𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 5

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"Try this one, miss." One of the store staff said as she showed another dress she had collected for you. You glanced at it and nodded, looking at the mirror after and heaving a small sigh. It was a dark blue dress that had an open skirt, a small slit from the mid-thigh down at the front side of the skirt. You turned slightly to see what it looked like from behind, humming quietly. It hugged your body pretty well but you felt like it was too tight for you, shaking your head after. Jungkook was off in the male section, choosing a suit for himself. A few women were gossiping behind you, admiring your husband while they dreamily stared at him, holding each other's hands. "He's just so handsome. I wish he could be my husband." One of the whined quietly, a pout forming on her lips. "He is Jeon Jungkook, he is meant to own Jeon Enterprises now that he is married to her." The other woman said, giving you a disgusted look that you saw through the reflection of the mirror.

It made your blood boil. "I can't believe she got married to him. He definitely deserves someone so much better and not that cheap, ugly woman there." The woman said. You took a deep breath and gripped the skirt of the dress tightly to hold back on what you desperately wanted to do, climbing off the small stand in front of the mirror to head over to the changing room. "Don't you get it? She's a money-thirsty slut. She saw the chance and married him for the money, obviously." The other girl replied, the two of them sharing a laugh. And that was the limit. You turned around and headed towards them, the two instantly dropping the ugly smiles they had on and widening their eyes, straightening up and bowing their heads slightly. You stood in front of the one that called you a slut, wasting no time in landing a harsh slap on her cheek that sent her to the ground, her eyes even wider as she looked up at you while gripping her cheek. "Hasn't your mother taught you it's disrespectful to talk bad about others behind their back?!" You yelled, some other staff and clients turning their heads to look at you.

"And so what if I was a slut?! So what if I wanted his money?! Are you his mother to care?!" You shouted again, your eyes watering. "You have your own life, mind your own business! He could've married a homeless woman if he wanted to!" You added, finally looking up to see everyone looking at you and the woman, your chest heaving up and down in anger. You glanced once more at the woman, sighing heavily. "I dare you to call me money-thirsty slut one more time." And with that, you turned around only to find Jungkook standing a few feet away, wearing one of the suits the store had, glancing at the woman behind you once you began to walk to the changing room.

" And with that, you turned around only to find Jungkook standing a few feet away, wearing one of the suits the store had, glancing at the woman behind you once you began to walk to the changing room

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You walked into the room and closed the door harshly, breathing heavily as you tried your best to not cry. You felt your chest tighten and tears cloud your eyes, hands on your sides as you walked around the room. It was just as if your parents spoke to you, always judging you. "It's okay... It's just another idiot talking..." You whispered to yourself, a small whimper leaving you before you began to cry, lifting your hand to cover your mouth. You suddenly heard shouting outside, making you sniffle and open the door slightly to see what was happening. Then, Jungkook's shouting voice filled your ears, "How dare you call her a slut?! Especially with her being my wife!" He shouted at the woman who was now standing on her feet, the two who talked behind your back having their heads lowered in shame. "She is nothing more than an amazing woman and you dare to call her a slut and other names because she is married to me?!" He added, scoffing in disbelief and looking away from them, turning to the manager of the store. "I want these two fired, NOW!" He yelled, the women widening their eyes. You also widened your eyes, wanting to stop him from doing so but his eyes soon connected to yours. The rage they held was indescribable, seeing them soften slightly at your crying state. He slowly began to walk to you, his feet speeding up until he reached you. "You should not be crying for those two idiots." He stated with his cold gaze and posture back again. You looked down and wiped your cheeks, sniffling and nodding. "Sorry. I won't." You whispered.

6 Months | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now