Chapter 1

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"Hope! now!" Josie said as she chased the monster of the week into the gym.

"Hanc maceriam continere Nemo potest," Hope said as she raised her hands in a circular motion trapping the monster in a small barrier.

The rest of the super squad quickly filed into the gym once the spell was completed.

"What is that thing," MG asks looking at the women looking monster.

"I don't know... but we should probably hit the library and do some research on how to destroy this thing... that barrier won't hold if for more than a few days," Hope says with a sigh.

"How exactly are we supposed to know what it is? the thing hasn't exactly shown us any of its abilities" Kaleb pointed out.

"You know what it looks like... just go off of that" Josie cut in.

The super squad nodded before they all filed out.

A little late into the night Hope walked back into the gym to make sure the monster was still there and thankfully it was.

When she went to leave something caught her eye. She turned to see Josie sitting on the gym floor with a pile of books scattered around her she saw Josie reading a book on mythology.

"Why are you up so late," Hope asks sitting down next to Josie.

The brunette jumps in surprise "god you scared me" she playfully hit Hope on the arm.

"Sorry" the tribrid laughed.

"And to answer your question I couldn't sleep so... I just decided to come in here and watch over the monster while doing some research on it," Josie said gesturing to the book in her lap.

"Any leads?" Hope raised an eyebrow.

"None at all! it's like this thing doesn't even exist but here it is right in front of us" Josie said looking up at the women.

The women's eyes immediately went red and she gave Josie a manic smile when looked at her.

Josie's eyes widened "Not creepy at all."

Suddenly they both heard the woman whispering to herself.

"What is she saying-" Josie asks looking at the tribrid.

Hope stayed quiet for a minute using her vamp hearing to listen in "she's saying something in Latin- join these two and give me the power?" Hope says confused.

The woman's chants suddenly got louder
"His duobus lunge et da potestatem" she kept repeating.

"Hope-" Josie repeatedly tapped Hope's shoulder suddenly coming to a realization.


"I think she's a witch," Josie said.

Before Hope could respond everything went black.

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