Fight between lovers

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Four days had passed since Michael went away. I talked with Moon about the perfect times for the cameras to go off or where I need to go around for the cams to not have any evidence of the parts being stolen. Sure, it would be easier to convince Michael to work inside the Pizzaplex with better equipment, but I also have to do something! My brother didn't call or looked for me what kind of hurts...maybe he is busy? Laura and Hailey also haven't come to visit...
„In two days the cameras get offline for one hour. That would be the perfect time to get the parts out."
„Yet they are to heavy for lifting everything at once and going and coming back isn't that easy alone..."
„Haven't you said that there is an Endoskeleton who doesn't have parts?"
„I wouldn't say no parts, he has at least a scary faceplate and a hat."

Moon looked to me and probably tries to imagine it.
„He could help right?"
„He isn't as tall as you, so we can scratch the idea of lending him your coat."
„Hmm...we can cut or stitch the coat smaller?"
„You can knit?!"
„In winter we have knitting lessons for the ones who want to learn it. Head, scarfs, gloves...we can even do harder things as pullovers."
„That's amazing! I can't knit at all."
„You can cook for example."
„But knitting is something cooler you know? It holds longer."
„When the winter will come, can we teach you how to knit?"
„Only if the children are all gonna do it."

He nodded and we finally reached our destination.
„So here is the room where spare parts are stored?"
„Yeah, but most of the parts are old and dusty. I'm not sure if they have any spare parts from us though."
We opened and looked around in the boxes, but as Moon said, there aren't any to find yet. How come Freddy gets ten boxes with spare parts, but Sun and Moon none?! At least I know now that Music Man's parts are smaller than I imagined. Why even make a giant with tiny parts that have to be constructed?
„I found one of our old body parts."
„I found nothing."
„I think the rays and faceplate are in smaller boxes."
„Why? Aren't they connected?"
„No, the rays can get loose, just like our faces."

I wanted to ask why their faces of all things could get separated, but maybe it had something to do with the light? That one part won't change when the other is controlling? I searched for smaller boxes and just like Moon said, there were Sunny's rays and in the box next to it two faceplates. It's kinda creepy to see this. I put the smaller parts in the bigger box and tried to lift it up. It isn't heavy, but the pressure on my arms is really a painful feeling. I looked through other boxes that are near these and found a really dusty one. I opened it and looked confused at the green shining faceplate. Why is it glowing? Could this have been maybe Eclipses stuff?
„Hey Moon? When animatronics get decommissioned, will the parts of them still kept or also thrown away?"

He walked to me and looked in the shining box.
„We normally keep the parts in case when a new animatronic will get replaced."
„But isn't that like, having skin from others on you?"
„...that is scary when you think it as a human. I never thought of that, huh."
Alone the thought of wearing human skin all the time is disgusting. I put the box next to the others and was surprised to see that Moon already found everything we needed. It's still unbelievable that Michael can just shorten the parts. I don't know how small Ballon Boy is, but it will be definitely hard to shorten the parts of a 10ft animatronic. Now the question is how we put these parts unnoticed somewhere? We can't just let the parts here, someone might take them! Which is in itself a denial, because Sunny and Moon are the only ones who would need these parts, but it's better safe than sorry.

We quickly hid our gathered parts and went back to the daycare.
„So, Are we gonna stitch that coat?"
„Yes, it would be a lot of help! Because I'm not gonna get killed, scooped and than be used as a skinsuit."
„We wouldn't even let that happen."
He kissed my head smiling and took my hand in his.
„I was awake when you talked to Sunny. We will try to hold ourselves back more."
Holding back MORE?! What does he mean with more?! Is it safe to even ask what they hold back so much?!
„...Do I want to know what you mean with more?"
„Well...Julia might did something to our coding back when she explained how relationships are working. She showed us many videos and pictures on how babies are made too. Maybe that changed somehow our programming."
„What do you mean by that?"
„We don't only love you, we want to be closer to you than right now. Just as close as sleeping, as hugging, as kissing. We want to feel your warm body on ours and keep you with us."

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now