𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 19 +21

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You took a small shower to clear your head after Jungkook reassured you that you'd find the man that has been secretly stalking you and Seri

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You took a small shower to clear your head after Jungkook reassured you that you'd find the man that has been secretly stalking you and Seri. You walked into the bedroom with a towel around your body, Jungkook gone from the bedroom. After noticing the balcony door was open, you looked to see him outside, leaning on the ledge, smoke moving into the air. You sighed heavily as you went outside, careful not to slip while making your way to him. You then grabbed the cigarrete from his hand, putting it out on the metallic bar before throwing it away. "I told you to stop smoking. It's bad for you." You said in a bit of worry, a smile growing on his lips as he looked at you, pushing himself up. "Okay, sorry. Go inside, you'll catch a cold." He said, pecking your lips and heading inside with you. Once inside, he closed the door and hugged you from behind knce he turned to face you again, heaving a deep sigh. "I love you..." He whispered. You smiled softly and hummed in response, closing your eyes, his chest pressed against your back since he was wearing only a pair of sweatpants. "I love you too." You whispered, a shaky breath leaving your lips when he began to place kisses down your neck and shoulder.

"I'll keep you safe." He whispered once more. He pulled you closer after he pulled away, moving his hand to your cheek and making you look at him, his eyes sparkling, sweet, loving. "I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise." After that, he placed a deep kiss to your lips, the two of you sharing a deep yet heated kiss. You turned in his arm so you were facing him, your hands going to his hair and nape while his moved to your thighs, pulling the towel high enough so you could jump and wrap your legs around his waist. He then carried you to the bed, gently laying you down with him on top, removing the towel and throwing it to the ground. His lips parted from yours, moving down your chest to your breasts, leaving butterfly kisses that made you shiver and moan. It made you feel loved, a smile growing on your lips as he paid so much attention to your pleasure. He sucked on one nipple for a bit before moving to the other, your back arching in need. He moved even lower, trailing kisses down your stomach until he reached your inner thighs, causing your legs the twitch when he placed a couple of kisses there, his breath hitting your core.

A grin grew on his lips at the effect he had on you, connecting his tongue to your core in a small, slow lick. Your toes curled as he moved your legs to be on his shoulders, kneeling on the ground while you laid on the edge od fhe bed, a gasp leaving your mouth at the contact. "Fuck!" You whispered, looking down at Jungkook to see him go in again, leaving another lick, this time making it harder and stronger. "Shh... Seri is sleeping." He said, smirking as he started to move his tongue more often on you, circling your clit and thrusting it into you. You tried your best to hold back any moans, a few whimpers leaving instead as you bit your lips together. Your hands gripped his hair and shoulder, his tattooed hand moving to grab your arm as he went faater, harder, making you nearly go crazy and scream out in pleasure. But you managed to hold back, crying out a whimper as you tightened your hold on his hair. He kept going until you grew close, your hips beginning to twitch in need of release, which he noticed, pulling away before you could climax. You looked at him in surprise, watching him stand up and pull you to the middle of the bed, wiping his lips after. "I was so close-" He cut you off by slamming his lips on yours, kissing you while his hands worked on taking his pants and boxers off. He then climbed on top, his thighs tucking underneath yours, wrapping your legs around his waist. He then slowly positioned his cock before entering you, a deep, growly moan leaving his throat into your lips, his hands moving to hold onto your shoulder and hip. You couldn't help but moan too, feeling him stretch you out and completely forget about the climax you were close too. He pulled back from the kiss to look at you, breathing shakily as he began to roll his hips at a decent pace, "You're so fucking tight." He whispered. You wrapped your arms around his waist, nails clawing at his back as you smiled. "You're just too big." You teased, a chuckle leaving him while he leaned his forehead on your chest, placing a kiss there. Quiet moans left the two of you at each thrust he did, sweat slowly beginning to cover your bodies as you moved together, molding your bodies into one. His body pressed against yours, his forehead too. His eyes looked deeply, as if not wanting to forget what this was like, his hips moving even faster and deeper, slowly beginning to pull back and slam into you. You breathed heavily as he did that, managing to make your moans come out quietly although you wanted to scream out in pleasure. You held onto him for dear life, staring right into his eyes while your orgasms grew closer. "I'm going to love you so fucking much." He whispered, noticing some tears growing in his eyes. "You will be the happiest woman alive, until the end of our days. Until death does us apart. Until you get sick of it." He added, grabbed your hips and slamming harder into you, a moan accidentally escaping you.

