𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1

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24th August 2022

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24th August 2022

The next day, having wanted to get some proper sleep without an alarm having to wake you up, you slept until late. Jungkook was also on vacation until Monday, not needing to act like an actual wife for a couple of days. You stretched in the bed with a groan, smiling happily as your eyes opened and glanced outside through the window. You noticed it was cloudy and with the probability of rain, making you excited to try out the indoor pool since you wouldn't have much to do. You sat up on the bed with a sigh, running your hands through your hair as you looked around the room. The house seemed silent, not hearing anything throughout it while you got up and changed into a comfortable dress to wear in the house. Once you were dressed, you left the room and went to explore the different floors the house had. It had 3 floors; basement, main floor, and second floor. You went to the basement, which wasn't really a basement since it wasn't underground, it had a whole view of the pools outside which was gorgeous at night. You went inside the different rooms with the door open, finding the home theater, a bathroom, 2 more bedrooms, and a small spa spot where you could relax in an indoor jacuzzi.

You were probably going to test it out later at night. As you walked deeper down the hallway, you found a slightly open door, quiet grunts, and groans coming from inside. At first, you felt taken aback, but the first glance inside was towards a mirror that had the reflection of different machinery for exercise. 'So this is his gym?' You thought, gulping nervously as you pushed the door slightly to open wider. You popped your head inside and there he was standing with his back towards you, completely shirtless while lifting some weight. "Fuck..." He groaned lowly, using both hands to lift the heavyweights. Your eyes widened slightly at sight, watching him bite his lip as his muscles flexed. He finally dropped the weight and left it on its stand, taking a towel to wipe off the sweat on his forehead and his chest before a smirk grew on his lips.

Which didn't go unnoticed by you.

His back was so muscular and wide, his shoulders flexing each time he lifted his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead.
"You know I can see you, right?" He said, his eyes staring right at your reflection through the mirror. "You are welcome to watch properly. No need to hide behind the door." He added after, turning to look at the door but you were already gone. You had rushed down the hallway and your cheeks were burning while your heart pounding against your chest. You hated but loved the effect he had on you, and he had already learned how to tease you with it. Once you turned the corner, you leaned on the wall and placed your hand on your chest, taking deep breaths to calm your racing heart. "Goddammit..." You muttered, rubbing your face as you cursed yourself deep down. You definitely needed to get rid of those feelings. He had already stated this meant nothing to him and that nothing would happen between you two. It all still confused you though. Why you, out of all people, be his wife? Why 6 months only? Why go through the trouble of marrying you for a simple company to be in his name?

It all felt weird and strange, but you couldn't say much either. With a sigh, you turned the corner once more only to find Jungkook heading down the hallway, still shirtless, towards you. "Did you enjoy the short show?" He asked as he stopped in front of you, his eyes staring at his hands as he fiddled with the towel in them that was for wiping his sweat. You couldn't help but trail your eyes over his body, taking in every feature like his worked-out pecs and his prominent abs, as well as his veiny arms. He glanced at you, his eyes deeply staring into yours as you blushed slightly. He was no longer smirking, and his eyes were so much colder. "I-I just- I was looking around and I saw the room- I didn't know you were in there-" You replied, watching him lean closer to you, his lips lightly brushing against your ear while his soft, hot breath trailed your skin.

6 Months | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now