes to tell something else, just something different. But I swore to tell the truth anytime.
„As far as I'm concerned from this statement, we did not make out. He is a daycare attendant just like I am and I invited him on closing days to our house, not knowing if my parents would be there or not."

The judge looked long in my eyes, testing if I said the truth. Than her glance fall to my parents back.
„Do you have any prove that convinces that it was different as to what Y/N said?"
„We actually do have more proof. The Pizzaplex was so kind to give us a few video recordings of the daycare."
My heart beat skipped up. If it's the night we're Gregory came to us, we are doomed. I could never explain that we tried to stop the kidnapper and a child who is actually an animatronic! The video began and it showed me cheering Sunny up. That was yesterday! But...nothing happened? We only hugged and talked. The voice recording is also not hearable.

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