A Friday Night

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I cried myself out in Chris arms for an hour before my tears couldn't get out anymore. He bandaged me up again while looking guilty to my bag of clothes.
„You're really planning on running away?"
„Yes...I-I can't keep up w-with this...I'm sorry brother...I'm so sorry..."
„No, no...Don't apologize. If I was just stronger than none of this would be happening. Now you are hurt of them again..."
„And it will be the last time...trust me. Sunny and Moon pleaded me anyways to stay with them."
„Do you think it's safe?"
„Safer than in this house..."
Which is only one side of the truth. It's safe as long as this killer won't come.
„I assume you want to go when everyone is asleep?"

I shook my head and looked at my clock.
„The sooner the better. I'll just climb out of the window."
„It's the second floor."
„So? I got a self made rope."
„...We can still talk with the police-„
„Have you forgotten what happened after that? You have a fucking SCAR on your back! I'm not gonna get you, Laura or Hailey in any trouble."
„Than we will visit everyday. Please tell me when something bad happens."
„Yes Brother...I should get going. Thank you."
„No problem."
I lifted my backpack up and tossed the rope out of my window. Chris waved to me, before I felt the air around me.

It seems like Michael went away...I have to apologize another time- OW! My back...I'm lucky father is still abroad. It isn't easy to walk, but with his strength I wouldn't even be able to go to the daycare. What is a good explanation? 'Hey boys! I got kicked by my mother multiple times and will now stay at the daycare till me and my brother found a place!'...Moon would definitely go outside without any fuss and beat her up. He told me he has a security program for abusive or non good treating people in his A.I. What would be a good white lie? Maybe they won't notice my hobbling. If anything, they must be mad at me for not coming back for so long. Or for leaving without a word. I wanted to open the door, but it was closed. Huh? What is now going on? It isn't closing time yet. I rummaged through my back and used the key.

It's dark...where are all the others? It should be still full at this time of day. Did another breakdown of the lights happen? Whatever...Moon and Sun must be lonely than! I should hurry and change in my uniform. Even though no child is here. But sometimes the security bot's are malfunctioning and ring all the time when you don't have a uniform on. Hm...the door is also locked? Oh great. Just what I needed. Another problem. Guess I just go straight to the daycare and hope Sunny or Moon won't get on my throat for wearing 'outside shoes'. If they even want to talk to me...I stood in front of the big door and breathed slowly in and out. There is no point in waiting any longer. The outcome won't change no matter what I might say or do. I opened to door slowly and saw that in the daycare still was the light on.

That's strange...so a power out isn't the case. Why IS everyone than away?
„...Sunny? Are you here?"
I wandered through the daycare, yet no one answered or were in sight. Where is he? Maybe parts and services? No, Juli would have called if he needed a check up. Come to think of it, she didn't call me and asked why I'm missing.
„Sunny? Come out, please! I'm sorry!"
Now I'm starting to worry. He normally would respond within a second...
„If you won't come out, I will just go again!"
I put extra weight on my feet to make the sound of my steps more hearable, but there still was no response. Than off to P&S-? I swear something glares at me...My eyes wandered over the daycare, yet nothing was out of place.

I entered P&S and hold my breath. Moon was chained at the table while Vanessa was on the computer. What...? How?! I sneaked on her and put her to the ground. She winced under me in pain as I put me weight on her.
„How DARE you do something to them?!"
I stood up and kicked her in the face, while opening the cabinet. The arm chains got away from Moon and he opened his eyes.
„Ugh...what happened...?"
He looked up and immediately rushed towards me. It looks like he wants to say something, but nothing came out of him. I wanted to say sorry, but noticed how Vanessa crawled away from us.
„Oh no, you won't- Moon?!"

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