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Seri laid asleep, safely in your arms

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Seri laid asleep, safely in your arms. Her belly was full, and yours was growling in hunger. You tried to ignore the pain that would shoot through your stomach, deamnding food from you. A small ray of moonlight shone through the barred window there was in the room, bringing at least a small source of light into the room. A small flash of light, like from a flashlight, started coming through the window, turning off and on as an SOS signal. You felt confused, lifting your head to look through the window, but the door suddenly opened, your head snapping there instead and the flashlight disappearing. "Put the kid down. You're coming with me." The man that took Taehyung said after he came in. "Where are you taking me?" You asked, not moving from your spot, holding onto Seri to keep her safe. "You will find out once you listen and come with me." He replied, keeping it quiet as to not wake the little girl up. He seemed to care about her, at least. You spared Seri a last glance before laying her down on the mattress, kissing her temple and covering her with the blanket. The man then grabbed your arm, pulling you up harshly, which made you hiss, stumbling to your feet as he dragged you out of the room.

"That's her." Hoseok said through the earpiece, making Jungkook snap his head towards the screen on the PDA one of their members was holding. He watched the two white silhouettes in the bright green background move along, recognizing you instantly. "Y/n..." He muttered. "Shall we turn it off, Mr. Jeon?" Another voice came through the earpiece. Small groups of the members of the mafia were hiding in the separate abandoned buildings, keeping eyes on the main building, hiding in the shadows. Hoseok was at the rooftop with Namjoon and 2 others, scanning the area with snipers that had nightvision in their scopes.

Taehyung was in the group with Jungkook, while Jimin and Yoongi were leading the other two teams. Seokjin was in a van, near the place, ready to drive Y/n and Seri to safety or the nearest hospital, if needed.

"Do it."

"I need food and water." You said as he dragged you down the white hallway, the man not reacting at all. "Only boss can do that." He replied. "I haven't eaten anything since last night -" "You should've eaten some of the kid's food." You looked up at the man, a small scoff leaving you as you snatched your arm away from him. "You think me that cruel that I would eat a child's, my child's, food just so I don't starve, and she does?" You asked in disbelief, the man finally letting a chuckle and grabbing your arm once more, continuing to pull you down the hall. "Why do you care? She's not yours. It's Jungkook's first child with a woman he thought dead, but in reality, she was trying to get away from her abusive parents and an unwanted marriage." He replied. "If she so didn't want the marriage, she would've never had a child with him in the first place." You snapped back. The two of you stopped in front of a door, watching him push it open to reveal a small office. "Ah, Y/n. Come on in." You heard a male say from inside, steps followed after until the person finally came to view. "Jung Sungwon..." You whispered, stumbling inside after the man pushed you, the door slamming shut. "I heard you haven't eaten yet. So, I have some food prepared there, for you." He said as he gestured to the table where a bowl of jajjangmyeon ramen was sitting along with a plate with meat and a glass of water.

You felt the urge to run to it but stopped yourself as a wave of uncertainty washed over you, staring at the food in suspicion. He chuckled as he noticed your look, your eyes landing on him this time. He walked to the food, took a small bite of everything, and even a sip from the drink. "I don't want to kill you. You're an... important asset to what I want with Jungkook. You and Seri are." He said, swallowing the bite he just took, licking his fingers after. You stepped towards the table and began to eat, trying your best not to choke or eat too quick in case you had the opportunity to run. "Jungkook took everything from me. The business, the girl I liked, the future I wanted." He said, making you laugh for a moment, stopping your eating. "Oh god, you're one of those?" You said, looking up at him. "You're doing all of this because Jungkook stole your girl? The bitch who abandoned her child and husband because she couldn't be honest with herself and those around her?" You said after swallowing the bite you had taken, Sungwon's hands suddenly coming in contact with your neck and nape, holding you still as he leaned close, half choking you.

"She was the love of my life. We were meant to get married, have our child, own a business together. Our plan was going great, I was close to the Jeon's. He was going to give me the business. Until little Jungkook decided to get in between, he felt his own interest in the business." Sungwon said through gritted teeth. "I tried to kill his father, holding him like this, tight -" He tightened his hold on your neck, making you gasp. "Choking him. Watching as the oxygen couldn't reach his lungs, his face turning red and then pale. Until he came in, to save him." He said lowly, in a dark, almost maniatic tone. The power suddenly went out, his hold loosening slightly as he looked at the door. You took the moment to grab onto the knife that was on the table. 'Puncture the lung.' You aimed the knife and with all your strength, push it through his chest, right underneath his ribs. He pulled back and groaned in pain, hissing and huffing as he grabbed a hold of the knife and his chest. 'Run.' You quickly pushed off the chair and ran to the door, pushing it open and heading down the hallway you were dragged through. You made it back into the room where Seri was, quickly crouching beside her. "Seri, baby. Wake up. We are going home." You said your voice, wavering as adrenaline shot through your body, tears clouding your eyes. The sleepy girl lifted her head, slowly waking up. She wrapped her arms around your shoulders, and you picked her up, hugging her close as she held onto you like a koala. "Good girl." You whispered, holding onto her lower back and the back of her head.

The moment you turned to the door, it slammed open, revealing one of the guards, a smirk on his lips as he aimed a gun at you and Seri. "You thought it would be so easy to ru-" A quiet piercing sound was heard, breaking through the glass and making it into his head, your eyes widening. The man's smirk slowly fell, his body slowly leaning back until he hit the floor, dead. You let out a shaky breath, looking outside through the window to see groups of black clothes men making their way to the building through the shadows, noticing a light flicking on and off on the roof, several of them. You kissed Seri's temple and smiled knowingly, a sense of relief filling you up for a moment.

"Seri and Y/n are safe." Hoseok said through the earpiece. Jungkook closed his eyes for a moment, the sense of relief coursing through his veins as his lip quivered for a moment, having heard Hoseok taking the shot. He opened his eyes to look into the PDA, seeing Y/n with Seri in her arms. "Move inside. Everyone." He commanded, the members of each team beginning to close in to the building, making their way to the different entrances. Taehyung laid a hand on his shoulder and nodded before making his way off to the building as well. Jungkook turned to the building, looking into the window Y/n and Seri were at before looking at the emergency stairs that led to the roof, making his way there after sending something through his phone to Sungwon's.

"Okay, Seri, hold onto me, okay? Tight. Don't let go." You said, grabbing the pistol the man had out of his hand. You felt Seri nod, her hold tightening on you. You made sure you were comfortable to shoot if needed, wasting no time to make it out of the room and down the opposite hall, trying to find the exit. You heard voices, guiding yourself to them while keeping quiet, not needing to draw unnecessary attention. "We need to leave." One male said. "Leave? What about the girl and the child?!" The other male said. "Fuck them! I ain't dying here. Especially not for some dumbass who's mentally unstable." The other male said. You looked over the corned of the wall just enough to see two male figures rushing down the left side of the hall, waiting a bit before following after them. You rushed down the hall, keeping your feet as light as possible.

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