𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 21 +21

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You rode the car in silence as Jungkook drove somewhere towards the outer city, to a place that seemed abandoned

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You rode the car in silence as Jungkook drove somewhere towards the outer city, to a place that seemed abandoned. You looked around to recognize the buildings as abandoned warehouses, some missing parts of walls, or even their doors. "What is this place?" You asked, leaning a bit forward on your seat as Jungkook slowed down, nearing the cneter area between the buildings. "Used to be a shipping dock decades ago. Ships used to come and unload their cargo here before the main dock was constructed." He replied, turning the car off and looking at you. "Have you used it for a sale?" You asked in a quieter tone, a small chuckle leaving Jungkook. "My first couple ones, yeah. But it was pretty far from the city and a pain in the ass to wait here, so I became more innovative. Came up with a different selling idea." He said, getting off the car. You watched him get off before you followed suit after removing your seatbelt. "Okay, so now what?" You asked, closing the car door as the cold air of the night hit you. It was relatively dark, apart from a couple of street lamps and the cars' headlights lighting up your surroundings enough for you to see.

"I will be teaching you a couple of things. First, how to drive. Second, how to handle a gun. And third, how to -" "Woah, woah, woah." You cut him off at the mention of the gun. "I am fine with you handling the guns, but I am not going near one." You instantly said, watching him pull out a silenced pistol. "It's a pistol, and it's for safety reasons. I won't be making you kill anyone." Jungkook said in a serious tone, stepping closer to you with a determined and cold look. "Imagine you were home alone with Seri, just the two of you. You are cooking dinner and she's in her room. All of a sudden, someone breaks in. You try to call me, but I don't pick up, or I do, but take forever to come back home." He said, loading the pistol and taking the safety pin off. "One shot, you're dead." He added lowly, aiming the pistol in the distance and taking a shot, knocking one of the cans off one of the windows from one of the warehouses. "But if you knew how to handle a pistol, the simple fact of you showing it to him or her would scare him and make him run off. Or stall him until I come home or the police come." He said, his eyes dead serious as he turned back to you, putting the safety pin on. He took your hand and gently placed the gun in your hand.

"This is for your own safety. For yours and Seri's. You know there is someone constantly watching you and Seri. At the park, at the house. Probably even her school." You looked down at the gun, holding it with both hands as you inspected it. Your heart was racing, being the first time holding a gun, and the fact that Jungkook was teaching you how to use one. When you were first marrying him, the last thing you imagined happening was this. "Okay..." You said, grabbing the gun by the handle, making sure to not aim it at him, but at the ground or to the side.

(Please do remember this. If you are just learning how to handle a gun in real life, may it be for safety reasons, job reasons, or a hobby. Keep the safety pin on until use and never EVER aim the gun towards someone or something that could be harmed. Even if the safety pin is on, it's an airsoft weapon or even a toy gun. A gun can backfire even by simply dropping it, and keeping the habit of aiming the gun away will safe yours or someone elses life. And stating the obvious, if you are underage, do NOT go near guns unless there is a professional adult and they are teaching you.)

6 Months | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now