𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 23 +21

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Jungkook decided to take a shower while you went to take care of Seri. She wanted to have a small swim, so you helped her put her swimsuit on and qent to put yours on. Then, you both headed to the indoor pool, placing her in the kiddie pool before getting in with her once you turned the water heater to keep the water warm for her. "Y/n, let's play with my toys!" She said excitedly, grabbing her box of toys by the pool that Jungkook probably put there, dumping them all in the water. You took some of the water guns and filled them up, smiling as she began to play with her little dolls, making cute noises and talking between them. You loaded the water guns and placed them on the edge of the pool, looking behind you when you heard walking. "What are my beautiful girls doing?" Jungkook asked as he came in, wearing a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. You couldn't help but blush, a small grin growing on his face. "We're playing, Appa. Join us!" She said excitedly, a smile on her lips. "I just took a shower, baby." He replied, Seri's lips falling into a pout. "Appa, please~" She whined, making you look at him. "Come on. We can stay a bit longer after we put her to sleep." You said, taking the water gun and shooting him a little, wetting his chest. He chuckled, gasping when Seri sprayed him in the face, looking at her with a mischievous look. "Oh, it's war now." He said as he took his pants off, leaving himself in his boxers, before climbing inside the pool and taking another water gun and beginning to spray the two of you. He chased you both along the pool, being careful and attentive that Seri wouldn't fall while you played. Seri's and your laugh echoed throughout the pool's room, Jungkook's laugh joining yours from time to time. After a bit of playing with the water guns and then her toys, Jungkook took her to bed, bathing her and putting her to sleep after a small dinner.

You stayed at the pool, watching the city through the windows from the adult pool. You leaned on your arms on the edge, letting your body float freely in the water. "Okay, she's asleep." Jungkook said with a deep sigh, heading to the mini bar and preparing a drink for him and you. "Did she ask anything?" You asked as you swam to the other side, another sigh leaving Jungkook as he rubbed his face. "She asked me who the 'scary lady' was." He replied after a bit of silence, finishing your drinks and heading into the pool, handing you the glass of rosé wine, while he had a scotch with ice. He moved closer to you, pressing his body against yours, wrapping his arm around your waist. "I told her it was no one, just someone I used to know." He added, receiving a small smile from you. You took a sip of the wine and placed it on the side, placing your hands on his cheeks. "Will you be okay?" You whispered, his eyes looking into yours and giving you a small smile. "Honestly? I don't know..." He said. "In a way, I feel so... relieved? Like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders." You smiled, trailing your hands to his chest. "It was a burden I carried with me. Thinking it was my fault that she died. But now, knowing she bribed her doctors just to escape me... It hurts. But it's bearable, way more than the thought of her being dead." You hummed in response, watching him put his glass away and humming. "Well, you can be sure I won't be doing any of that." You said with a small chuckle, a smile growing on his lips. "It's not like I would let you go that easily." He whispered, pulling you into a deep kiss and wrapping your legs around his waist. He moved to lean with his back against the edge, moaning quietly into the kiss when you moved your hand into his hair and tugged it slightly.

His hands trailed your sides before stopping at your lower back, pulling you closer as the kiss deepened, making you smile into the kiss. "You've made me see what true love feels like." He whispered after he pulled away, trailing kisses down your exposed neck, moving towards your collarbone. You let your head fall back as his lips left a trail of loving kisses towards your collarbone, his hands gripping your hips. "I need you, please." He whispered, letting out a shaky breath when looking up at you, deep into your eyes. You stared down at him and smiled, caressing his cheek and nodding. "I'm all yours, my love." You whispered in response, watching him smile softly back before kissing you deeply once more. He made his way to the stairs of the pool and sat on one of the top ones, your bodies still mostly submerged in the water. He moved his boxers low enough to let his cock out, his lips desperately kissing yours. You could feel it was more desire than love, as if to calm his inner thoughts in some way. He wanted to do it as a distraction. You sighed as you pulled away from the kiss, removing the panties of your swimsuit which he helped you do. You could feel his breath get shaky, eager to fuck, his hands trembling as they grabbed you and pulled you on him slightly forcefully, to which you grabbed his hands and stopped him mid way. You stared into his eyes as you moved to sit on his lap, your hands giving him a reassuring squeeze on his, his eyes looking like a deer caught in headlights. You kissed his forehead, lightly guiding your hands up his arms to his shoulders, trailing the path slowly before ending at his chest. You then slowly sat up and guided yourself down on him slowly, a small moan leaving you as you felt his cock move into you, stretching you out.

With a small sigh, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, letting you take control. You sat still for a bit, letting him feel you as you leaned down to his neck and began to place small kisses, trailing down to his collarbone and chest. Your hips then began to move slowly, your hand burying in his hair, your lips placing kisses on each inch of his skin, showing how much you loved him. His eyes opened and a tear rolled down the side of his face, his hands moving to grip your hips, still leaving you in control. "I love you, okay?" You whispered, wiping the tear away as he moaned, leaning his face in your neck. You hugged him close as his arms wrapped tightly around your body, pulling you close to him. As you began to move faster, your moans began to echo around the enclosed swimming pool, the doors closed to make sure Seri wouldn't hear you. You held onto his shoulders as you rode him, moaning at each thrust, keeping him close. You moaned his name, whimpered, gasped. He let out soft growls, moans and whines, arms tightly around your waist, guiding you on his cock.

Soon after, he took charge, beginning to fuck you instead, pulling back to grab a better angle. "Fuck..." He growled, biting his lips together. You held onto his shoulders, moaning until you finally reached your climax, together. A loud moan left him while you buried your face in his neck, letting out a pleasant sigh after. He held you close as he panted, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. "I love you too." He whispered, pressing his lips against the side of your head.

6 Months | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now