𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 14 +21

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You sat in your bedroom, on the bed, lost in your thoughts. What happened earlier made you think a lot about everything, leaving you a bit dumfounded. A few tears still fell down your cheeks, staring at an empty spot while thinking. You wiped them away as you felt arms wrap around you from behind, a muscular chest pressing against your back. You smiled as a kiss was placed on your shoulder and then your neck, his legs on each side of your hips, so you were sitting between them. "You good?" He whispered, soft kisses still being placed on your neck and shoulder. "Yeah, just thinking." You whispered back, placing your hands on his hands, caressing them with your thumbs. A soft hum left his throat, burying his face into your neck. "I'm sorry for doing that." He whispered. "For putting us at risk like that and scaring you." He added. You stayed quiet for a moment before nodding your head, giving him a small smile as you remembered what happened. "Just remind me not to let you drive again." You joked, a small chuckle leaving him. "Okay, funny." He replied, pulling back slightly to look at you. "I put the groceries away, by the way. Still want to do the movie night?" He asked, moving some of your hair to the side and placing a soft kiss on your neck again. You giggled softly at the kisses, a grin growing on his lips. "If you keep kissing me like that, we will be doing something else instead." You said with a chuckle, a smirk growing on his lips. "I wouldn't mind having you for dinner while watching a movie." He whispered seductively in your ear, making your eyes widen and choke slightly on your saliva.

He kissed your earlobe, a small slap on his hand by yours, which made him grin widely. "Jungkook!" You exclaimed in shock, looking at him after. "What?" He asked innocently once he pulled back to look at you, leaning closer to you. He rested his forehead on yours, brushing his lips against yours. "I'm just being honest." He whispered, pecking your lips. You couldn't help but blush a bit, his lips pecking yours as he leaned back onto the bed. He laid you on the mattress and hovered over you, pinning your arms over your head. "I could have you every morning, noon, and night." He whispered, placing a kiss on your lips, moving to your jawline, and placing a kiss there as well. "I want to make you feel loved..." He kissed your earlobe. "Cared for..." Your neck. "Comforted..." Your collarbone. "Beautiful..." Between your breasts. You breathed shakily at his kisses, looking down at him with nervous but eager eyes. "I want you to feel like a queen." He whispered, moving back up to face you, his body pressing against yours. "I love you." His words made wonders to you. Your heart raced, your eyes widened slightly, and your lips parted in slight surprise. You felt butterflies in your stomach, noticing the amount of love and emotion there was in his words. "I love you too." You whispered, moving your hands to his cheeks. He smiled sweetly down at you, his eyes sparkling as he stared deeply into your eyes. "I promise to keep you safe, no matter what. Even if it means giving... giving my life for you." He said softly, his arms hugging you close and burying his head in your chest.

You embraced him close and tightly, caressing his head as you sighed. "I know, Jungkook." You whispered, placing a kiss to his head while closing your eyes.

"Okay, try it." He said as he stirred the soup and gave you a bit to try with a spoon, watching you intently. You sat on the counter near him, trying the spoonful and savoring the soup. "Is it missing anything?" He asked, watching your features carefully. "No, it's perfect." You said with a smile, a smile growing on his lips and shaking his head. He moved closer, his lips inches away from yours as he looked at them. "You're perfect." He whispered seductively. You blushed as he placed a couple of pecks on your lips, making you smile shyly as he kept pecking your lips. "No, I'm not." You said quietly, a grin growing on his lips. "Hm? You're not? How's that?" He asked teasingly. A deeper blush grew on your cheeks as he placed his hands on the counter by each side of your hips, tilting his head. You hid your face in your hands, leaning into his chest, which made him chuckle, biting his lower lip at your adorable state. "God, you're adorable." He whispered, his arms wrapping around your body and holding you close. You stayed like that for a bit, moving your head so you would be looking over his shoulder, your hands staying on his chest. His hand caressed your hair softly, smiling as he enjoyed the silence and the comfort your warmth gave to him. "Do you want me to cook you something special?" He whispered, rocking you slightly from side to side. A smile grew on your lips, pulling back slightly to look up at him. "Only if you let me help you." You replied, the smile on his lips only growing bigger. "Of course I will." Once he helped you off the counter, he gave you instructions to get flour, milk, sugar, and eggs, while he went and gathered other ingredients for what he was planning to make. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder after everything was placed on the counter, a bowl surrounded by the ingredients. "Okay. Now, I'll give you instructions, and you add the things." He said, placing a kiss on your neck. You smiled as he began to give you the instructions and how much to add of each thing, a soft smile on your lips all the time. He was also smiling, but his smile was full of relief and relaxation. You could see a different Jungkook now, a more loving, caring, open, and sweet Jungkook. He seemed to be calmer now that you knew why he was so introverted and secretive, along with knowing about his first wife as well. "And now?" You asked, Jungkook leaving a soft kiss on your neck. "Now, mix it all in and try it in case it needs more vanilla extract or sugar." He replied, watching you begin to mix everything in. After you were done, you dipped your finger in after washing your hands, trying the mix and humming at the sweetness of it. "I could eat the whole bowl just like this. It's so good." You said with a giggle, offering Jungkook to taste some. Before he could try it, you smeared it on his left cheek, his eyes widening a bit and a small, playful scoff leaving him. "You did not just do that." He said in a low, teasing tone. You bit your lower lip, preparing to get out of his arms, but it was too late.