"I will give you the love, the affection, the care, the passion, your parents didn't give you. I will be your euphoria." And with that, just a couple more thrusts, and you two came together. You held each other close, his hips buckling deeply into yours as you both reached your orgasms. He heaved a couple shaky breaths as his hips twitched, a quiet groan leaving him, lips parted. You gasped, lips parted too, a soft whiny moan leaving you as your legs shook, the orgasm coming strong. He gently collapsed on you, burying his face into your neck, your tense bodies relaxing into one another. You closed your eyes while panting, letting yourself indulge into his warmth, his hips slowly rolling against yours to ride off your highs. "I love you." He whispered, making you giggle since it was the 3rd time he said it in the past 15 minutes. "How many times are you going to say it?" You asked through the giggle, making him pull back to look at you, a grin on his lips. "Until you get sick of it." He whispered as he leaned in to kiss you, his lips connecting to yours into a loving slow kiss, his hand moving to your cheek. You kissed for a bit before he pulled back and climbed off, laying down beside you. He gently ran his hand over your skin, soothing the aching muscles while he placed kisses over your stomach and chest. "Look at that afterglow..." He smirked while kissing your stomach, his eyes looking up at you. You couldn't help but blush, slapping his arm while looking away, a chuckle leaving him.

He laid down beside you and pulled you into his arms, laying your head on his chest. "I have some work tomorrow. So I will be out. But I will be home early in the afternoon." He said, kissing your forehead. "Lock the doors and put the alarm on, don't go anywhere." He added. You nodded in response, giving him a soft smile as you looked up at him. "Yes, got it." You whispered, leaning up and pecking his lips. You stayed like that for a bit, enjoying each others warmth and comfort, until one of you fell asleep. Jungkook. You couldn't fall asleep though, your mind filled with who this person could be and qhy they were watching you. It could be someone you knew, or someone Jungkook knew, or someone who knew you and Jungkook but you didn't know them. With a sigh, you carefully climbed out of Jungkook's arms and off of his bed, taking a robe and putting it on. With quiet steps, you made it out of the room and down the stairs, heading to the kitchen for a midnight snack. As you were about to head into the kitchen, your eyes caught a glimpse of Jungkook's office door being slightly open.

You knew you shouldn't go in since he had prohibited you to do that, but the small light blinking against the door, a blue light, made you curious to know. You made your way in, going inside the room to see everything tidy and clean. It was like you remembered it, the built in minibar, the dark desk ad chair, the dark walls. A soft light of moonlight made it through the blinds as you looked around. You finally spotted the source of the blue light, a type of button-like light. With furrowed eyebrows, you press it, a mechanic sound echoing from the wall in front of you. Suddenly, the wooden wall split up and separated in 2 halfs, a wall mount moving forward in front of you. The moment the lights of the wall mount turned on, you gasped and widened your eyes. You stumbled back, tripping over the small couch behind you and falling on your back. You stared in utter shock and fear, your eyes trailing over everything while trying to assimilate what your eyes were seeing.

A decent number of assault riffles, smgs, pistols, grenades, flash grenades, knives, even a rocket launcher. You sighed shakily in fear, the door slamming open which made your head snap to it, a agitated Jungkook making his way in. "...Shit." He whispered, his gaze softening when he saw you. You sat up urgently, getting up and backing away when he tried to step closer. "W-What the fuck is that!?" You exclaimed. "Why the fuck do you have guns in your office?! In our house?!" You added, Jungkook quickly closing the door before your exclaims would wake Seri up. "I can explain just please, calm down." He said, taking a few steps closer to the desk where you were standing behind. "Those are guns, Jungkook... I can accept the fact that you have a daughter and were married before but guns... You have a whole fucking arsenal!" You shouted. Your whole body was trembling, tears were falling down your cheeks. You were horrified. Not by the fact that you saw weapons. But the fact that Jungkook owned them.

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