𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 7

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You woke up early the next day, feeling nervous and eager for the party that was going to be later in the night. Yesterday night, you and Jungkook finished the spa day after the face mask was done, staying for a bit more together and talking about a few things like what you liked and what your hobbies were. You were excited about it, feeling happy that he was finally curious about you and that he would pay attention, his eyes glued to your face as you spoke. It wasn't like on those dates when he would ignore you and focus on everything but you. His eyes sparkled as you spoke. You couldn't help but smile to yourself as you remembered yesterday's talking while you brushed your teeth, giggling quietly to yourself. You washed your face and mouth, headed to your bedroom to get changed, and then headed downstairs to make yourself some coffee. "I told you I will have it ready on time. Don't threaten me or else." You heard Jungkook's voice echo down the hallway that connected the kitchen with his office. You popped your head through the doorway, tilting your head and furrowing your eyebrows as you listened. "The shipment will be ready soon, I still don't have the packages though. If you are patient, you will get your stuff." He said, his voice sounding angry and low. "If you threaten me once more, you will say goodbye to your shipment and your business. Maybe even your life." You couldn't help but widen your eyes at what he said, your hand flying to your mouth in shock as you straightened yourself and turned around. 'E-Even his life?' You thought to yourself. That moment, you heard footsteps approaching the kitchen, quickly beginning to prepare your coffee, and act as if you didn't hear anything. "Oh, you're awake?" Jungkook said in a slightly surprised tone.

"Oh, yes. I just woke up." You chuckled, clearing your throat after. "Did you have breakfast yet?" You asked, trying to have a conversation going to avoid him asking if you heard anything if he was planning on asking you though. "No, I haven't." He said, moving to stand beside you just a few feet away. You looked at him, giving him a soft smile before turning to put the coffee machine on. "You heard... didn't you?" He asked softly, his eyes staring at you with knowing eyes while you froze, not knowing how to respond. He sighed softly, his hand that was resting on the counter near yours moving closer, making your heart beat faster. You stared at his hand as it moved, sitting next to yours and his pinky finger gently trailing the side of your hand. "I-I only heard part of it." You said shakily, pulling your hand away and taking your coffee quickly, turning the coffee machine off. When you were about to walk away, Jungkook grabbed your arm and gently pulled you back towards him, sighing heavily. "The whole thing is only a way of speaking." He began, looking into your eyes once you faced him. "I would never kill anyone." He added after. "That client has been getting on my nerves for a while now. His shipment was slowed down because of the shipping company and he is that type of guy that won't stop bothering until his shipment reaches." He explained, his hands gently grazing your arms as he held them in a soft hold. You held the cup in your hands while you stared up at him with wide eyes. It wasn't because of what he was saying but because of his gentle hold on your arms, the soft look in his eyes, and the sweetness in his voice. Who was he? What happened to the cold man you married?

"I-I see..." You whispered, clearing your throat and having some of your coffee. "Anyways. The party is at 7 PM, tonight." He said, smiling at you. "Once we are ready, we'll head there and I will introduce you to Jimin." He added after, his hands finally letting go of your arms. "I will make sure to behave myself." You replied, making him chuckle a bit. "Thank you. It means a lot to me." You stared at each other for a bit, his eyes lingering on yours while yours lingered on his, making you blush a bit. You stepped back after a bit, sipping your coffee and avoiding his gaze. "I will make breakfast while you finish your work." You said, placing the cup on the counter and opening the fridge to gather some ingredients. "Let's make breakfast together. I'll make some scrambled eggs." He replied, your head snapping to look at him. A laugh left him at your reaction, tilting his head as he leaned on the counter with his hands on the edge. "What?" He asked, grinning widely. "N-Nothing." You replied nervously, looking away from him. You decided to work up some toast for the scrambled eggs along with some sliced cucumber and some sausages on the air fryer. As Jungkook began to cook the eggs, you began to wash and then peel the cucumbers, humming quietly to yourself.

6 Months | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now