𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 13

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Taehyung stepped away from you, heading to the car to leave the bags with groceries in the trunk. Jungkook marched his way to you, his stance and figure definitely showing anger and fury as he went to you. "We are going home. Now." Jungkook said with a cold tone, making you gulp in nervousness. "Jungkook, wait -" You tried to say, but he glared at you, making your heart slightly speed up. "Don't look at me like that." You said in slight annoyance, making him stare in disbelief before he moved closer to you, his face inches away from yours. "What did I tell you?" He muttered. "I told you not to leave the house. To stay home." You gulped as you both glared at each other. "We are going." He grabbed your arm tightly, pulling you towards the car. "Taehyung!" You exclaimed, eyes wide in fear as you looked at the male, his figure standing by his car as he looked at you and then Jungkook with wide eyes. After Jungkook opened the door to the passemger seat and pushed you in, he slammed the door shut and locked the car, heading to Taehyung afterward. There was some shouting, showing Jungkook was clearly very mad for you going out of the house. You tried opening the door to no avail, the door not unlocking even if you tried. You tried pressing the unlock button, but it didn't work either, making you groan and sigh, leaning back on the seat.

You looked out of the window to see Taehyung and Jungkook still arguing, Taehyung holding an apologetic look while Jungkook was probably pissed off, his hands tight into fists. He headed to Taehyung's car after he unlocked it, opening the trunk and taking the bags with groceries you had bought before taking them to his car, Taehyung opening the trunk for him. "Don't be mad at her, she only wanted to come and buy groceries." Taehyung said softly, a scoff leaving Jungkook as he looked away for a moment and then back at Taehyung. "Don't tell me what to do." He said. With that, he gave Taehyung a glare before slamming the trunk shut, making you jump slightly before heading away to the driver's side and climbing into the car. He sat there for a moment after shutting the door, his hands gripping the wheel tightly. "I told you to stay home-" "It was my idea, I wanted to come for groceries since we were going to do the dinner tonight-" "Do not cut me off!" He exclaimed, his head snapping to look at you and his piercing eyes staring into yours. Your breath hitched at the look in his eyes, scared to even move an inch of your body in any way. He stared at you deeply, "I told you how dangerous it is for you to be out here, even if Taehyung is around you. I told you to stay home because there is a reason behind why I told you." He said through gritted teeth, lightly tapping the wheel every time he said the word 'told'. You sat still and quiet, looking away in shame since you couldn't look at him anymore, his eyes way too intense for your liking, and not in the good way.

You stared at the road as he drove down to your house, his speed way higher than the limit, his hands working fast on the gears and the wheel as he drove. "I told you to stay home! Why don't you listen to me?!" He finally yelled after a bit of silence, his eye glued to the road. Your hands gripped the door and the seat, staring in fear as he passed by cars within inches of nearly hitting them. "Jungkook, please, slow down." You said in a shaky voice, your knuckles turning white from how tight you were holding onto the door. "Why?! Does it scare you?!" Jungkook asked in a slight mocking way, passing even more cars as he neared your home. "Stop the car!!" You shouted, Jungkook wasting no time on hitting the breaks and pulling the hand brake, making the car drift into the driveway safely. Tears filled your eyes as you stared widely at the house, breathing heavily and shaking in fear. You were shocked, frozen, feeling numb. It was like a near death experience, and Jungkook was careless about it. It was a side you had never seen or even expected to see in him. You finally came back to your senses, your shaky hands taking your seatbelt off and grabbing the handle of the door, sparing Jungkook a glance to see he was breathing heavily in rage, his angry eyes staring blankly in front of him while he gripped the wheel in anger. Your tears spilled as you climbed out of the car, your legs and entire body shaking as you walked up the driveway, soon hearing the door of his car open and slam closed. "Now you see how it feels to be scared!" He yelled, making your blood boil as you turned around to look at him, your eyes still filled with fear from what happened. "Fuck you!!" You shouted in despair, your voice breaking as you sobbed, covering your face with your hands before hugging yourself. "There are other ways to show someone how scared you are of losing them!! Not like a fucking psychopath, risking both of our lives and someone else's with your reckless driving!!" You added, you lip quivering and a small whimper leaving your throat. You seemed to notice a small change in Jungkook's demeanor, not as angry as he was before and definitely guilty for causing you to feel like that.

"You can go fuck yourself." I whispered, turning around and heading for the entrance of the house. You dug into your purse messily, digging out the keys and missing the keyhole a couple of times before you finally managed to unlock the door, turning the security system off once inside. He followed after you, closing the door and taking his shoes off, chuckling coldly. "You definitely do not understand how serious this situation is." He said, making you turn towards him with a shocked look. "You could've simply sat down and told me about it!" I yelled, a scoff leaving him as he shook his head. "Told you about it? I already tried doing that before with someone, ended up with me losing her!" He yelled back. "Who? The first wife you never told me about?!" You spat back, your heart racing after what you said. His eyes stared deeply at you, scoffing once more. "What?" He said in a deeper, yet softer tone. "Yeah, Sungwon mentioned it when he came earlier today. But Taehyung wasn't quick enough to stop him from spilling it out." His eyes seemed to grow colder, lost in thought as he looked away. "She was my first love. The girl I loved in high school. We got married after we graduated college and she died of cancer after 2 years. It was a year ago." He said coldly, his eyes filling with tears. You stared at him in slight disbelief, your stance and gaze softer now after it was true that he had a wife. "Why didn't you tell me?" You asked softly, making him close his eyes for a bit. "Because I can't get attached to you! I can't lose you too!" He replied, your eyes widening when his head snapped towards you. His eyes held so many emotions; desperation, care, love, anxiety, fear. He sobbed softly, running his hands through his hair after.

"Ever since the first day; there was something about you that pulled me in. The moment I saw your picture and how you described yourself, the things you did, the way you spoke. I tried so hard to push you away, to be cold, to be mean, to make you hate me. But you still stood there, waiting patiently until the day I would finally love you back the same way you love me." He said, his voice shaking, lip quivering every now and then, and eyes avoiding to look at you. "I even came up with the fucking contract and you still agreed to it!" He exclaimed, grabbing the chair from the dinning table and throwing it to the side in anger. "I knew I would fall into the trap again but I needed the marriage to happen, I didn't have time to find someone else, even if it was putting you in danger. I knew I would fall for you, that I would start loving you before the contract was done and our marriage was over." He said, turning to look at you with weak eyes, his body feeling numb as you stood there, still procesing everything leaving his mouth. He took a deep breath and sobbed in complete desperation, falling to his knees. "I fucking love you, Y/n. I tried and I failed on not falling in love with you." He whimpered, closing his eyes tightly as he began to cry, leaning his hands on his thighs and lowering his head in shame, as if disappointed with himself. "Oh, Jungkook." You sobbed softly, making your way quickly to him and falling to your knees as well, grabbing his face with your hands. "I love you too, you asshole." You said with a small smile, his eyes opening to look at you briefly before he closed them again, sobbing softly. His arms wrapped tightly around you, sobbing into your neck as he buried his face there, holding you as close as possible to him.

Now you understood the cold acts, the nightmares, the constant worrying. It made you hug him tighter as you caressed his hair, sniffling and sighing deeply. "I will be okay, Jungkook. I won't go anywhere. I promise I'll listen more and do whatever you say. I won'd be careless and I'll be careful. Just please, be open with me." You whispered, wanting to reassure him which only made him cry harder. He was truly scared of losing you.

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