𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 3

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A couple of hours had passed since you and Taehyung began to watch K-Dramas and movies

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A couple of hours had passed since you and Taehyung began to watch K-Dramas and movies. The popcorn was finished shortly after the first episode of the first show you watched, and the chips were still there, most open and half-eaten as you watched another movie together, sprawled on the couch. You turned to glance at Taehyung only to realize the male had fallen asleep in a very uncomfortable position, making you giggle as you carefully got up and began to fix his posture, helping him lay on the couch instead. You covered him with a blanket and placed a pillow under his head, making sure he was comfortable and warm since it was chillier outside. After pausing the movie, you went to the window and looked outside, seeing it had gotten dark and some lightning could be seen in the distance which made your heart race, the thought of a thunderstorm nearing making you anxious.

The clock showed it was nearly 22:00 (10 p.m.) and there was still no sign of Jungkook, a soft yawn leaving your lips as you made your way to the kitchen. With a soft hum, you wondered what to make that was quick and easy, deciding on making some kimchi stew and some rice in the rice cooker. After finding the rice, you washed it off a couple of times, making sure all the powder it had was off before you poured the rice inside the metallic bowl of the cooker, adding water to the line. You then closed the top of it and turned it on, leaving it to cook as you started to prepare the kimchi stew. You prepped some sliced meat, grilling it at low heat while starting the broth for the stew. After chopping a few vegetables, you poured them into the pot, taking some broth paste and putting a spoon of it in. The kimchi was sliced so you poured some of it into the pot as well, stirring and tasting to make sure it was good and check if it missed something.

You added the spices that it missed, hearing the front door open and close soon after. Your heart raced at the sound, smiling when you glanced at the door to see Jungkook's muscular back facing you as he placed his coat on the coat hanger. He turned and glanced at Taehyung who was asleep, his eyes narrowing as he stared at the male, his jacket gone and resting on the backrest of the couch. He sighed heavily as he turned to the kitchen, the smell of different scents invading his nose in a second, which cause his stomach to growl in hunger quietly while his eyebrows furrowed. The sight of you in the kitchen, cooking dinner, made him stop by the door, tucking his hands in his jeans pockets as he watched you. You tasted the kimchi stew one last time before your eyes fell upon Jungkook, your eyes widening at the sight of him. "J-Jungkook." You stuttered. You thought he would walk away and ignore that you were cooking dinner, head to his room and leave you alone.

"I thought I told you to not cook dinner." He said coldly, his eyes staring deeply into yours. "I-I... Well..." You stuttered slightly, looking away from his eyes since you couldn't bear looking him in the eyes anymore. "I just couldn't leave you with no food and make you go to bed hungry. You are coming back so late and I just wanted to-" "It smells good." He cut you off, walking closer to you with a grin. He stood beside you as he looked into the pot where the kimchi stew was cooking, glancing at the meat, and you could already notice his mouth-watering. "Hand me a spoon." He said. You quickly turned to get a spoon from the drawer, turning to him again and handing it to him only to realize he was closer this time, his face inches away from yours. You gulped nervously as his hand slowly took the spoon from your hand, purposefully grazing his fingers with yours.

6 Months | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now