𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 20

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You stood outside on the terrace of Jungkook's bedroom, staring blankly in the distance

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You stood outside on the terrace of Jungkook's bedroom, staring blankly in the distance. You tried to assimilate everything, see the good side or the right reason he had all those weapons, but nothing came to mind. You couldn't accept the fact of what you saw. It was shocking, confusing, and scary. You only see that amount of weapons in a movie or a gun store. You ran your hands through your hair as footsteps approached you outside, the door to the bedroom closing after. "I had to make sure the armory was closed..." He said softly, standing beside you but keeping a distance, knowing you needed it. "An armory, Jungkook. It's not just a pistol or a shotgun. You have every type of weapon there, including a fucking RPG." You said, your eyes watering as you looked at him. You put your hands together and took a deep breath, thinking on how and what to ask.

"The whole bodyguard thing, the armory, the 'don't leave the house while I'm gone' thing... You're more than just a CEO's son waiting for the business to be on his name, right?" You asked with a quivering lip, fearing what the response would be. Jungkook tilted his head, biting his lips as he looked at you sadly, scared to tell you. "Would you be scared if I told you?" He whispered, causing a sob to leave you as you hugged yourself and stepped slightly back. "Do you kill people?" You asked through a small whimper. A instant no came from him, stepping closer and grabbing your shoulders in a soft hold, shaking his head quickly. "No, no! God, no. I would never kill anyone. Unless they deserve it." He said, sighing softly. "I haven't killed nor will I kill anyone. Only if they try to hurt you or Se-ri." He added. He thought for a moment on how to phrase everything, taking you to the small garden couch on the side and sitting you down, taking a seat beside you.

"I... I run a Mafia group. We take care of illegal shipments like weapons and stuff for other Mafia groups around Seoul. I run it with my hyungs, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin are in it. You don't know the others yet." He explained, your eyes widening at his words as your breath hitched. "We have only sold weapons, nothing too severe like bombs or drugs. I've been doing it along with my father's business on the side." You stared at him in disbelief, leaning back on the couch, leaning your hands on your thighs. "A mafia, Jungkook." You whispered, staring at the ground as you tried your best to assimilate everything. It was too much. A fucking mafia. "Did Soori know?" You asked after a bit of silence, his head snapping towards you. "What?" He replied in confusion, so your head turned to look at him. "Your first wife, Soori, Seri's mother. Did she know?" You asked more specifically. He instantly shook his head, sighing heavily. "No, it happened after I lost them both. I was in a very dark place. Got drunk nearly every night. This guy came one of the nights at the bar that I was in, offered me a great way to get money, something to get my mind off of things. He explained what the business deal was, he brought me the weapons, and I sold them." He explained.

"I was drunk. The sound of that made me instantly say yes. It was a pleasing offer, one that had nothing to do with my dad at all." He added, looking down at his hands in shame, fiddling with his fingers. "It was finally the only thing I did on my own that didn't have my father's name. The company is his, the surname is his, I'm his." You watched as his voice turned more and more into despise and hatred, noticing how much of a love/hate relationship he had with his dad. "I'm sorry about that." You whispered, rubbing your face a bit. "It won't get in the way. Nothing will happen. This is mostly controlled by Namjoon hyung. He is the leader, I'm the control of stock." He turned to face you, taking your hands in his and kissing the top of them. "I understand if you need some time away, I'll let you be." He added after. You watched him for a bit before sighing, giving him a small, relieved smile.

"I will surely need some time to assimilate everything, take it slow. But... I'll be fine." You replied, leaning into his arms and sighing softly. "I've seen worse things." You whispered, staring out in the distance with fear in your eyes. It honestly terrified you, but you didn't want to lose Jungkook again.

It had been a couple of hours since you and Jungkook spoke. Jungkook had taken Seri to school while you stayed home, doing some chores to take your mind off of things. You also ate some ramen with a few side dishes like meat, cucumber, lettuce, etc. After being done, you went to the bedroom you now shared with Jungkook, sparing a glance at the bed before sighing and heading to the walk-in closet. The discussion was heavy. You still didn't know how to feel about it. But it was something you'd get used to in the future. There was nowhere you would go either way. You got dressed into a summer dress, grabbed your purse, and headed out to pick up Seri. Taehyung was waiting outside, giving you a smile when he saw you. "Hello, Y/n! How are you?" Taehyung asked softly, opening the door for you as you stepped closer to the car. "Good. Jungkook... told me." You replied, his eyebrows furrowing before his eyes widened, showing the surprise on his face. "Oh-" He said, his lips parting slightly. "Well, more like I found his weapon cache and he had no other choice but to tell me. But still, I want to thank you for risking your life to protect me and him." You said softly, a smile resting upon your lips.

He gave you a grateful smile back and nodded, "Of course, it's my job." He replied, giving you a tight hug. You leaned your face in his chest and sighed, feeling his hand caress the back of your head as you two stayed in silence. After a bit, he finally pulled away and gave you a smile. "We should go now. We need to pick Seri up from school." You said, getting stopped by Taehyung before you could go to the car. "Actually, Jungkook wants to take you somewhere. I will take Seri and keep an eye on her in Jungkook's office at the company." He said, making you furrow your eyebrows. You then looked to see Jungkook pulling up intot he driveway, giving you a soft smile as he stopped the car beside Taehyung's. "Hey..." He said to you. "Hyung." He said to Taehyung, stepping closer to you two after he got off the car. Taehyung could feel the tension between you two, pressing his lips into a thin like as he cleared his throat and stepped towards his car. "I will take my leave then. I will call if Seri needs anything." You and Jungkook watched him as he got in his car and drove off, staying silent for a bit before looking at each other after. "So... I want to take you somewhere." Jungkook said after the silence, offering his hand. "Are you going to kill me?" You joked, a small grin growing on his lips that grew on yours after. "No, I will teach you a few things. Only if you want to." He said.

You guessed it had to do with the Mafia thing, your heart racing at the though. But you nodded your head. You wanted to be with him despite whatever he had been hiding. "But no more secrets. And I'm serious this time." You said as a warning, pointing your finger at him while taking his hand. "Okay..." He said with a sigh, thinking for a moment before looking deeply into your eyes. "I'm married to 3 more women." He said, staring at you with a serious face. Your lips parted, staring at him in disbelief, your eyes widening for a moment. "You-" You cut yourself off. Until you saw a grin begin to grow on his lips, beginning to let out a small laugh. You sighed deeply in relief, beginning to hit his arm and back, kneeing him on the side, which made him block each hit while he laughed, and you cursed his entire soul. "You fucking asshole! I almost believed you!" You said as you hit his arm, making him grab your wrists, pinning you against his car and pressing his body on yours. "Almost?! You 100% believed me!" He said back, laughing as he placed your arms around his shoulders. He then placed his on your waist, smiling sweetly down at you. "You are my only wife. You are the only one I love." He whispered, leaning down to kiss you deeply. You closed your eyes, letting the feeling of his lips on yours soothe you as you sighed softly, moving your hands into his hair. He pulled you closer against him, deepening the kiss slightly before pulling away, letting out a soft breath. "I love you." You smiled up at him, leaning your forehead on his and humming in response. "I love you too." You whispered back. He then pulled away and opened the passenger's seat for you, smiling. You climbed inside and watched him close the door, starting to put your seatbelt on.

"Time to teach you to be a mafia girl." He said when he got into the car, starting the car up.

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