When you tried to pull away and run, his arms only tightened and made you squeal, his cheek pressing against yours and smearing the mix on your cheek as well. "Nooo~." You whined, chuckling right after as he pulled away. He turned you around and leaned closer to you, kissing your cheek where the mixture was on and then licking his lips, humming. "Yes, it definitely tastes sweet." He said. You slapped his chest when you realized the double meaning his words had, a small chuckle leaving you as you took a towel and wiped your cheek off. After wiping his cheek, he leaned in and kissed you, making you smile into the kiss. His hand went to your nape and held you close, his thumb gently caressing your jawline. You placed your hands on his cheeks, sighing happily into the kiss until he finally pulled away, nibbling your lower lip slightly. "You have no idea how hardly I'm holding back..." He whispered. A deep blush crept up on your cheeks, making you bite your lips together and look away, unable to look him straight in the eyes. He loved making you that shy, finding it adorable. "God, I love you." He said, nuzzling his face in the side of your head and heaving a happy sigh. "I wished for so long to be able to do this. To hold you and love you freely. I dreamt of waking up with you by my side and kissing you as much as possible." He whispered, making your heart skip a beat and look at him once more. The amount of emotions in both your eyes held so much meaning. The love, the care, the passion. He caressed your cheek sweetly, smiling lovingly at you. "We should continue with the food." He whispered.

You simply nodded, turning around and continuing with the food happily. Jungkook helped, cooking the mix on a pan. They were basic pancakes, but once they were cooked, he was placing them on the plate with different jams and nutella in between each layer. "I know it looks like a mess, but it tastes good, I promise." He chuckled, placing the last pancake on the top. "It looks like a literal pancake." You said with a giggle, leaning your chin on your hands as he finished touching up the plate. "Done! Let's eat because I'm starving." He said. You helped him prepare the table with food for your movie night, placing the bowls and utensils, along with some snacks and drinks for the movie.

The movie muffled the moans, his body molding into yours on the couch bed, a blanket covering your naked bodies. The light emiting from the TV was the only thing illuminating the room enough for you to see each other. "Y/n..." Jungkook muttered, placing open-mouthed kisses on your neck and collarbone while his hand caressed your thigh, holding it close to his hips. Your hands caressed his cheeks and chest, eyes closed as you enjoyed the pleasure. "I love you so much." He whispered, his hips moving faster against you. You moaned a bit louder, looking up at him and smiling. "I love you too." You whispered, burying your hand in his hair the moment he placed his lips on yours, slamming his cock deep into you. Constant groans left his lips, mixing with the sound of your moans. He sat up, grabbed your hips and moved even faster, chasing both of your highs in desperation. You held onto his arm with your other hand on his chest. "I'm close." You moaned. Jungkook simply moaned in response, pressing his lips together until soon, you both reached your highs, loud moans and groans leaving you both. Your back arched off the couch as Jungkook collapsed on top of you, enjoying the feeling of your skin against his as he stayed still, his cock deep inside you. You both breathed heavily, hugging each other close while wide smiles rested on your lips.

Finally, it was just the two of you. Happy and together, no lies between you.

Or so you thought.

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