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"Y/n needs to sleep, Seri

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"Y/n needs to sleep, Seri." Jungkook said, trying to convince the little girl to sleep on the couch and leave the hospital bed for you alone. "I don't want to." She said with a pout, snuggling into your side and hugging you close, making you chuckle while Jungkook rolled his eyes. "She took care of me when I was sick. Now it's my turn to take care of eomma." She whined. You kissed her forehead and hummed, your voice still a bit raspy despite it being a couple of days after the incident. "How about you go with Tae, grab some ice cream, and we can have a mini sleepover? That way, appa can help me dress up." You said. Jungkook needed to help you with your bandages that covered some of your burns, not trusting to leave you alone, even with a professional doctor. Seri thought for a bit before nodding, slowly getting up and kissing your forehead. "I will come back quickly." She said, heading to the door and telling Tae about their task, receiving a nod from him before the door closed behind them. You sighed, turning to look at Jungkook with a tired smile. "I still can't get used to her calling me eomma." You said, watching him move closer and lay down beside you carefully. He hugged you close and sighed, kissing the top of your head. "I did." He said, smiling down at you. You smiled back and shook your head, sighing and laying your head on his chest, closing your eyes. "I want to go home so badly." You whispered.

Jungkook caressed your arm up and down, humming in response. "I want it too. But we can not risk you being malnourished or something. I need to know that you're alright." He replied, closing his eyes. You looked up and noticed his lip was slightly quivering, holding back his tears. "Jungkook..." You whispered. You placed your hand on his cheek, which made him open his eyes, showing the tears that were already forming. "I'm alright. He couldn't do anything. Not to me, neither to Seri." You reassured.

"I know him. He wouldn't touch Seri. She's just a child. But you -" He cut himself off, holding back a sob as he looked away. "He could've done anything." You shook your head quickly, rubbing your thumb on his cheek. "He didn't. I made sure to drive a knife through his chest before he could." He scoffed, looking down at you. "Y/n, he tried to choke you. He tried to fucking kill you to get to me." He said, motioning to the bruises on your neck. You watched him as he got worked up, "And he is now laying dead 5ft underground with a knife wound to the chest." You whisper-yelled, staring at him. He looked down at you, heaving a shaky sigh and nodding after. "You're right. He is dead." He whispered back. You slowly sat up after pulling away from him, shaking your head. "I don't understand why you get so worked up over something that's done and gone. It's been days, and you keep on repeating the same thing." You said in annoyance, putting your slippers on. "Because I worry about you. I know you feel unsafe." You snapped your head towards him, yelling an "I'm fine!". Your hands shake, standing on slightly trembling feet before you look away. You thought you were fine. You thought it all was good now that you were safe, back in Jungkook's arms.

But you were slowly starting to realize that it was all coming to be too much for you to handle. First, your unsupportive parents all your life, then Jungkook's "hatred," then his wife, then Seri, then him selling guns, and now getting kidnapped with Seri. You realized you had never had a moment to get used to everything that was new. Every month, you had something new to deal with, and now it was all becoming too much to handle and deal with emotionally. Maybe you were falling into depression. Maybe you were developing anxiety. But truly, all you could focus on was how your chest tightened, your breath coming shallow and quick, your hands covered in cold sweat, eyes wide as a deer caught in headlights. "Y/n? Are you alright?" Jungkook's voice sounded like it was miles away, your legs shaking even more as your heart raced. The walls of the room seemed like they were closing in, making you feel suffocated, unsafe, scared. Anxious. "J-Jung-..." You couldn't even finish the word when you felt his arms instantly wrap around you, holding you before your legs would give out. "Look at me! What's wrong?" He asked in a hurry. Your vision was slightly blurry, but you could still make him out. Your head began to spin as you held tightly onto him, trying your best to stay calm but failing miserably at it. "I-I c-ca-can't br-breat-..." You collapsed in his arms, your legs finally giving out as he exclaimed your name. You watched as he pressed the emergency button, continuing to call for you, his hand gently patting your cheek to get a response.

You couldn't focus on his words anymore. All you could focus on was the tightness of your chest, your closed up throat, the hard beating of your heart, the struggle to get oxygen through to your lungs. You watched the door slam open, watching a couple of figures stumble in. One of them quickly rushed to the cabinet, pulling something out before rushing to your side and wasting no time on injecting it intravenously. You could feel a slight numbness travel from your arm to your shoulder, and then the rest of your body, your breaths turning short but bearable, finally getting some oxygen into you. You felt yourself relax in Jungkook's arms, the tightness on your chest disappearing, and your heart starting to slow down. You closed your eyes for a moment, letting the warmth of Jungkook bring more calmness to you, the silence enveloping you. "She seems to have developed anxiety." A woman's voice said. "We will need to run a couple of tests so we can make a prescription for medicine she'll need." She added. You opened your eyes slowly to look up at Jungkook, to see his worried eyes that held fear, other than worry. You gave him a small smile and a nod, receiving a nod back before he kissed your forehead, hugging you even closer this time.

"Okay, what should we make for dinner?" Jungkook asked as you walked into the kitchen, the 3 of you finally home after the doctors discharged you. "Hmm... I don't know." You replied, glancing at Seri. "What do you want to eat, Seri?" Seri hummed for a bit before turning to look at you, "I want ramen! Or chinese food!" She exclaimed excitedly. Jungkook smiled widely and nodded, looking at you after. "Takeout it is!" He grabbed his phone and began to dial for the food, stepping away. "Eomma, come." Seri said, grabbing your arm. She carefully guided you up the stairs and to her bedroom, a sort of excitement on her face that you could notice even in the sparkle of her eyes. Once inside her bedroom, she made you sit on her bed before heading to one of the drawers of her bedstand, pulling out a small box and heading to you. "This is for you." She said shyly, handing you the box. You smiled sweetly and took it, opening it to find a small heart locket, the words 'The Best Eomma' engraved in italic. Your eyes watered as you opened it to find a picture of you, Jungkook, and Seri. "Oh, Seri..." You said with a wavering voice. "Tae oppa helped me get it." She said softly, watching you pull it out of the box and admire it. "D-Do you... like it?" She whispered. You looked up at her to see she was worried you wouldn't like it, a small sob leaving you. "Oh, baby girl. I love it." You said, pulling her closer and hugging her tightly, your hand resting on the back of her head. "I love it so much." You whispered, closing your eyes. After a couple of seconds, you both pulled away, Seri's hand reaching up to wipe your tears. "I love you, eomma." She said, making you sob again. "I love you too, sweetheart." You whispered back, caressing her cheek.

"Girls?" You heard Jungkook call from downstairs, your head snapping to the doorway. "Appa! Appa!" Seri exclaimed as she ran off, giggling excitedly. "Hey! No running down the stairs!" Jungkook managed to say quickly. You stared down at the locket as you heard them downswtairs, rubbing your thumb over the engraving. "Is it Y/n? Is she alright?" Jungkook asked in worry. "She liked it! She liked the necklace, Appa!" Seri exclaimed back, her little feet stomping happily on the ground. Jungkook grabbed her and hugged her close, chuckling softly. "I told you she would, baby girl. She would kill for you." He said, his eyes lingering on the stairs as he smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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