Chapter 10

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After they were done dancing Josie complained about how tired she was so Hope suggested they turn in for the night.

As they were walking through the woods Josie suddenly stopped.

"Is something wrong?" Hope asked concerned.

"Oh it's nothing I just need a minute my feet have just been killing me lately," Josie said.

Hope stood there for a moment before she picked Josie up bridal style earning a surprised gasp from the brunette

"What are you doing."

"Your feet hurt so I'm gonna carry you to your bed" Hope smiled before she started walking.

"But I'm heavy now" Josie frowned.

"Well I'm a tribrid and you weigh nothing to me and don't say that you're perfect."

"Oh shut up you sweet talker" Josie smiled and laid her head on Hope's chest as the auburn walked them into the school and Josie's room.

Hope gently laid the brunette on the bed "I should probably go."

The brunette gently grabbed Hope's wrist "please stay."

Hope just nodded "yeah okay..." she said as Josie lifted her blanket for the auburn.

Hope took off her shoes and crawled into bed with the brunette.

Hope rested her hand on Josie's stomach while Josie put her hand on top of Hope's.

Just as they were about to sleep they both
felt their daughter kick.

"Woah" Josie looked down at her stomach.

"Has that happened before?" Hope smiled.

"No never" Josie laughed.

Hope suddenly moved down the bed
until her head was by Josie's stomach "hi little one."

Josie just smiled lovingly at the girl.

"I was scared at first but I'm excited to meet you and I will do anything to protect you I promise," Hope said and kissed Josie's stomach.

Suddenly Josie's door was opened ruining the moment.

"What the fuck" Finch said looking at Josie and then Hope.

Hope rolled her eyes and sat up.

"This is what you're doing with her are you serious."

"Will you stop? you are always so suffocating! we didn't do anything for the one-hundredth time and she was talking to our baby."

"Oh yeah I'm sure that's what you were doing she wants to get into your pants," Finch said.

"Get out," Josie said.

"What?" Finch looked at her disbelieving.

"I said get out I'm honestly so done I can't do this anymore."

"What do you mean you're done??" Finch flashed her wolf eyes and stepped closer.

Hope got off the bed and stood in front of Josie "you heard her get out."

"This is all your fault," Finch said and tried to throw a punch at Hope but Hope caught Finch's fist in her hand and twisted her wrist.

"Fuck you bitch!" she tried punching Hope again but Hope ended up punching her in the nose and throwing her out of the room.

"She always did annoy me," Hope said wiping Finch's blood off her hands.

"I know" Josie sighed.

Hope then walked back and got into bed with Josie and wrapped her arms around the brunette "are you okay?"

"No, but I will be" she smiled at Hope before laying her head on the auburn shoulder.

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