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His lips felt like soft clouds

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His lips felt like soft clouds. A sort of warmth traveled through your veins, feeling frozen and unable to move since you didn't know if this was real. It was sudden, out of nowhere, and confusing. He slowly pulled away after a bit, looking deeply into your eyes and sighing. "You rant too much when you're mad." He said, tilting his head a bit. You sighed shakily and sniffled, feeling behind you to realize you were against the desk, Jungkook's body inches away from yours. "I hate you." You whispered, hitting his chest harshly, barely making him budge. "You are a narcissistic asshole." You said after, staring up at him with narrowed eyes as you breathed shakily. Jungkook wiped your cheeks and sighed, grabbing your face. "I know I am." He whispered, his lips slamming against yours once more. But this time it was with need, lust, and desire. You didn't hesitate to kiss back, you don't know why but you desperately needed him. All this time, trying to deny or hide your feelings, to push them away. But now, seeing how he acted around you as if he cared, made hope spark up inside you once more. You knew it would probably end up being a bad decision, but you were in an angered state, and you needed to let out that anger in some way. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and grabbed a hold of his long strands, tugging them while his hands roamed your sides and back, making sure to trail his fingers where your skin was showing through the open back of the dress. "Fuck..." He muttered lowly, his left moving down to your thigh and squeezing it, sighing shakily through the nose as you both kissed desperately. "Let me make you feel good, please..." He whispered, his hand moving to your inner thigh through the slit of the dress, making you gasp in the kiss, pulling slightly away and staring at him.

With slight hesitation, you nodded, unable to resist him and his touch. His fingers left a tickling trail as they moved toward your core, making you shiver at the feeling. "I'll have you screaming my name so loud that everyone here will hear you." He whispered through slightly gritted teeth, his fingers moving past your underwear and circling your slit. "I will make sure they don't meddle in our marriage again." He said, staring deeply into your eyes before pushing two fingers inside you slowly, making you gasp and moan at the feeling. "J-Jungkook-" He cut you off by pecking your lips. "Just enjoy it, baby. As a sorry for putting you through all the shit." He cut you off. He began to move his fingers slowly before picking up the pace and adding a 3rd finger. Your moans were quiet and uncontrollable, holding onto his and the desk for dear life. It had been a long while since you had a man touch you like this, barely able to hold your moans but managing to keep them quiet. "Fuck, fuck!" You whimpered, clutching his shirt tightly while he held onto your waist while fucking his fingers into you. "Does it feel good to have my fingers inside you? Hm? How do they fuck deep into you? Reaching every single weak spot inside your pussy?" He growled into your ear, his lips attaching to your neck and beginning to kiss and suck your skin. "Oh, fuck! I am so close!" You whispered into his ear, both hands now holding him in desperate need to cum, fearing he would stop before you could orgasm. "Yeah? Are you going to cum beautifully on my fingers?" He whispered in your ear, a sudden knock coming from the door. "Jungkook? It's Jimin. Can I come in?" You whined quietly, as Jungkook's fingers slowed down, still moving inside you.

6 Months | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now