𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 10

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The sun shone through the curtains with a soft breeze moving through the slightly opened balcony doors, making you hug the blanket even closer to your body while whining in your sleep, hugging the pillow that was under your head

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The sun shone through the curtains with a soft breeze moving through the slightly opened balcony doors, making you hug the blanket even closer to your body while whining in your sleep, hugging the pillow that was under your head. With a soft sigh, having already woken up, you slowly opened your eyes to find Jungkook's spot on the bed empty, making you lift your head off the pillow as you lay on your stomach, looking around to find yesterday's clothes gone along with your underwear. You stretched after giving up on wondering where he had disappeared, sighing at the feeling of how comfortable Jungkook's mattress was along with his silk sheets. You got up after, heading to the bathroom to do your things before going to Jungkook's closet and pulling out a shirt of his, smiling shyly while you put it on. After that, you went to your bedroom and drank your pills, getting a pair of clean underwear before going back to Jungkook's room. You looked out through the glass door, seeing the blue sky and sunny day awaiting you today, making you smile at the sight. "You're awake." You heard Jungkook say, making you look over your shoulder to find him with a small table with breakfast on it, wearing nothing but some silk pants. "Let's have breakfast on the balcony." He said, letting you open the door for him and help him outside. He placed the table on the ground, watching you as you began to place the plates and glasses on the bigger table he had. "You made this?" You asked in surprise, the smell of the food already making you feel hungry. "Yes, I did." He replied, moving behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, his chest pressed against your back. "You look great with my shirt on, by the way." He whispered into your ear, placing a soft kiss on your neck which made you blush. You turned in his arms so you would be facing him, looking up at him with your hands on his chest.  He smiled down at you and slowly leaned closer, kissing you slowly, his lips soft and sweet against yours. You closed your eyes, kissing him back while moving a hand to his cheek, caressing it. You slowly pulled away after, keeping your eyes closed while licking your lips. "I love how cute you look freshly awakened." He whispered, his hand caressing your back sweetly while staring down at you. With a soft sigh, you opened your eyes and looked at him, pecking his lips and smiling shyly after. He smiled back and chuckled while you giggled, him giving you a peck this time. "You're adorable." He said. "And you are being romantic." You replied, pulling away from him and turning to the table. "Should I stop? I can stop if you want me to. I'll go back to being the cold husband I was." He said as he leaned back against the glass railing the balcony had with his elbows, his muscles flexing as a grin grew on his lips.

You turned to look at him and frowned, shaking your head. "God, no. I prefer this Jungkook way more." You said with a chuckle, taking a bite of the pancakes he had made. "Do you?" He asked, his eyes now soft as he seeks approval. You stared at him while slowly chewing on the bite, "Ever since we got married, I began to feel things for you, Jungkook. It was obvious, no matter how badly I tried to hide it, or how prohibited by the contract it was to fall in love with each other." You said, tilting your head a bit. "So of course I love this Jungkook more. You're loving, caring, sweet, and romantic. You are giving me love despite you keep hesitating, trying not to show it, lying, and denying it to yourself." You added. "This is the Jungkook I want. The one I saw in the picture. The one I love." His eyes widened slightly at the word 'love', pushing himself off the railing. "Oh, Y/n." He said, making his way to you once more and kissing you deeply. His hand held the back of your head gently as he kissed you, caressing the side of your head with his thumb before pulling away from the kiss, and giving you a loving look. "Let's have breakfast before it gets cold." He said with a smile, pecking your lips before completely pulling away and heading to the table, his back to you with a smile across his lips. A sudden sound, like a suppressor, made Jungkook furrow his eyebrows as he froze, looking over the terrace while trying to recognize the sound. "Jungkook?" Your voice sounded with a hint of pain and fear, making him look over his shoulder and for his eyes to widen.

