𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 25

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The rest of the van ride was a blur

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The rest of the van ride was a blur. You felt suddenly sleepy and lost consciousness, only to find yourself waking up, laying on cold concrete, small talk echoing in what seemed to be a jail cell. You looked around, seeing you were separated by some steel bars, a cell on the left and right side of yours. "Y/n! You're awake." You heard Taehyung's voice, your head snapping towards him and quickly heading to the bars where he was. "Taehyung? Why are you here? I thought they only took us." You said in worry, Taehyung hand reaching over by the bars and caressing your hair. "They ambushed me. They wouldn't let me through until I pushed past. The moment I made it to the classroom, someone knocked me out." He replied, pulling his hand back. "At least this way I can keep an eye on you just like Jungkook wants." He added, making you giggle. "Where's Seri?" You asked as you looked around the dark room, some light shining through the barred windows from outside.

"They took her to eat. At least she won't be getting hurt or starved like us." He said with a sigh, leaning against the wall and closing his eyes. "We need to find a way out." He added. You also leaned against the wall, shaking your head and hugging your knees. "Nothing will work. They want revenge on Jungkook for something, that's why they got me and Seri here, and you too." You replied, closing your eyes for a moment. "They will probably try to get information out of us. They can't get anything out of Seri since she's just a kid. She's a weakness to make us speak." Taehyung sighed deeply. The door suddenly opened, light shining into the room as a guard headed to the door to Taehyung's cell, unlocking it. You two shared a look, standing up as the door opened. "What are you doing?" You asked. "He's being released. Boss' orders." The guard replied, pulling him outside of the cell. Suddenly, he landed a harsh punch on Taehyung's face, making you gasp and widen your eyes. He kicked him in the stomach, too, a grunt leaving Taehyung's throat as he fell on the ground. "What the fuck?!" You exclaimed.

"Just to make sure he doesn't run." The man said, grabbing Taehyung by the arm and dragging him up to his feet. "Jungkook will come and kill you all, you son of a bitch!" You exclaimed, your eyes watering as he dragged Taehyung out of the room. "I'll be happy to see that!" The man replied as the door closed slowly behind him, making his way out with Taehyung. You slowly fell to your knees as you sobbed, dawning the realization that Jungkook didn't know where you were. Knowing he didn't even know you were kidnapped. Knowing it was all a trap to get him here. You sniffled, lowering your head as you cried silently, your sobs echoing off the walls in the empty room.

Jungkook looked at his phone, the line still ringing, but there was no response. His eyebrows furrowed, staring at the screen as the call went to voice mail. "Hey, you good?" Hoseok asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. Jungkook sighed, trying to call again but ringing Taehyung this time. "Y/n isn't picking up, and so isn't Taehyung." He said, running a nervous hand through his hair. "Should we check Seri's GPS tracker?" Hoseok offered, getting an instant nod from Jungkook. "Yes, let's do it." Jungkook said. He watched as Hoseok went and took his laptop, opening it and beginning to tap away on the keyboard. A second later, the door slammed open, a weak Taehyung stumbling inside and falling onto the ground with a groan. Jungkook and Hoseok spared each other a quick glance before Jungkook rushed to him, helping him up. His face was pale, full of bruises, blood soaked his shirt on his abdomen where his hand gripped desperately to try and stop it from flowing. "Call Seokjin. Now!" He exclaimed, dragging Taehyung to the couch. "Hyung. Hyung! What happened?" He asked in a hurry, placing a towel on his abdomen to control the bleeding and apply pressure to the wound. "S-Seri... Y/n... kidnapped." Taehyung managed to utter through the pain, his forehead covered in sweat as he breathed roughly. "I-It was Jung Sungwon." At the mention of the name, Jungkook's face turned pale, collapsing to his knees by the couch as he looked at Hoseok.

"Sungwon. You're like a son to me. But the only one that can inherit the company is my real son, Jungkook." Mr. Jeon said. Sungwon's blood turned cold, glaring at the man, "I have worked hard for this company, abheoji! Jungkook hasn't even laid a finger on a single document related to this place!" He exclaimed. "I know, son. But I can not give it to you. He is my son. Your family and mine are like family, but we are not real family." Mr. Jeon replied, his eyes showing sadness and guilt. He knew that Sungwon deserved it more than his son Jungkook, the one who gave up on the company to be with his wife and soon the be born daughter. "I will make you regret it. All these years of work I gave, I will ruin you and your son. I will make you live in a life of sadness and despair!" Sungwon said, grabbing onto Mr. Jeon's throat and squeezing tight, strangling him. "You will go first." He said darkly, his eyes dark and emotionless.

"Sungwon..." Jungkook whispered, glancing at Seokjin, who was getting done with patching Taehyung up, the poor man unconscious on the couch. "He has been fed by greed, and he won't stop until he gets what he wants, you." Hoseok said with a sigh. "He already got Y/n and Seri. It's his way of getting him there. He is luring him in because he knows Jungkook won't let them get hurt." Jimin added, glancing at Hoseok and then Jungkook. "The GPS coordinates show that Seri's backpack is in this abandoned factory. It's one of our drop off points." Hoseok said, pointing at the computer screen to show the beeping signal the backpack sent on the map. "We need to find a way to get you there without him knowing, at least until we get Y/n and Seri out." Seokjin said, covering Taehyung with a blanket to keep him warm. He took his bloodied gloves off and threw them away, sighing deeply. "Call Namjoon. He'll gather everyone we need. Get silenced weapons, snipers on top of the other buildings, night vision goggles." Seokjin added.

"We'll attack at night. Use the darkness to our advantage, cut their power off." Jungkook, Jimin, and Hoseok looked at each other and nodded, Jimin already dialing Namjoon on his phone while Hoseok and Jungkook began to build a plan based on Seokjin's ideas.

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