Chapter 7

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About a month had passed and everyone knew Josie was pregnant most were supportive considering the circumstances but of course there were some bullies. But Josie had just learned to tune them out.

And things with Finch and Landon were relatively okay.
Landon had started talking to Hope again and Finch has been helping Josie out like the concerned girlfriend she was.

"Hey babe," Finch said kissing her cheek and sitting next to her.

"Hey," Josie says over a mouth full of food.

"So when is our appointment" Finch said.

"Our appointment?" Josie asks confused.

"The ultrasound sound."

"Oh... that well Hope is going with me."

"Like hell, she is," Finch said sounding angry.

"Finch... it is her baby" Josie pointed out.

"I know you tell me every fucking day" Finch rolled her eyes.

"She probably loves you I don't want her going with you."

"Finch I promise you nothing is going on between us but she is coming I can't tell her no."

Finch sighs and just looks down at her lap.

"We can do something afterthought? maybe lunch at the grill."

"Yeah whatever," Finch says getting up.

Just as Josie watches Finch walks out she sees Hope and Landon walk in hand in hand.

She sees Hope whisper something in Landon's ear and kisses him on the cheek before she started making her way toward Josie.

"Good morning" Hope smiled "how are you feeling?"

"I'm good today morning sickness isn't as bad anymore," Josie says.

"Well, are you ready to head out?"

Josie grabbed her bag and stood up "already."

When they arrived at the doctor's office they were called into the room immediately because of Josie's Aunt Elena.

"I missed you," Elena said wrapping Josie in a tight hug.

"I missed you too" Josie giggled.

"Going to be a very simple appointment today I'm going to do an ultrasound and then ask you some questions," Elena said already turning on the ultrasound monitor.

Josie got on the hospital bed before lifting her shirt showing her already a small baby bump.

"How far along are you?" Elena said eyeing her stomach.

"Uh, about a month and two weeks why?"

"Nothing... let's just check on this baby hm?"

Hope looked between Elena and Josie then looked back at Elena suspiciously.

When Elena swipes the sensor across Josie's stomach they immediately saw a small kicking baby.

"Woah is it supposed to be that big?" Hope asks.

"No, no it's not..." Elena said clicking some buttons.

"You said your about six weeks?" Elena questioned to which Josie nodded.

"Your baby is measuring at about twenty-one weeks," Elena said printing out some photos.

"Well that's not possible- wait- what if the witch is doing this" Josie said immediately looking to Hope in panic.

"Nothing is gonna happen I promise I won't let it."

"While she does that I still want you to come in for weekly checkups so I can check in on your little girl."

"Little girl?" Hope said.

Elena's eyes widened "oh god I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin that for you."

Hope and Josie just looked at each other and smiled completely forgetting what they were just told about their daughter for just a moment. Q

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