"No. No, no, no. NO!" He said quickly, turning around and grabbing you before you would hit the floor. Blood had begun to soak his shirt that you were wearing, his hands shaking as he tried to press the wound to stop the blood, tears instantly clouding his eyes as he began to panic. "No! This can't be happening!" He exclaimed, looking up to find a masked figure standing on his rooftop on the other side of his house, holding a sniper rifle that had a suppressor attached to it. "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" He screamed, uneven breaths leaving his mouth as the figure instantly ran away. "Y/n, baby, stay with me. Stay with me, love. You'll be okay." He said quickly after turning to look at you, your pain-filled eyes staring right into his. Your breaths were broken apart, barely able to get a breath straight while your whole body trembled, tears leaving your eyes as you cried in fear. "I don't want to die." You whimpered, a sob escaping you as Jungkook's arm enveloped you this time, his other hand holding a towel he had on the balcony against the wound, applying pressure. "I know, baby. You won't." He sobbed, kissing your forehead. A soft whimper left your throat until your face lost the expression it had, falling completely blank while your body went slowly numb against Jungkook's. Jungkook's lips quivered as he moved his hand to your cheek, caressing it in desperation that you would react. "Y/n, stay with me." He said softly, whimpering when he didn't get a response or a movement. "Please, stay with me." He begged, sobbing heavily while continuing to stare deeply at your slowly getting paler face. "No, no, NO!" He screamed, hugging your now limp body close to his chest as he leaned forward, holding you tightly while screams and sobs of agony escaped his mouth.

A gasp echoed through the room, Jungkook's eyes having snapped wide open, staring at the door as he lay on his side. Heavy sweat covered his entire body, barely managing to swallow the big lump he had in his throat as he looked around the room. His senses began to come back, realizing a warm body was in his arms, looking down to see it was you, fast asleep, in his arms. He made sure to check you were okay, realizing you were both still naked from the session earlier in the night. A shaky breath escaped his nose as he stared down at your sleeping figure with tears in his eyes, biting his lips to stop any sobs from coming out as he hugged you close once more, pressing his lips to your head and closing his eyes in relief. His heart ached as the same stuff began to fill his mind, history repeating itself once more. He hated it, he truly hated it, having to go through that again. The fear, the pain, the darkness. He didn't want to go through that again. He pulled slightly away and stared at you, his hand going to her cheek and caressing it sweetly. He didn't want to close his eyes again, he didn't want to return to the dream again. Your limp body in his arms while your face turned pale, your eyes emotionless. He pressed a kiss on your forehead before pulling carefully away and sitting up, letting the blanket fall from his chest and onto his lap.

He leaned his head on his hands, a few tears rolling down his cheeks as he closed his eyes. His lips quivered as he bit them to stop any sobs from coming out, feeling the bed shift beside him. You began to wake up when you felt the bed shift and the warmth surrounding you disappear. Jungkook's back was the first thing you saw, blinking your eyes a couple of times to wake up before placing your hand on his back. You slowly sat up, holding the blanket close to your chest. "Hey, are you okay?" You asked softly, leaning your head on his arm and placing a kiss on it sweetly. He sniffled, wiping his cheeks quickly and smiling softly, his eyes avoiding you. "Yeah, just a bad dream." He said, sighing heavily. You hesitantly moved your other hand to his cheek and made him look at you, caressing it sweetly. "Do you have them often?" You asked, trailing your thumb over his under-eye carefully. "Because it seems like you do." You said with a soft giggle, moving closer to him as your hand on his back rubbed it sweetly. "Ever since-" He cut himself off, glancing away for a minute before glancing at you again. "It has been a couple of years. Ever since then, I haven't been able to have proper sleep. The same thing repeats in my head, the same nightmare every time I close my eyes. And today it was a different one, it involved you." He said, his eyes watering once more. "What happened in it?" You asked, leaning your chin on his shoulder while still caressing his cheek, your hand that was on his back being on his shoulder this time.

"You died." He said with slight hesitation. Your eyes widened, staring at him in surprise, expecting everything else but that. "I died?" You asked, getting a nod from him. He then sobbed, taking your hand in his and looking down. "And I couldn't save you." He whispered painfully.

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