𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 15

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You woke up to the sound of cooking, the soft smell of coffee filling your nostrils as you hugged the blanket close, your eyes opening slowly

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You woke up to the sound of cooking, the soft smell of coffee filling your nostrils as you hugged the blanket close, your eyes opening slowly. You stretched, humming happily as you had gotten the best sleep in a while now, hearing footsteps until a body collapsed beside you, making you giggle as arms wrapped around your body instantly after. "Good morning." He whispered, smiling when you reached into his hair and caressed it sweetly, his chin leaning on your chest. "Good morning." You whispered back, staring into his eyes. He caressed your side sweetly as he stared back, leaning up and pecking your lips. "How did you sleep?" You asked softly, running your hands through his hair. "Like on a cloud. I slept so well that I didn't want to get up." He replied, moving up on the bed so he would lay beside you, hugging you close and sighing. "I've had so many nightmare in the past months that I forgot what it feels like to have proper sleep." He whispered, kissing the top of your head when you snuggled into his side and laid your head on his chest. You felt your heart flutter as the silence enveloped you both, enjoying only the calm sound of your breathing and his heart beating quickly into his chest due to your closeness. A smile was plastered on his lips, staring happily out of the window along with you. "I am glad I make you feel like that." You whispered after a bit, looking up at him only to notice a special sparkle you had seen there before, but recognizing it this time. "Oh, baby. You have no idea how you make me feel." He said with a mischievous smirk that made you chuckle, watching him hover over you and attack your neck with teasing kisses, a soft laugh leaving you. "Okay, big boy. The food is going to burn." You said as you patted his chest. He pulled back to look at you, a smirk on his lips as he tilted his head, the mischief now in his eyes as the form of a glint. "Who cares? I'll have you for breakfast." He whispered, making your eyes widen as he leaned in and kissed you, nibbling your lower lip and tugging it gently before pulling away, heading to the kitchen.

You were left slightly dumbfounded, giggling to yourself as you sat up and gathered your clothes from the side of the couch bed. Jungkook watched your bare back as you put your shirt on, followed by your underwear, and then your pants, heading to the kitchen after. "What's for breakfast?" You asked, brushing your hands over your hair. "Kimchi pancakes, spinach soup, egg rolls, and more." He whispered, pecking your lips sweetly. "Spinach soup? What are we celebrating?" You asked with a giggle, his arms moving around your waist and pulling you closer to him. "We are celebrating us." He whispered, kissing you deeply.

"Baby, my mom wants us to visit." Jungkook said as you walked out of the bathroom of his bedroom, freshly showered. He was standing by the closet, on the duty of putting your clothes in there, his phone in hand. You stared at him with a surprised look, "Oh- Well... We can go. I don't mind." You replied, making your way to the bed where your clean clothes were waiting to be put on. Jungkook glanced at you and then his phone, where his mother's chat was open. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"I can tell her it's not a good moment -"

"Jungkook, it's my mother-in-law. What excuse will you tell her if we say we can't go?" You cut him off with a chuckle, beginning to get dressed and sparing him a glance, only to see a smirk on his lips. "You're such a dirty minded idiot!" You said as you got the idea of what he was thinking. "What? She would believe it!" He said in his defense as you slapped his arm. "No, Jungkook! You can't say stuff like that to your mother!" You exclaimed back, your face turning deep red. He hugged you close as you were about to put your shirt on, having put your underwear on. "Why? It would make her happy to know that we are working on making her a grandma." He whispered. You blushed even deeper, hiding your face in your shirt, a small chuckle leaving Jungkook at your reaction.

6 Months | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now