𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 16

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You sat in the girl's bedroom, pictures of her and Jungkook on the bookshelves, nightstand, and desk

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You sat in the girl's bedroom, pictures of her and Jungkook on the bookshelves, nightstand, and desk. You didn't see any of her and Soori or Jungkook and Soori. You sighed, beginning to hear voices walking closer to the door of the bedroom, which made your heart begin to race. "You're going to meet Y/n. She is a very nice woman and your stepmom, so give her a chance and be nice, okay?" Jungkook's voice echoed quietly. "Is she really my mommy?" You heard the girl ask, making you bite your lower lip and close your eyes for a few seconds. "She..." Jungkook trailed off, giving the kid a small smile. "She might be in the future." He said. Soon, the door slowly opened, revealing the little girl and Jungkook, your eyes falling upon the girl. You got up and gave her a small smile, crouching down so you were eye-level with the girl. "Hello, sweetie. I'm Y/n." You said softly, the little girl offering her hand for you to shake. "My name is Seri." She said shyly as you took her small hand and shook it, giggling at her cuteness. "So you you want to see my toys?" She asked, receiving a nod from you. Jungkook stood slightly back, letting you have your time with her but not wanting to leave you completely alone, his eyes filled with hope and warmth for his little girl and you spending time together.

She pulled you towards her box with toys, showing you her Marvel dolls, her Barbie ones, her doll house and the furniture, and even a small kitchen set. You spent some time playing together, Seri's giggles echoing throughout the house as you played with her. You couldn't deny she was adorable, and her little giggles made your heart flutter since you were the cause of them. "And then Spider-man attacks! Saving Princess Seri from the evil claws of Ultron!" You exclaimed in a deep voice, using the spiderman doll to grab the barbie one she had, acting as if he was swinging with spiderwebs. You hadn't realized, but a few hours had passed, Jungkook was gone, and Seri was letting out a small yawn, feeling sleepy. "I'm sweepy." She said in a pout, rubbing her little eyes a bit. You looked around in slight anxiousness, not knowing what to do. It wouldn't be that hard to put her to bed, or at least so you thought. "Want to go to bed?" You asked, receiving a small nod from her. You picked her up gently in your arms, looking around until she giggled and spoke. "I have to brush my teeth and put my pajamas." She said. You smiled at her, tickling her belly a bit. "For a 3 year old, you are pretty smart." You chuckled. You helped her brush her teeth and change into her pajamas, putting her to bed later and tucking her in. "Sleep well." You said, giving her small hand a squeeze. As you were about to get up, she took your index finger and held gently onto it, her eyes sparkling a bit. "Y/n?" She called softly in her little voice, making you look at her, humming so she would go on. "Could you kiss my forehead and stay?" She asked.

The moment those words left her lips, it was like your world crashed. Her eyes sparkled with hope and innocence, showing how vulnerable the poor thing was. You could see how much she wanted the love of a mother, and you being the possibility of giving her that was what made her look at you with those eyes. You couldn't help but tear up as you nodded in response, leaning down and placing a soft kiss to her forehead, filled with love and affection. The smile that grew on her lips made you nearly sob, her eyes closing as she still held onto your finger, falling asleep happily. You caressed her hair sweetly, soothing her into a sweet sleep. A sniffle coming from the door made you look up, your hand resting on the girls chest, seeing Jungkook there, his eyes spilling tears down his cheeks. You looked down at the girl once more, waiting for a few minutes to make sure she was asleep before kissing her forehead once more and getting off the bed. As you headed for the door, you spared a last glance at the girl before closing the door. Jungkook wiped his tears and sniffled, running his hands through his hair with a sigh. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." He whispered, his lower lip quivering. "I'm really sorry. I was scared for her and for you. I didn't know what you would say if I got custody of her again, and I wanted to make sure before I told you." You watched him with sad eyes. He was breaking apart, like that day he told you about his wife and told you he loved you. His voice was trembling, and he was barely holding back sobs. "Jungkook..." You whispered, grabbing his arms and pulling him in for a hug. He buried his face into your neck, his sobs finally leaving his lips while your hands moved to caress his hair, wanting to comfort him. No matter how you felt about him keeping this from you, he was surely struggling. And you couldn't make him feel worse for not being ready to tell you.

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