𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 12

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After Jungkook was gone, you cooked yourself some breakfast and ate it, sitting at the big table alone, watching as people walked down the street through the big windows the house had. With a sigh, you took another bite and then a sip of your coffee, placing the fork down to put Jungkook's number into your phone, sending him a text like you said you'd do.

Y: 'Hey, it's Y/n ✌🏻'

After sending it, you smiled to yourself and took another bite once you put your phone down. It vibrating after a bit. You picked it up to see Jungkook replied to you instantly.

J: 'Hey, everything okay?'

Y: 'Yeah, it's all good. I told you I was going to message you so you could save my phone number :)'

J: 'Ah, yes. I forgot ㅋㅋㅋ'

You giggled softly at him, shaking your head as he sent you another message, making you smile like an idiot at your phone.

J: 'Did you have breakfast? I'm sorry I couldn't stay to have breakfast with you. :('

J: 'Work is hectic at the moment.
I hate them for making me leave so early.'

Y: 'Yeah, I did. We still have our movie night tonight. ❤️'

J: 'Hehe, we still do, yeah.
I will text you when I head home.'

With that, you both turned your phones off, Jungkook heaving a sigh as he placed his phone on the desk and covered his face with his hands, groaning. "Everything okay, Jungkook?" Taehyung said as he sat in front of him at the desk, looking through some files while Hoseok was in the back, sitting on the couch while working on the laptop, the sound of keys echoing in the room. "Yeah, Y/n just had breakfast, and everything is okay." He said, rubbing his eyes before running a hand through his hair, crossing his arms, and leaning back in his seat. "Are you and Y/n... good?" Taehyung asked, a knowing grin on his lips. "Oh, yeah, how is she? Somi was quite harsh on her in front of all those people. I'm sure she was quite mad." Hoseok asked this time, lifting his eyes away from the computer to Jungkook for a few seconds before continuing to do what he was doing. Jungkook's mind got filled with memories from that night. The moans and whines your lips left as he pleasured you.

He couldn't help but grin. "From what I heard, she was mad. Until Jungkook decided to fuck his fingers into her and then eat her out on my office desk." Jimin said from the couch he was laying on, sitting up and shuddering in slight disgust at the still engraved images in his mind. Jungkook's eyes widened at his words, staring at him. "What-?" "Yes, Jungkook. In case you forgot, I keep cameras in my office because that's where I keep my important documents." Jimin said with a glare. "But that's impossible, I made sure to shut off the cameras before we did that," Jungkook replied. Taehyung had widened his eyes and pursed his lips to try and hide a knowing smile, sharing a glance with Hoseok that seemed to be happy, seeing the old Jungkook beginning to emerge slowly through the ice wall he had built. Jungkook stood up and headed closer to Jimin, looking down at him. "I know perfectly well about the security cameras in your office, Jimin. Hoseok installed them right after he installed them in mine. And you told me the security passcode to shutting them off, which I did." Jungkook explained, his eyes narrowed. "It's impossible for the cameras to have been recording," Jungkook added. Jimin narrowed his eyes in thought, glancing at Hoseok to ask something, his lips parting, but Hoseok already knew the question. "It was either someone hacking into your cameras or there was one more camera installed to try and blackmail you and/or earn valuable information." He replied.

6 Months | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now