𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 18

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You and Jungkook rode in his car on the way home, silence surrounding you

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You and Jungkook rode in his car on the way home, silence surrounding you. You were lost in your thoughts, thinking about Seri and how she wanted to be around Jungkook all the time.  She had spent a whole year not seeing him. You already knew she was going to be clingy and with him 24/7. You remembered his mother saying that she would stay with them until you got used to the idea of having Seri with you until you decided if you would stay or go. You rubbed your face a bit before running your hands through your hair, sighing heavily. Jungkook noticed your slightly tense stance, glancing at you for a moment before looking at the road again. "What's wrong?" He asked, reaching over and taking hold of your hand, moving it to his lips to plant a kiss on the top of your palm.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking about Seri." You replied after a bit, turning to look at him, a smile growing on your lips at the kiss. "Oh? What is it?" He asked. He could feel his heart begin to race while he grew nervous, which was obviously clear to you since you saw him tense up a bit. "I see how much she wants to be around you. She wants you to be with her." You said in a soft tone, his eyes connecting with yours for a second. "Is that... bad?" He asked with a bit of worry. "No, no. Of course not." You said in reassurance. "I just... I don't want to stand in the way of you and her. She is a child for fucks sake. Her mother passed away when she was 2 years old and hasn't seen you in a whole fucking year." You said in a slightly stressed manner, remembering the days you craved your parents' attention but they gave you none, always being the disgrace of the family. "I know what it's like to want to feel a parents love, to have them there and listen to your worries, or simply say an 'I love you'." You said in a quieter tone, looking down at your lap. "It feels horrible to want your parents to be there, but none of them to be there or care even. And I don't want Seri to grow up with the idea that her father cared more about his wife than his own child." You added.

The car came to a stop, making you look up to see you were in the driveway. "Y/n..." Jungkook trailed off after he turned the engine off, facing you now. "Seri deserves to have a father. And a mother. And if destiny chose me to give her a mother's love like she deserves, then I will. I will not let her suffer the same fate I had with my own parents." You said with a small whimper, looking at Jungkook. Your eyes were filled with tears, your lip quivering as you held your sobs back. "Let's have her with us." You whispered, Jungkook's face into one of worry and yet love. "Oh, baby. Come here." He said quietly, placing his hand on the back of your head and guiding it to his chest, sobs finally leaving your lips. You hugged him close while crying, his hand caressing the back of your head and lower back.

"I'll tell my mom to have her stuff packed, and she'll move in tonight. You'll be an amazing mother, I know it." He whispered, placing a kiss to your head and keeping his lips there for a bit. "I love you so much, Y/n. Your parents might not have been good parents, but you are not them. You will make Seri and our future children feel so loved they will tell their friends and future partners how amazing you are." He whispered. It only made you sob harder, clutching his shirt tighter and closer, leaning even closer to his chest. "I love you, baby." He whispered, rubbing your back softly. You cried for a bit longer before pulling away, Jungkook's hands reaching to wipe your cheeks before kissing your forehead after. "Better?" He smiled, staring down at you as you were taking deep breaths in and out to calm your breathing and heart. You nodded softly, looking up at him with a soft smile before climbing out of the car with him. You two headed inside and went to your rooms, getting ready to go out with Seri. As you were changing, Jungkook's ringtone echoed throughout the house, his voice following soon after. "Well, well. If it isn't Mr. Choi? DId you like the little gift I sent?" Jungkook said. You could hear the smirk in his voice, making you wonder what gift Jungkook meant. "Oh, well. I warned you to not mess with me before, didn't I? You were slightly asking for it." He replied with a small chuckle.

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