𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 4

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25th August 2022

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25th August 2022

It was midnight, 02:37 AM. You were awake, unable to sleep due to the thundering and rumbling outside. It was a strong storm, and you already knew from the moment you stood under the rain earlier that you weren't going to sleep tonight. You lay in your big bed, hugging your pillow tightly and covering your ears with your hands, trying your best to ignore the thunder outside. "It's okay... It will go away... It's okay..." You repeated to yourself, shivering slightly in anxiety as another thunder echoed louder this time, making you squeal silently. You whimpered to yourself in fear, getting up and deciding to head to one of the other rooms downstairs, like the home theater, which was going to be quieter and lower in the ground, muffling the sounds of the storm. You opened the door to your room quietly, right when lightning struck and illuminated the house through the windows for a few seconds, the loud sound of thunder rumbling made the floor and windows shake lightly, causing you to let out a small scream and jump at the sound, hands covering your ears. You breathed heavily as you shook, eyes closed tightly, a sudden grip on your wrists making you scream again and try to pull away only to be shushed to keep quiet, your eyes opening and widening only to see Jungkook there, his own eyes wide and surprised. "It's me! Calm down! It's me!" He reassured, your arms instantly wrapping around his waist and hugging him tightly, your body trembling against his. "Please, make it stop. I'm scared... Make it stop!" You whimpered, your eyes watering up as you were now overcome by the fear of the storm outside. Jungkook was surprised, his arms on his sides as he stood frozen, not expecting the sudden hug. He looked down at you, realizing you were hugging his naked torso. But what mattered was your trembling figure, the small whimpers, the jumps every time it thundered outside, the small tears that began to fall down your cheeks.

He took a deep breath and slowly brought his arms to encircle you in a hug, sighing softly. His hand pressed against the back of your head and caressed your hair softly, shushing you sweetly. "It's okay... I'm right here... Come." He whispered soothingly. He pulled away, making you look up at him as you sniffled. He brought your arms to be around his neck and then picked you up bridal style, letting you bury your face in his neck, sobbing softly. He began to walk away from the doorway to your room, heading down the stairs and towards the deep side of the house, where his gym, the home theater, and guest bedrooms were at. He pushed the door open with his back, heading inside and placing you to sit on the bed, turning around to leave but stopping when you gripped his arm, his head turning to face you again. Your lower lip was trembling, staring deeply at him as you shakily shook your head in fear. "D-Don't leave me..." You said in a whisper, your voice coming out as a whimper at the end. He reached over and wiped your cheeks with his tattooed hand, smiling sweetly as he left his hand there and caressed your cheekbone. "I'm only going to close the door." He said softly. You slowly let go of his arm, his hand leaving your cheek as he went ahead and closed the door, walking to the other side of the bed. He slowly climbed on the bed, under the covers, his hand gently grabbing your arm and nudging you to move to his side. You slowly climbed under the sheets and laid on your side, facing him but not looking at him. You gripped the covers as you jumped once more at the less loud but loud thundering. You desperately wanted to hug him, hide your face and feel his warmth. Feel protected. You jumped slightly when you felt him move closer, moving you into his arms and leaning your head on his chest. "You're safe with me... I'm right here." He whispered, pressing a kiss on your forehead. You felt your heart begin to race a bit faster, not due to the fear, but due to him. It was magical, to be in his arms, on the same bed as him, with him placing a kiss on your forehead.

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