𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 27

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"Fucking bitch..." A groan was heard as the door slammed open, revealing a wounded Sungwon stumbling onto the rooftop, meeting Jungkook's gaze. A smirk grew on his lips, the door closing behind him as he took another step, falling to one knee and groaning. "That girl of yours... Y/n?" He began, standing back up on his feet. "She has some nice skill. Almost missed my lung, but hit it just enough so that I would die a painful and agonizing death." He explained, making Jungkook grin. "I taught her that." He replied. Sungwon stared at Jungkook, wheezing with every breath he took, sweating and pale. "You took everything..." He said. "It was never yours from the beginning." Jungkook replied, his eyes cold. "She was. She was mine. You took her away from me. Married her." He said, tears streaming down his cheeks as he made his way to Jungkook, taking a hold of his shoulder. "Now she will live without a husband and our son without a father." He added. Jungkook stared at him, leaning closer to his face. "Now she will know what it felt like for me. When my wife died and left me with Seri." Jungkook replied.

A smirk grew on Sungwon's lips slowly, staring at Jungkook. "You will feel it again. Because... you know what?" He said, coughing slightly as he leaned close to his ear, taking in a painful breath. "Old buildings burn fast." He whispered. Jungkook watched as Sungwon stepped back and fell over the edge, his eyes widening as he rushed there, just in time for his body to hit the ground with a loud thud. He stared for a moment, making sure he was truly dead, the blood pooling under his head a sign he was either dead or on the edge of dying. Jungkook snapped out of it, looking around to see some windows were already bursting and letting flames out. "Jungkook, the building is on fire!" Hoseok said through the earpiece. He rushed to the rooftopxs door, opening it only to be met by flames, desperately reaching for the oxygen after he opened the door. He quickly closed it, running to the staircase right on time as the door blew open, an explosion coming through. He managed to hold onto the railing before he could fly off, breathing heavily. "Y/n..." He muttered.

You felt the building shake, a distant explosion echoing through the hallways, flames surrounding every path you looked at. "Shit!" You whispered, breathing shakily. You pushed past some of the flames, making sure your hair and Seri were out of the way of the fire. You reached an open hall, seeing what seemed to be a wide open double door. But the ceiling had collapsed, most of it covering the ground and possible paths. But a small opening was there, enough for Seri to crawl through and make it to safety. You moved closer and crouched down, placing Seri on her feet. "Okay, Seri. Listen to me." You said, taking her jacket off and throwing it to the side. "You will crawl through that space over there and run outside to Appa. As fast as possible." You said, your voice shaking slightly, caressing the girl's cheeks. She nodded, staring at you. "What about you?" She asked. "I will find a way." You said, trying your best to stop a whimper from leaving your throat. "I just want to know you're safe, first." You added. The girl's eyes grew with tears. "I don't want to leave you." She whimpered. You kissed her forehead, closing your eyes, causing some tears to spill. "I'll be alright. Go." You said, pulling back and guiding her to the small space between the beams and ceiling that was on fire. "Go!" You exclaimed. Seri spared you one last glance before quickly crawling through to the other side, looking at you from between the pieces of concrete, wood, and fire. "I love you." You whispered, watching as she ran to the door, a sigh of relief leaving you as she made it outside. You began to cough, the smoke finally invading your lungs after a while, causing you to fsll to your knees, coughing and gasping desperately for air. For oxygen.

"Where are they?!" Jungkook exclaimed as he grabbed one of the men by the collar, more rushing to where he was after making it out of the building. "We couldn't find them, Mr. Jeon. The fire had blocked off most of the rooms and hallways." One of the men said. Jungkook was about to rush through the man, the idea of heading into the burning building his main priority. But Hoseok and Taehyung were quick to hold him back. "We don't need to be saving your ass too, Jungkook!" Hoseok exclaimed. "Appa!" At the sound of the girls' desperate scream, their heads all snapped towards the entrance of the building. "Seri." Jungkook said in disbelief, his chest heaving rappidly with ragged breaths. "Seri. Seri!" He called back, pushing past the men and rushing to the girl, falling to his knees right before she went into his arms. He felt relief all over him, pressing kisses on her head and face, hugging her close and tight. Until he realized. His other girl was missing. He pulled back, grabbing Seri's face in a gentle hold. "Where is Y/n, baby? Where is she?" He was scared to ask. He was scared to think she was dead. "Inside. She made me go out first. She said she'll come after I was safe." The girl said with a small whimper. Jungkook kissed her head once more, looking towards the building. Seri looked too, the seconds becoming dreadful as no other figure made it out of the building. The top of the building began to collapse, making Jungkook's heart drop. "Come on, Y/n." Jungkook whispered, his lower lip quivering. "Eommaaa!!" Seri's piercing scream made it through the cold night, Jungkook's eyes snapping to her.



You gasped softly, your eyes opening to find yourself laying on the cold concrete, seeing the fire had become bigger, half of the room covered in smoke. You coughed heavily, hearing the screams. "Seri..." You groaned, lifting your head and moving onto your stomach. "I'm coming." You muttered. You felt dizzy, weak, numb. Your eyes were blurry, throat was dry. You crawled to the hole where Seri had made it through. It was small for you, but with a push, you could surely squeeze through with only a few scratches or burns. You tried your best. Some cries, leaving your lips as you feel pieces of burning wood or steel drag onto your arm and back, some bits burning some of the clothing you had on. You stopped when some of the rubble shifted, squeezing you a bit closer to the ground. But you still pushed through. For Jungkook. For Seri. "I'm coming, baby. I'm coming." You sobbed, most of your body out of the rubble. Once you managed to pull your legs from underneath, the rubble fully collapsed. You gathered your remaining strength, your eyes focusing on the blurry sight of the door, and adrenaline pumping through your veins once more. Enough for your legs to hold you up until you made it out. You dragged yourself there, holding onto pieces of concrete, finally reaching the door.

Once outside, you gasped for air, your blurry vision catching the number of figures gathered just a couple meters away, a kneeling figure with a small one in front of everyone. "Seri..." You whispered one last time, collapsing to your knees when your eyes closed once more, the strength leaving you once again as you fell sideways onto the ground.

Seri kept screaming for you, Jungkook watching desperately until they finally saw someone. They finally saw you. Jungkook's eyes widened, scrambling to his feet and running to you as you fell onto the ground, grabbing a hold of you. "Y/n. Y/n! Wake up dammit!" He exclaimed, his heart racing at a million miles per hour. A soft struggling breath came from you, your eyes opening weakly to look at him, "Jungkook... You came." You said through weak breaths, a small weeze coming out of you every time you breathed in. He smiled down at you, his hand caressing your cheek as you reached up to touch his. "I did. I'm here. You're safe now." He whispered, pulling you closer only to get a wince out of you, your back arching. "I think... I want to add... some stuff... to our marriage contract..." You whispered, making him chuckle softly as you smiled. He leaned down and kissed you, returning the kiss as you felt relief wash over you. You heard some people rush over to you, the teo of you pulling back, Jungkook sniffling. "Seri?..." You whispered, only to see her appear in front of you with Hoseok and Taehyung, carrying a small oxygen mask and bottle. "Eomma." Seri whimpered, making you smile and giggle. "I'm alright, sweetie. I'm here now." You said, Taehyung placing the mask over your nose and mouth, pumping some oxygen into you. You gasped for it, feeling your lungs slowly relax and the burning feeling go away. Your eyes closing as you focused on breathing.

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