𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈

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23rd August 2022

The day had reached. The day you feared most. Your parents stared at you with serious gazes as you walked down the aisle, eyes glued to you deeply as they expected you to ruin something or mess up on your way to the altar, as they always stated you did. Their words never made you hurt, already too used to their usual statements like you're useless, you're a disappointment, or you're embarrassing your father. It was never something good, and you were thankful to not have any siblings, or they would waste no time comparing you to them. It was as if hell had come to earth the moment your marriage was arranged.

The day you were introduced to the potential male you were going to marry, you instantly fell in love with him. You were only shown a picture, his piercings, tattoos, and sweet smile making you melt. But once you met him face to face, that was when your world crumbled. He was way colder, serious, and uninterested than you had expected since you were told he had accepted the arrangement the second he saw your picture. At the restaurant, where you had your first dinner "date", he kept staying focused on other things like his phone, the wine he was drinking, or the people that sat on the tables around them. 

You were trying to make some type of conversation while all he did was mind his own business as if you didn't exist at all or weren't present while sitting right in front of him at the table. The date ended up with him drinking his wine, giving you one-word responses and barely any glances, and eating silently. You were glad that at least he drove you home, making sure you reached the front door safely since he accompanied you. It was when saying goodnight that you saw a small peak of the sweet Jungkook in the picture, his eyes had softened as he stared down at you with the dark night surrounding you both, only the lights at each top corner of the front door illuminating your face.

The corners of his lips had slightly gone upward in what seemed a really small smile, looking to the side to avoid looking at you once he saw you began noticing the look on his face. It was all gone in seconds though, his serious expression and no smile back on his face, looking at you again. He then said a simple goodnight, hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans, with a simple nod, and headed back to his car. His hips swayed in a mesmerizing way, the shirt that was hugging his waist complimenting the way he walked. You were in love but scared at the same time.

Now, here you were, walking down the path on your way to the altar, the same man standing there with no expression on his face. Professionals that your parents had hired to get you ready helped you look like a complete princess. Your wedding dress was expensive; the make-up giving you a beautiful, natural look was expensive, and even the shoes and bouquet were expensive. Everything was worth millions of won, mostly paid by the Jeon family and yours. You hoped deep down that Jungkook seeing you like this would soften him up and at least make him smile or look at you less coldly than he used to do before.

When you reached the altar, you carefully climbed the stairs, your side of the altar nearly empty, only you and your two best friends standing there, Momo and Aera. You and Momo met after you started college, the two of you sharing a dorm room. And with Aera, it was the same but the only thing that changed was that you shared a few classes together and not a dorm. The three of you got along fantastically, being there for each other in every way and moment possible. And now, they were present at your wedding as your bridesmaids, and just the two were enough for you. You didn't need anyone else apart from them.

Once you stood in front of Jungkook, you slowly looked up at him to see his surprisingly soft eyes staring at you already. You couldn't look away as his hands slowly reached to pull the veil back, revealing the hard work the make-up artist put on into 3 drops of foundation, some eyeshadow, and mascara. "You look... good." He whispered, your breath hitching in your throat. After months of going out, barely sharing a few words, barely complimenting you, or even acknowledging the hard work you put in sometimes to match his style and not make him look bad...

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