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The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed

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The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed. You were tucked in, the room warm, and dim for you to get a good rest. But Jungkook's side was empty. You looked at the time to see it was nearly 10AM, sighing as you laid back down and stretched in bed. You got out of bed and went to the bathroom, doing your routine of freshening up. You looked at yourself in the mirror, noticing a few hickeys on your neck that Jungkook left during the second round of passionate sex you went through on the bed this time. You ran your fingers over the scars, smiling sadly before exiting the bathroom. Once outside, you were met by Jungkook carrying a tray with breakfast. "Hey." He said softly, a small sigh leaving him when he saw you, noticing he was relieved to see you there. You smiled at him, "What's that?" You asked softly, moving closer to the bed as he placed the tray down, clearing his throat. "Breakfast." He replied, moving closer to you after. Slowly, he placed his hand on your cheek, leaning closer and giving you a loving kiss. You closed your eyes and kissed back, resting your hands on his sides.

He pulled away a bit after, his eyes closed, leaning his forehead on yours. You both stayed in a small, comfortable silence, his hand caressing your cheek. "Come, let's eat." You said after pulling away, guiding him to the bed. After sitting down, you began to dig into the food, Jungkook watching you silently. "I'm sorry." He said suddenly, making you stop and look at him, chewing slowly on the food. "About what?" You asked softly. "Yesterday. It was..." You cut him off. "It's okay." You said after he trailed off. "No, it's not. It's not okay, Y/n." He quickly added after. "I... I was stressed, going through so many emotions. And I used you to get rid of said emotions. I used you to feel better. I had sex with you to get rid of my hurt towards my ex." He said. His voice held guilt, disgust, and hatred. It was all directed to himself. "Jungkook..." You sighed.

"I used you." He said with a trembling voice, looking up at you with teary eyes. "No, you didn't. Jungkook." You said as you tried to grab his hands. He pulled away, constantly avoiding your gaze. "Jungkook." You called softly, noticing he still refused to look at you, pulling back from your touch. "Look at me!" You exclaimed, his head finally turning towards you. You placed your hand on his cheek, caressing it sweetly. "I forgive you." You whispered. He stared at you with a soft look, leaning closer to your hand. "I'm sorry." He whispered. You moved closer to him, pushing the tray to the side. Once you hugged him, he began to cry silently in your arms, holding you close and tightly, soft sobs leaving him. You caressed his hair as he cried, sighing softly and closing your eyes. "It's okay." You whispered again and again, but his sobs only got worse.

A couple of hours later, Jungkook had gone off to work, leaving you alone at the house since Seri was at school. You were about to cook yourself lunch when your phone rang, noticing it was an unknown number. You hesitated to pick up, but you did, "Hello?" You said once the phone was against your ear. "Yes, hello? I am calling from Hyunmin Nursery School. Jeon Seri is feeling sick, and she told us to call this number instead of her father's-" You cut them off. "Yes, I am her stepmother. I'll be on there in a couple of minutes." You replied, heading quickly for your purse. "Okay, thank you." The woman replied, hanging up after. You quickly dialed Taehyung and told him to come pick you up, which was quick since he was already on the way to your house. You gathered your purse and keys, locked the house, and quickly got into the car when Taehyung arrived. "What's wrong? You sounded agitated on the phone." Taehyung asked. "Should I call Jungkook?" He added while reaching for the dashboard on the car to dial his number, but you quickly grabbed his hand and chuckled. "No, It's Seri. She's feeling sick at school. I just hope she isn't throwing up or having a fever." You replied. He nodded and took off towards the school, the two of you riding in silence. When you reached, you got off and told him you won't take long, heading inside after. "Hello, I am here for Seri?" You said, taking your documents out to show you were Jeon Y/n, Seri's stepmother. "Right this way." The woman said, guiding you down the hall to the back of the school, where some of the other classes were at. "She's in here." She said, opening one of the doors to an empty classroom, only Seri there.

"Oh my god, Seri!" You exclaimed. The girl was on the ground, unconscious. You quickly ran to her side and checked her face and forehead. She had no fever. Nor did she look sick. She was still breathing, which was a relief, but your head snapped back towards the woman. "What type of school is this?! How dare you leave a child all alone in here?!" You exclaimed. The woman bowed and grabbed the handle of the door, "I'm sorry, I didn't have a choice." She said in a trembling voice, her voice filled with fear as she slammed the door shut. The fear in her voice wasn't because of you. It was something else. You quickly pulled out your phone and went to Seri, dialing Taehyung's number. "Y/n? What's wro-?" You cut him off. "Taehyung, they just locked me inside one of the classrooms, and Seri is unconscious. Something's going on." You said in a hurry, not knowing how much time you had. "I'm at the deep end of the school, I am going to try and get out one of the windows." You said quickly, receiving an 'Okay' from Taehyung. You hung up after, picking Seri up and kissing her head. "You'll be okay, you'll be okay." You whispered. "You do know she won't, right?" You heard through the speaker, making you freeze after you grabbed the handle of the window. "You know you both won't be okay. All because little Jeon Jungkook decided to be a man after he got his heart broken." The voice said. It was distorted purposefully so that you wouldn't recognize it. "Little Seri is okay. Just a little sleeping gas formula I came up with, and she was sleeping like a baby. But, there's no one who can help you, even if you jump out of the window. My men will get you either way." The voice said, making you mutter a fuck you under your breath, going back to opening the window.

Once open, you carefully got out, holding onto Seri tightly. You looked around, waiting for Taehyung to show up, but instead, a black van did, driving right towards you. You tried to get out of the way, but the driver redirected the car to you either way, hiting you on the back after you made sure you'll get the full impact. With a cry, you fell to the ground, struggling to breathe as your whole back and side hurt, your arms still protectively around Seri. You looked towards the van with a blurry vision, noticing two masked men get out and begin to argue. "Are you fucking nuts?! We need them alive!" The passenger argued. "They are alive, see? She's still breathing. The idiot took the whole hit and the kid's intact." The driver said, receiving a slap from the passenger. "We need them BOTH alive, untouched, you dumbass!" The passenger said, grabbing Seri while the driver grabbed you, making you cry out in pain. "You'll be fine, sweetheart. Boss is going to have a lot of fun with you." The man said. You looked towards Seri one last time, the two of you getting carried and dragged to the back of the van, placing you inside through the side door. "Now, purse and phone. We don't want any unnecessary calls done, do we?" He said as he took your purse, detaching the strap to take it easily off of you and looking inside for the phone. Once he couldn't find it, he placed his hand in front of you. "The phone, dear." He said. You slowly dug into your pocket and dug it out, handing it to him. "Good girl." He added, closing the door after.

You groaned while grabbing your side, listening as the guys got inside the van and closed the doors. "Masks off, Taehyung is coming." The passenger said, the two taking their masks off. You looked up to the small window between the front seats since the back side was blocked off from the front side. You indeed saw Taehyung making his way to the window you jumped out of, the van taking off right before he reached. "Oh, he won't notice you're in the van until it's too late." The driver said as he noriced you watching, following Taehyung's figure over the tinted windows, collapsing on your knees after with a small sob.

"You better be prepared. Because Boss has been waiting for a while for this." The passenger said, the two men laughing while you silently cried, fear enveloping your whole body as you moved beside Seri, keeping a protective stance beside her.

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