𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 17

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Jungkook sighed softly as he looked up at the ceiling, smiling softly

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Jungkook sighed softly as he looked up at the ceiling, smiling softly. "I have something else to show you too." He said, making you furrow your eyebrows in curiosity. "What? More?" You asked, following him as he guided you to the side, placing a blanket on the ground. He helped you lay down and then went outside onto the balcony of the tree house. You laid there while waiting, a small chuckle leaving you until your eyes widened. Right where you were laying, the ceiling opened up, showing the starry sky right above you. "Oh my god." You said in shock, the lights inside the house turning off and letting you see the stars even clearer. Soon, a warm body lay beside you, pulling you to lay by his side, your head on his arm. "Surprise." He said with a giggle, making you smile widely as you looked up at him. "You also had a star gazer?" You asked, earning a hum from him. "Yeah. I asked for it." He replied. A comfortable silence fell between you two, your eyes looking up at the stars while Jungkook's looked down at his own beautiful star. You. "It's beautiful." You whispered, a soft smile growing on his lips as he hummed lightly. "Yeah, it is." He whispered back. You looked up to realize he was staring at you, a soft blush growing on his cheeks as he leaned closer and kissed you, the kiss slow and loving. You placed your hand on his cheek, caressing it before you two pulled away, hugging each other close. "Would you like to sleep in here tonight?" He whispered, his eyes closed while his hands ran up and down your back, moving to your shoulders sometimes.

"We can?" You asked with a giggle, earning a nod from Jungkook. "Of course. There's blankets, the floor mattress things." He replied. You nodded in response, sitting up and looking up at the sky once more. "Sounds great to me." You said, watching Jungkook as he got up and began to prepare the spot where you would sleep, a soft smile resting on your lips.

The following morning, you felt someone snuggle into you, a smaller figure that definitely wasn't Jungkook. You stirred in your sleep, a small sigh leaving your nose until you finally opened your eyes. You widened them the moment you saw Seri laying with her back to you while watching Jungkook with a small smile and quiet giggles leaving her. You bit your lips together while smiling, watching as the little girl teased her father by pinching his nose or cheeks. "Hm... Y/n, stop..." He muttered in his sleep, making the girl and you giggle quietly. She looked up at you and smiled widely, about to say something, but you shushed her, gesturing to Jungkook, who was still sleeping. "He'll wake up." You whispered in her ear, earning a small giggle from her. She nodded and continued to tease him, causing him to feel a ticklish feeling on his nose and cheek, making him stir in his sleep. "Y/n~" He whined, opening his eyes to find you, before his eyes trailed down to Seri, her little giggles sounding in the small house. He widened his eyes, hugging the blanket closer since he was shirtless, having slept in only his boxers. "S-Seri?! What are you doing here?" He asked in panic, the little girl snuggling more into you, which made you blush a bit. The little girl then sat up, sitting on her knees on the small mattress between you and Jungkook. "I came to see you and Y/n." She replied, a cute smile on her lips.

"I-... Would you go down and let appa get dressed? Then you can spend time with us." Jungkook said, making you slap his chest and sigh as you turned to the girl. "How about you come with me and we get breakfast, hm?" You said, the little girl nodding her head eagerly. "Yes! I'm hungry!" She said, pouting her lips. You couldn't help but giggle at how adorable she was, getting up with her and picking her up. Jungkook groaned as he laid back on the bed, glancing at him as you headed to the door and went to the stairs, shaking your head at him. After taking her to the kitchen, you sat her down on the counter and looked around. "Now, what shall we eat?" You asked, the little girl giggling. "I want some cereal and chocolate milk." She replied, smiling cutely. "Then we shall have some cereal." You said after, looking around the kitchen for said cereal. You felt someone stand behind you, hands on your hips, before he reached with one into the cupboard in front of you for the cereal, looking up to see Jungkook.

He was now wearing a shirt and some shorts, smiling down at you as he leaned closer to your ear. "I wish you stayed in bed longer. I had to take care of it myself." He whispered, making you widen your eyes and slap his chest, glancing at Seri. "Jungkook! Your daughter is here." You whisper-yelled, watching him in slight shock as he prepared 3 bowls of cereal. He let out a soft chuckle, pouring milk in the bowls before taking two and turning around, still looking at you. "And? That's why I'm teasing you." He whispered, giving your lips a peck before heading off to Seri. You watched as he placed the bowls on the side, taking a spood and feeding the girl a small bite, watching as she giggled softly, chewing on the cereal. "Is it good, kiddo?" He asked cutely, caressing Seri's cheek with a soft, cute smile.

You took your own bowl of cereal and began to eat, watching the two of them eat their cereal, loving the father-daughter moment they were having. "Such a big girl you are! You can eat all by yourself now." He said in a childish voice, handing Seri her bowl so she could eat on her own, putting a bib on her in case she got slightly dirty. "How about we go out on a walk today, hm?" He said, glancing at you after he leaned on the counter beside Seri. "We can go eat something, you can play in the park, appa and Y/n can play with you." He suggested. You couldn't help but smile when Seri nodded eagerly, making you chuckle. "Seems like it's a yes." You said, walking closer to them, standing on the other side of where Seri is. "I want to spend time with Y/n." Seri said. Jungkook gasped and scoffed jokingly, making the little girl giggle at his reaction. "You prefer to be with her than appa?" He asked jokingly, receiving a nod from Seri that made him gasp again playfully. "I feel betrayed." He said, a soft, fake cry coming from him as he pressed a hand to his chest. You chuckled softly as you took another bite of your cereal, watching as Seri reached and grabbed Jungkook's arm, tugging it softly. "Appa~," She whined softly, pouting with her lips. Jungkook kept acting as if he was hurt. "Appa~! I love you more!" She whined again. Jungkook then smiled, leaning closer to her before the girl would cry, hugging her close and kissing the top of her head. "I love you too, pumpkin. So much." He whispered, caressing the back of her head and back.

You smiled at the two, Jungkook's eyes moving to look at you with a loving sparkle in them. "I love you." He mouthed, making you giggle, mouthing an 'I love you too' back. You finished your cereal and sighed, placing the bowl in the sink before leaning on the counter once more. "Okay, baby girl. Appa and Y/n will go home to change, and we'll come back later to go to the park, okay?" Jungkook said as he helped Seri down once they were done with the cereal. Seri whimpered softly as she stomped her feet, making Jungkook sigh when the girl hugged his leg close and snuggled into it. "Seri~. It's just an hour or so." He said softly, his hands resting on her hair. "I don't want you to go..." The girl said, her voice wavering as she whined. You couldn't help but feel your heart break a bit, Jungkook kneeling down and hugging Seri close, rubbing her back. "I swear I'll come back. I won't leave you." He whispered reassuringly. "Promise?" She sniffled, pulling back to look at him with teary eyes and a pout. "Promise, pumpkin." He whispered, reaching up and wiping her tears away.

"I promise."

6 Months | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now