𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 8

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You waited as Jungkook got ready, using the moment to go, grab your purse from your room, and turn the lights off in it

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You waited as Jungkook got ready, using the moment to go, grab your purse from your room, and turn the lights off in it. You took a seat near the main door, crossing your legs and sighing since the slit part uncovered your leg. You placed some of the dress to cover your legs, looking up the stairs to see Jungkook standing there, fixing his collar and the sleeves of his jacket. You gasped softly when you saw him, getting up and heading slightly closer to the stairs. You straightened your skirt a bit, clearing your throat shyly. He stared at you for a bit, his lips parting before he finally began to go down the stairs. He looked like a prince, a king even. And you were his queen. "You look amazing in your suit." You said with a shy smile, reaching up to fix his collar a bit. He had unbuttoned the top 3 buttons, some of his chest showing. He stared deeply at you as you worked on his collar; as if trying to memorize how beautiful you looked right there in front of him. "Okay, we should head out now." You said, your eyes trailing up to connect with his as you pulled your hands away. His eyes stared deeply into yours, nodding in response before taking a step back to take his car keys and his wallet from the small table by the door, collecting his phone as well. "Let's go then." He said, offering his arm for you to grab onto it, a grin on his lips when you let out a giggle and placed your hands on it. He guided you out of the house and to the car once he locked the door and turned the alarm on, helping you into the passenger seat. Your eyes caught a glimpse of a figure behind some of the trees the front yard had and looked up again to see it gone, your eyebrows furrowing. "What's wrong?" Jungkook asked once inside the car, the seatbelt was on and the car started up. "Nothing." You shook your head with a small smile. "I thought I saw someone." You added. Jungkook glanced around with slightly narrowed eyes, feeling a sense of insecurity now that you had said that. "Hey, it's okay, it must have been a stray dog or something." You reassured him when you saw him tense up a bit. "Yeah, probably." He sighed, giving you a soft glance with a sweet smile. He waited for you to put your seatbelt on before he took off toward Jimin's house, one hand on the wheel while the other rested on the car door by the window. He rubbed his fingers on his lips, grazing them lightly while he was deep in thought. You couldn't help but steal a few glances from him, his side profile making your heart race and cheeks blush a bit.

When you glanced at him once more, he glanced at you as well, your eyes connecting for a bit before you looked away. Not before you caught a glimpse of a smirk on his lips. The rest of the ride was silent, the two of you still stealing glances at each other. But for some reason, you felt the sexual tension between you two. You could feel how tense the moment was, how badly you wanted to feel his chest with your hands, to kiss him and for him to hold you. You could feel he wanted the same thing, constantly shifting in his seat. But before any of you could try or say anything, Jungkook entered Jimin's driveway, your eyes widening at the sight. The whole place was lit up, the garden filled with decorations about his new album that won a Golden Disc, fairy lights, and well-dressed people heading to the front door. Once Jungkook parked the car, he got out and headed to your side, opening the door for you. He offered his hand and you took it, making you smile at him. "Nervous?" He asked as you stepped out, closing the door behind you. "A bit, yes." You replied nervously. He chuckled softly and shook his head, squeezing your slightly shaking hand. "Don't be. Jimin doesn't bite." He replied, locking the car and beginning to walk towards the entrance. You held onto his hand tightly, your other hand holding the purse grabbing his arm. Your heart felt like it was going to explode in your chest, slamming hard against it. The other guests instantly landed eyes on you the moment you entered the house, drinks in hand as they spoke to each other. Jungkook greeted some of them, his hand holding yours just as tight to make you feel reassured. "Jungkook! My man!" You heard a male's voice exclaim, making you look forward to seeing a familiar voice. "Hoseok hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed back, heading to Hoseok with you. You let go of his arm and hand, Hoseok leaning in to hug Jungkook before turning to you. Jungkook glanced at you as well, watching you with Hoseok. "Mr. Jung. It's a pleasure to meet you." You said as you offered your hand to him. "Oh, please. Don't call me Mr. Jung. It makes me feel way older than I already am." He joked, taking your hand and giving it a soft kiss. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, miss Jeon." He added after with a grin, glancing at Jungkook. "How is married life with Jungkook? Is he treating you well or should I beat him up?" He asked.

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